Author Topic: Stop arguing percentages and look at the bigger picture.  (Read 22510 times)

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Offline tonyk

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You act like being an early adopter is a privilege, that you deserve everything you can get your hands on. Let me tell you it is not. It is a gift, maybe the greatest gift anyone has ever received - and it is time that you take on the responsibility that goes along with it.

I think we are seeing "true colors" from a lot of people, out on display for all the community to see. Who can handle the intensity of the reality of what needs to be done? I am most impressed by the ones that haveaccepted this reality, even though it may have meant a temporary personal "loss". My observation is that those who hold most tightly to their "expectations", are the ones who cry the loudest when they find out the world does not revolve around them.

I'm getting sick of Rune's thinly hidden cheerleading.  The account is not even a month old and this person is condescending to people who have been around far longer, done far more, and bought into something completely different.

He is telling us same cheerleading we heard before he was even around.

It was not an honor or a privilege to have been early investors.  We did this by making the correct decisions.  Make those correct decisions required labor and intelligence.  We worked for it.  You probably came around after seeing BTSX on coinmarketcap.  So save your bullshit for others.

As for everything else it seems fairly close to a done deal.  I'm not happy, but mainly it is over the cultural shift.  It is likely required and likely a good thing.  I just don't understand what exactly these "mergers" mean or what exactly they imply and it is a source of my irritation. The value equation is very complicated and depends on a lot of small factors which have been vague and scattered about.

In the end I'd ask people to start being nicer.  I'm sure Dan never really wanted it to turn out like this, and it really is as much a proactive move as reactive I believe.  Yesterday I had a lot little jabs and snide posts.  It is hard not to be that way.  For me this pivot makes it harder to be a rah-rah fanboy as my vision isn't as much aligned with this single DAC centric one.  I'd imagine it is like being a sports fan (whatever thats like) and seeing your whole team just die on the field.  Ok.. not really.. I'm kidding.. Seriously though I will try to be more positive.  We'll see where she goes as I can't see any other project as worthy of my time.  :|
I'm tired of seeing all the squealing and moaning about percentage this and percentage that, and the petty infighting of people who complain they didn't get enough of the pie, arguing that they should get more of some other guys piece.

Look at the bigger picture. Look at what we are making.

A couple of years from now, you will have wealth that is completely unfathomable to you now. It will not make any difference if your current stake is cut in half, or cut into tenths - you will have more money than you could ever possibly spend.

You act like being an early adopter is a privilege, that you deserve everything you can get your hands on. Let me tell you it is not. It is a gift, maybe the greatest gift anyone has ever received - and it is time that you take on the responsibility that goes along with it.

The last thing BM and the team need to worry about right now are people moaning on the forums. There are space ships to build, and until they're built and safely in interstellar space there is no time to spend on ANYTHING else.

You got in at the ground. Now help build the ground floor. And then the top floor. And then the biggest freaking crypto-rocket the world has ever seen.

If you want to take on your responsibility as a stakeholder, then go read the thread about transparency measures ( and help envision how YOU, as a stakeholder, can help govern this ship.

 +5% for both...

Am I the only one as exited as scared and as scared as exited?
« Last Edit: October 22, 2014, 08:54:28 pm by tonyk »
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline Rune

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I'm a cheerleader, yes. Not for Dan though, my allegiance lies with blockchain technology and nowhere else. The superDAC happens to be the optimal incarnation of blockchain tech, and Dan is the harbinger that will made it manifest into this world. This is the real beginning of what Satoshi started, and how de we celebrate this event? With forum drama. I just can't help but find it embarrassing.

There is going to be forum drama when some poeple just took a huge loss and others didnt.

Hopefully Bytemaster's new modification will make everyone happy and we can all move forward together.

+5% Huge loss confirmed. On another note, we should end the class system that has emerged in this community.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "class system" but by the end of the year I3 will have approximately zero employees.  Everybody will be going to work for BTS the MegaDAC.  All of us will be employees (or small businesses) the shareholders can fire via the delegate selection mechanism.

I'm not quite sure what it will be like to work for an unmanned company, but that should put us all in about the same class boat.

What is the rationale for having entire companies be delegates? It spreads out risk and makes it more difficult for stakeholders to determine if they can trust them or not. What to do in the situation where 3 people have a delegate together, 2 of them excellent workers and one of them bad?

I see no reason for there to be any middlemen between the work done for the DAC and the payment received for that work. More importantly, if the DAC has already decided that it trusts a person enough to hire him as an employee, it will also trust him enough to run a trusted node in the network. It is irrational to not leverage this trust to increase decentralization by having all employees run delegates.

If a desired employee isn't technically able to run a delegate, instead if making exceptions the DAC should simply expend the resources necessary to teach the employee to run the delegate.

The amount of value generated from absolute transparency and absolute stakeholder control should make these two things the highest priority for a DAC, in my opinion.

Well you can certainly vote that way and evangelize your beliefs to others.

I'll give you some simple examples:

Example 1.  While those of our staff who are public facing can develop their own reputation and become independent delegates, what about support staff?  Are business people and accountants and legal support and custodian and IT support folks supposed to occupy individual delegate slots?

Example 2:  As competition heats up, some of the beloved personalities on this forum might want to band together as a delegate team where each of them individually might not carry enough celebrity weight to get elected by themselves.

Example 3:  BitSapphier is the company that maintains this forum.  Its a composite of perhaps several people that work part time to keep things running.

Example 4:  Last I looked ABL and Toast teamed up to be a delegate - Toast handled the technical side and ABL handled the celebrity side.  I expect this to be a common delegate model.

Bottom line, its a competition to put together 101 valuable services for the industry.  Competition breeds excellence and excellence breeds a far better future than burning your minting fees in the fiery Cracks of Mt. Doom.

The way I see it, any person who the DAC trusts enough to make continuous payments to, should have a delegate. There is no reason not to leverage this trust. If there are not enough delegate slots to accommodate all employees, then the total amount of delegate slots could simply be increased, with 101 delegates chosen at random from the total pool of delegates each checkpoint cycle (and payment rate increased accordingly).

I see your point about lawyers and accountants, there are situations where "middle man" payments cannot be avoided. The important thing in this situation, IMO, is to always have a clear ladder of responsibility, with a singular trusted delegate taking on the responsibility of those that are not trusted. I think it would be really bad to have a situation where trust is "spread" over several people, especially if more than one person controls the delegate.

The "forum celebrity" makes sense though. As long as stakeholders are very careful in their voting habits and are very strong in their demands for transparency I guess it might be possible to do safely.

The reason why I'm so anxious to see good voting habits implemented is that I have reached the (daydreaming) conclusion that the first superDAC to gain a significant network effect will eventually come to own all assets on the planet. I don't think it's possible to be too careful considering the potential implications if the voting culture gets corrupted along the way, and that's why I think we need to set a strong example from the very beginning.

Offline Stan

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I'm a cheerleader, yes. Not for Dan though, my allegiance lies with blockchain technology and nowhere else. The superDAC happens to be the optimal incarnation of blockchain tech, and Dan is the harbinger that will made it manifest into this world. This is the real beginning of what Satoshi started, and how de we celebrate this event? With forum drama. I just can't help but find it embarrassing.

There is going to be forum drama when some poeple just took a huge loss and others didnt.

Hopefully Bytemaster's new modification will make everyone happy and we can all move forward together.

+5% Huge loss confirmed. On another note, we should end the class system that has emerged in this community.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "class system" but by the end of the year I3 will have approximately zero employees.  Everybody will be going to work for BTS the MegaDAC.  All of us will be employees (or small businesses) the shareholders can fire via the delegate selection mechanism.

I'm not quite sure what it will be like to work for an unmanned company, but that should put us all in about the same class boat.

What is the rationale for having entire companies be delegates? It spreads out risk and makes it more difficult for stakeholders to determine if they can trust them or not. What to do in the situation where 3 people have a delegate together, 2 of them excellent workers and one of them bad?

I see no reason for there to be any middlemen between the work done for the DAC and the payment received for that work. More importantly, if the DAC has already decided that it trusts a person enough to hire him as an employee, it will also trust him enough to run a trusted node in the network. It is irrational to not leverage this trust to increase decentralization by having all employees run delegates.

If a desired employee isn't technically able to run a delegate, instead if making exceptions the DAC should simply expend the resources necessary to teach the employee to run the delegate.

The amount of value generated from absolute transparency and absolute stakeholder control should make these two things the highest priority for a DAC, in my opinion.

Well you can certainly vote that way and evangelize your beliefs to others.

I'll give you some simple examples:

Example 1.  While those of our staff who are public facing can develop their own reputation and become independent delegates, what about support staff?  Are business people and accountants and legal support and custodian and IT support folks supposed to occupy individual delegate slots?

Example 2:  As competition heats up, some of the beloved personalities on this forum might want to band together as a delegate team where each of them individually might not carry enough celebrity weight to get elected by themselves.

Example 3:  BitSapphier is the company that maintains this forum.  Its a composite of perhaps several people that work part time to keep things running.

Example 4:  Last I looked ABL and Toast teamed up to be a delegate - Toast handled the technical side and ABL handled the celebrity side.  I expect this to be a common delegate model.

Bottom line, its a competition to put together 101 valuable services for the industry.  Competition breeds excellence and excellence breeds a far better future than burning your minting fees in the fiery Cracks of Mt. Doom.

Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract of any kind.   These are merely my opinions which I reserve the right to change at any time.

Offline Method-X

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I'm a cheerleader, yes. Not for Dan though, my allegiance lies with blockchain technology and nowhere else. The superDAC happens to be the optimal incarnation of blockchain tech, and Dan is the harbinger that will made it manifest into this world. This is the real beginning of what Satoshi started, and how de we celebrate this event? With forum drama. I just can't help but find it embarrassing.

There is going to be forum drama when some poeple just took a huge loss and others didnt.

Hopefully Bytemaster's new modification will make everyone happy and we can all move forward together.

+5% Huge loss confirmed. On another note, we should end the class system that has emerged in this community.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "class system" but by the end of the year I3 will have approximately zero employees.  Everybody will be going to work for BTS the MegaDAC.  All of us will be employees (or small businesses) the shareholders can fire via the delegate selection mechanism.

I'm not quite sure what it will be like to work for an unmanned company, but that should put us all in about the same class boat.

I'm not one to have "faith" in anything but I must admit bytemaster, you and the rest of the founding Bitshares team come as close as anything is likely to get. Knowing that you have a master plan for transparency brings me even more confidence in the vision of this team.

What I mean by "class system" is the sense of entitlement I see from a small minority of AGS donors. Consolidating everything into BTS is the best move you could have ever made.

Offline CryptoPrometheus

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I'm not trying to pick a fight, but Gamey, didn't you just get done saying "in the end, I'd ask people to start being nicer"  :)
Let Rune have his fun. Since when did optimism become such a threat? Even if some of it might be unfounded....
It isn't the optimism, it is the talk about other's behavior being embarrassing when they're fighting for their investments and giving up part of the ideals that were presented to them.  That isn't exactly true, but it is close enough without going into verbose mode.  It is also irritating, telling people they are lucky, when they put a lot of effort into making their decisions, far before the BTSX crowd showed up.  Optimism alone is fine, but when he mixes it up with the latter, then it becomes very irritating to me and I'm still not back to non-cranky mode.

I totally understand. Seems a lot of emotions are running high right now. I've been "all in" on Invictus since March, PTS, AGS, BTSX, the works, so I'm well aware of the diverse and conflicting positions of the everybody. But honestly, what other projects out there are as promising as what's going on with Bitshares? I'm looking at the "lucky" concept as, well, I chose to invest in Invictus because I believed in their leadership, and have always recognized the potential for messiness. This is a brand new complex thing we are trying to do....
"Power and law are not synonymous. In fact, they are often in opposition and irreconcilable."
- Cicero

Offline Rune

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You act like being an early adopter is a privilege, that you deserve everything you can get your hands on. Let me tell you it is not. It is a gift, maybe the greatest gift anyone has ever received - and it is time that you take on the responsibility that goes along with it.

I'm a cheerleader, yes. Not for Dan though, my allegiance lies with blockchain technology and nowhere else. The superDAC happens to be the optimal incarnation of blockchain tech, and Dan is the harbinger that will made it manifest into this world. This is the real beginning of what Satoshi started, and how de we celebrate this event? With forum drama. I just can't help but find it embarrassing.

The bolded is embarrassing.  Then telling everyone they are lucky.  No, we were smart and took the largest risks.  Your ass kissing is disgusting and probably has some motive down the road.

No amount of intelligence or risk makes a human deserve the amount of money we are going to get. I can see where you're coming from, it actually does look like I'm kissing ass, and I admit it's over the top. With "the greatest gift there is", what I meant was in a monetary sense... I'm having a hard time imagining if any individual humans have ever had access to the amount of wealth we few early adopters are going to get access to. I imagine all the things that BTS is going to do and get carried away...

But really, for us to be a part of it is just luck. We were in the right place at the right time, lucky enough to possess the right skills to understand the significance of what was in front of us. In the end it is no different than someone being born to riches, or being born exceptionally intelligent, or exceptionally good looking. It's even the same with bytemaster. He's lucky he is smart enough to have the ideas he has, and he knows that with that power comes an equally large responsibility.

Calling it luck means acknowledging that with the massive payoff we are going to get, we have to give something back, we have a responsibility to take what is given to us, and we have to make sure it is used for good. It saddens me that people will still fight each other for the scraps even in the face of the insane payoff we will get, and it makes me realize that even the new system we are building might fall into the same traps as all others before it.

Then again I guess my problem is that I'm unable to acknowledge that not all people see things the same way I do. Obviously someone who doesn't realize that our success is close to certain at this point will be outraged at the losses.

God you are full of it.

It isn't "just luck".  I find it very offensive given how much I put into learning various crypto-stuff before settling on a team I believed in.  You came in here really really recently after a lot of the risk was removed.  Please, spare us.  People arguing about the %s is to be expected.  It is no worse than the vacant air escaping your fingers.

It will die off when it dies off and not because of your added noise.

Remember there's a human behind every forum account. There is really no need to be hostile. I'm sorry if my philosophy about the nature of luck offends you, it was really not my intention. I'm sure if you got to know me you'd find we probably have many things in common, even if we disagree on this (ultimately meaningless) point.

Edit: also I'm sorry for the blanket statement saying it is embarrassing. That was dismissive of other peoples concerns and very rude. What I actually meant is that I'm sad to see infighting in the community when we need to stand together. But I guess you are right that it will be inevitable.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2014, 08:08:39 pm by Rune »

Offline gamey

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I'm not trying to pick a fight, but Gamey, didn't you just get done saying "in the end, I'd ask people to start being nicer"  :)
Let Rune have his fun. Since when did optimism become such a threat? Even if some of it might be unfounded....
It isn't the optimism, it is the talk about other's behavior being embarrassing when they're fighting for their investments and giving up part of the ideals that were presented to them.  That isn't exactly true, but it is close enough without going into verbose mode.  It is also irritating, telling people they are lucky, when they put a lot of effort into making their decisions, far before the BTSX crowd showed up.  Optimism alone is fine, but when he mixes it up with the latter, then it becomes very irritating to me and I'm still not back to non-cranky mode.
I speak for myself and only myself.

Offline Rune

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I'm a cheerleader, yes. Not for Dan though, my allegiance lies with blockchain technology and nowhere else. The superDAC happens to be the optimal incarnation of blockchain tech, and Dan is the harbinger that will made it manifest into this world. This is the real beginning of what Satoshi started, and how de we celebrate this event? With forum drama. I just can't help but find it embarrassing.

There is going to be forum drama when some poeple just took a huge loss and others didnt.

Hopefully Bytemaster's new modification will make everyone happy and we can all move forward together.

+5% Huge loss confirmed. On another note, we should end the class system that has emerged in this community.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "class system" but by the end of the year I3 will have approximately zero employees.  Everybody will be going to work for BTS the MegaDAC.  All of us will be employees (or small businesses) the shareholders can fire via the delegate selection mechanism.

I'm not quite sure what it will be like to work for an unmanned company, but that should put us all in about the same class boat.

What is the rationale for having entire companies be delegates? It spreads out risk and makes it more difficult for stakeholders to determine if they can trust them or not. What to do in the situation where 3 people have a delegate together, 2 of them excellent workers and one of them bad?

I see no reason for there to be any middlemen between the work done for the DAC and the payment received for that work. More importantly, if the DAC has already decided that it trusts a person enough to hire him as an employee, it will also trust him enough to run a trusted node in the network. It is irrational to not leverage this trust to increase decentralization by having all employees run delegates.

If a desired employee isn't technically able to run a delegate, instead if making exceptions the DAC should simply expend the resources necessary to teach the employee to run the delegate.

The amount of value generated from absolute transparency and absolute stakeholder control should make these two things the highest priority for a DAC, in my opinion.

Offline oco101

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You act like being an early adopter is a privilege, that you deserve everything you can get your hands on. Let me tell you it is not. It is a gift, maybe the greatest gift anyone has ever received - and it is time that you take on the responsibility that goes along with it.

I'm a cheerleader, yes. Not for Dan though, my allegiance lies with blockchain technology and nowhere else. The superDAC happens to be the optimal incarnation of blockchain tech, and Dan is the harbinger that will made it manifest into this world. This is the real beginning of what Satoshi started, and how de we celebrate this event? With forum drama. I just can't help but find it embarrassing.

The bolded is embarrassing.  Then telling everyone they are lucky.  No, we were smart and took the largest risks.  Your ass kissing is disgusting and probably has some motive down the road.

No amount of intelligence or risk makes a human deserve the amount of money we are going to get. I can see where you're coming from, it actually does look like I'm kissing ass, and I admit it's over the top. With "the greatest gift there is", what I meant was in a monetary sense... I'm having a hard time imagining if any individual humans have ever had access to the amount of wealth we few early adopters are going to get access to. I imagine all the things that BTS is going to do and get carried away...

But really, for us to be a part of it is just luck. We were in the right place at the right time, lucky enough to possess the right skills to understand the significance of what was in front of us. In the end it is no different than someone being born to riches, or being born exceptionally intelligent, or exceptionally good looking. It's even the same with bytemaster. He's lucky he is smart enough to have the ideas he has, and he knows that with that power comes an equally large responsibility.

Calling it luck means acknowledging that with the massive payoff we are going to get, we have to give something back, we have a responsibility to take what is given to us, and we have to make sure it is used for good. It saddens me that people will still fight each other for the scraps even in the face of the insane payoff we will get, and it makes me realize that even the new system we are building might fall into the same traps as all others before it.

Then again I guess my problem is that I'm unable to acknowledge that not all people see things the same way I do. Obviously someone who doesn't realize that our success is close to certain at this point will be outraged at the losses.

 +5% for unbridled optimism in the face of uncertainty. I must admit, I too have been feeling a greater and greater sense of optimism as I've watched the devs navigate through this latest hurdle.

Well I don't really believe that we will all become rich, I hope Bitshare will be the promise DAC that you hope .. But anyway your  optimism can't hurt. Especially now when everybody is shooting at each other. So +1
« Last Edit: October 22, 2014, 07:57:59 pm by oco101 »

Offline CryptoPrometheus

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You act like being an early adopter is a privilege, that you deserve everything you can get your hands on. Let me tell you it is not. It is a gift, maybe the greatest gift anyone has ever received - and it is time that you take on the responsibility that goes along with it.

I'm a cheerleader, yes. Not for Dan though, my allegiance lies with blockchain technology and nowhere else. The superDAC happens to be the optimal incarnation of blockchain tech, and Dan is the harbinger that will made it manifest into this world. This is the real beginning of what Satoshi started, and how de we celebrate this event? With forum drama. I just can't help but find it embarrassing.

The bolded is embarrassing.  Then telling everyone they are lucky.  No, we were smart and took the largest risks.  Your ass kissing is disgusting and probably has some motive down the road.

No amount of intelligence or risk makes a human deserve the amount of money we are going to get. I can see where you're coming from, it actually does look like I'm kissing ass, and I admit it's over the top. With "the greatest gift there is", what I meant was in a monetary sense... I'm having a hard time imagining if any individual humans have ever had access to the amount of wealth we few early adopters are going to get access to. I imagine all the things that BTS is going to do and get carried away...

But really, for us to be a part of it is just luck. We were in the right place at the right time, lucky enough to possess the right skills to understand the significance of what was in front of us. In the end it is no different than someone being born to riches, or being born exceptionally intelligent, or exceptionally good looking. It's even the same with bytemaster. He's lucky he is smart enough to have the ideas he has, and he knows that with that power comes an equally large responsibility.

Calling it luck means acknowledging that with the massive payoff we are going to get, we have to give something back, we have a responsibility to take what is given to us, and we have to make sure it is used for good. It saddens me that people will still fight each other for the scraps even in the face of the insane payoff we will get, and it makes me realize that even the new system we are building might fall into the same traps as all others before it.

Then again I guess my problem is that I'm unable to acknowledge that not all people see things the same way I do. Obviously someone who doesn't realize that our success is close to certain at this point will be outraged at the losses.

God you are full of it.

It isn't "just luck".  I find it very offensive given how much I put into learning various crypto-stuff before settling on a team I believed in.  You came in here really really recently after a lot of the risk was removed.  Please, spare us.  People arguing about the %s is to be expected.  It is no worse than the vacant air escaping your fingers.

It will die off when it dies off and not because of your added noise.

I'm not trying to pick a fight, but Gamey, didn't you just get done saying "in the end, I'd ask people to start being nicer"  :)
Let Rune have his fun. Since when did optimism become such a threat? Even if some of it might be unfounded....
"Power and law are not synonymous. In fact, they are often in opposition and irreconcilable."
- Cicero

Offline CryptoPrometheus

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You act like being an early adopter is a privilege, that you deserve everything you can get your hands on. Let me tell you it is not. It is a gift, maybe the greatest gift anyone has ever received - and it is time that you take on the responsibility that goes along with it.

I'm a cheerleader, yes. Not for Dan though, my allegiance lies with blockchain technology and nowhere else. The superDAC happens to be the optimal incarnation of blockchain tech, and Dan is the harbinger that will made it manifest into this world. This is the real beginning of what Satoshi started, and how de we celebrate this event? With forum drama. I just can't help but find it embarrassing.

The bolded is embarrassing.  Then telling everyone they are lucky.  No, we were smart and took the largest risks.  Your ass kissing is disgusting and probably has some motive down the road.

No amount of intelligence or risk makes a human deserve the amount of money we are going to get. I can see where you're coming from, it actually does look like I'm kissing ass, and I admit it's over the top. With "the greatest gift there is", what I meant was in a monetary sense... I'm having a hard time imagining if any individual humans have ever had access to the amount of wealth we few early adopters are going to get access to. I imagine all the things that BTS is going to do and get carried away...

But really, for us to be a part of it is just luck. We were in the right place at the right time, lucky enough to possess the right skills to understand the significance of what was in front of us. In the end it is no different than someone being born to riches, or being born exceptionally intelligent, or exceptionally good looking. It's even the same with bytemaster. He's lucky he is smart enough to have the ideas he has, and he knows that with that power comes an equally large responsibility.

Calling it luck means acknowledging that with the massive payoff we are going to get, we have to give something back, we have a responsibility to take what is given to us, and we have to make sure it is used for good. It saddens me that people will still fight each other for the scraps even in the face of the insane payoff we will get, and it makes me realize that even the new system we are building might fall into the same traps as all others before it.

Then again I guess my problem is that I'm unable to acknowledge that not all people see things the same way I do. Obviously someone who doesn't realize that our success is close to certain at this point will be outraged at the losses.

 +5% for unbridled optimism in the face of uncertainty. I must admit, I too have been feeling a greater and greater sense of optimism as I've watched the devs navigate through this latest hurdle.
"Power and law are not synonymous. In fact, they are often in opposition and irreconcilable."
- Cicero

Offline gamey

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You act like being an early adopter is a privilege, that you deserve everything you can get your hands on. Let me tell you it is not. It is a gift, maybe the greatest gift anyone has ever received - and it is time that you take on the responsibility that goes along with it.

I'm a cheerleader, yes. Not for Dan though, my allegiance lies with blockchain technology and nowhere else. The superDAC happens to be the optimal incarnation of blockchain tech, and Dan is the harbinger that will made it manifest into this world. This is the real beginning of what Satoshi started, and how de we celebrate this event? With forum drama. I just can't help but find it embarrassing.

The bolded is embarrassing.  Then telling everyone they are lucky.  No, we were smart and took the largest risks.  Your ass kissing is disgusting and probably has some motive down the road.

No amount of intelligence or risk makes a human deserve the amount of money we are going to get. I can see where you're coming from, it actually does look like I'm kissing ass, and I admit it's over the top. With "the greatest gift there is", what I meant was in a monetary sense... I'm having a hard time imagining if any individual humans have ever had access to the amount of wealth we few early adopters are going to get access to. I imagine all the things that BTS is going to do and get carried away...

But really, for us to be a part of it is just luck. We were in the right place at the right time, lucky enough to possess the right skills to understand the significance of what was in front of us. In the end it is no different than someone being born to riches, or being born exceptionally intelligent, or exceptionally good looking. It's even the same with bytemaster. He's lucky he is smart enough to have the ideas he has, and he knows that with that power comes an equally large responsibility.

Calling it luck means acknowledging that with the massive payoff we are going to get, we have to give something back, we have a responsibility to take what is given to us, and we have to make sure it is used for good. It saddens me that people will still fight each other for the scraps even in the face of the insane payoff we will get, and it makes me realize that even the new system we are building might fall into the same traps as all others before it.

Then again I guess my problem is that I'm unable to acknowledge that not all people see things the same way I do. Obviously someone who doesn't realize that our success is close to certain at this point will be outraged at the losses.

God you are full of it.

It isn't "just luck".  I find it very offensive given how much I put into learning various crypto-stuff before settling on a team I believed in.  You came in here really really recently after a lot of the risk was removed.  Please, spare us.  People arguing about the %s is to be expected.  It is no worse than the vacant air escaping your fingers.

It will die off when it dies off and not because of your added noise.
I speak for myself and only myself.

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You act like being an early adopter is a privilege, that you deserve everything you can get your hands on. Let me tell you it is not. It is a gift, maybe the greatest gift anyone has ever received - and it is time that you take on the responsibility that goes along with it.

I'm a cheerleader, yes. Not for Dan though, my allegiance lies with blockchain technology and nowhere else. The superDAC happens to be the optimal incarnation of blockchain tech, and Dan is the harbinger that will made it manifest into this world. This is the real beginning of what Satoshi started, and how de we celebrate this event? With forum drama. I just can't help but find it embarrassing.

The bolded is embarrassing.  Then telling everyone they are lucky.  No, we were smart and took the largest risks.  Your ass kissing is disgusting and probably has some motive down the road.

No amount of intelligence or risk makes a human deserve the amount of money we are going to get. I can see where you're coming from, it actually does look like I'm kissing ass, and I admit it's over the top. With "the greatest gift there is", what I meant was in a monetary sense... I'm having a hard time imagining if any individual humans have ever had access to the amount of wealth we few early adopters are going to get access to. I imagine all the things that BTS is going to do and get carried away...

But really, for us to be a part of it is just luck. We were in the right place at the right time, lucky enough to possess the right skills to understand the significance of what was in front of us. In the end it is no different than someone being born to riches, or being born exceptionally intelligent, or exceptionally good looking. It's even the same with bytemaster. He's lucky he is smart enough to have the ideas he has, and he knows that with that power comes an equally large responsibility.

Calling it luck means acknowledging that with the massive payoff we are going to get, we have to give something back, we have a responsibility to take what is given to us, and we have to make sure it is used for good. It saddens me that people will still fight each other for the scraps even in the face of the insane payoff we will get, and it makes me realize that even the new system we are building might fall into the same traps as all others before it.

Then again I guess my problem is that I'm unable to acknowledge that not all people see things the same way I do. Obviously someone who doesn't realize that our success is close to certain at this point will be outraged at the losses.

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I'm a cheerleader, yes. Not for Dan though, my allegiance lies with blockchain technology and nowhere else. The superDAC happens to be the optimal incarnation of blockchain tech, and Dan is the harbinger that will made it manifest into this world. This is the real beginning of what Satoshi started, and how de we celebrate this event? With forum drama. I just can't help but find it embarrassing.

There is going to be forum drama when some poeple just took a huge loss and others didnt.

Hopefully Bytemaster's new modification will make everyone happy and we can all move forward together.

+5% Huge loss confirmed. On another note, we should end the class system that has emerged in this community.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "class system" but by the end of the year I3 will have approximately zero employees.  Everybody will be going to work for BTS the MegaDAC.  All of us will be employees (or small businesses) the shareholders can fire via the delegate selection mechanism.

I'm not quite sure what it will be like to work for an unmanned company, but that should put us all in about the same class boat.
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Offline Method-X

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I'm a cheerleader, yes. Not for Dan though, my allegiance lies with blockchain technology and nowhere else. The superDAC happens to be the optimal incarnation of blockchain tech, and Dan is the harbinger that will made it manifest into this world. This is the real beginning of what Satoshi started, and how de we celebrate this event? With forum drama. I just can't help but find it embarrassing.

There is going to be forum drama when some poeple just took a huge loss and others didnt.

Hopefully Bytemaster's new modification will make everyone happy and we can all move forward together.

+5% Huge loss confirmed. On another note, we should end the class system that has emerged in this community.