These all look like great ideas, intermixed with a bunch of stupid comments and bad ideas. Do you expect me, or The bytemaster to waste lots of time trying to read and digest all that is being said here, intermixed with all the garbage and changes?
My point being, discussing things like this is a complete waste of time for everyone. You don't believe you can change the Bytemasters POV, but if you build enough consensus, with enough well reasoned and unanimously agreed on arguments, all very concisely stated (not needing to read 1000 posts to get the state of the art of what you are talking about) you would have a far better chance of having influence on him and everyone else.
We've started a consensus building survey topic on this issue over at would be much more efficient if people concisely describe your proposals, and create a new camp for them, and start building consensus for the ideas. Getting something done, or convincing someone is not the problem; the only problem is building enough consensus. Once you have anough consensus, you can do anything. The first community that learns how to communicate concisely and quantitatively, and is best able to build a large consensus will win this crypto currency battle.
All the chaotic talk like this is just driving down the price of BTSX,, destroying consensus and fracturing the comunity.