Author Topic: Advice wanted: I'm considering running a marketing delegate.  (Read 29746 times)

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Offline vegolino

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That's exactly how delegation is supposed to work. People with the means to develop the product (through marketing and otherwise) are motivated by delegate pay to do just that.

You should hook up with somebody who is good with computers and have at it.

Offline bitmarket

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MethodX is a very smart marketer.   +5%  That would cause me to vote.   Tell me how.
Host of BitShares.TV and Author of BitShares 101

Offline hpenvy

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I will vote MeTHoDx in as a marketing delegate with 100% pay rate.

I would suggest a public discourse with Brian to ensure your marketing efforts do not conflict with I3's strategy (whatever that may be).

Exactly, I hate to think we are overlapping work because nobody knows what's happening behind the scenes.
btsx address: hpenvy
Tips appreciated for good work

Offline Empirical1.1

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Banner idea for crypto sites,
This ad sponsored by the BitShares blockchain
Can your blockchain purchase ad space?
haha that's a good one.

I think if we were to do a CMC banner it should be during a bitcoin price fall. The banner would advertise how stable bitUSD is.

 +5% Yeah that's what I'd like to see.

Offline Mysto

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Banner idea for crypto sites,
This ad sponsored by the BitShares blockchain
Can your blockchain purchase ad space?
haha that's a good one.

I think if we were to do a CMC banner it should be during a bitcoin price fall. The banner would advertise how stable bitUSD is.

Offline sschechter

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Banner idea for crypto sites,

What is BitShares? Separate fact from FUD (because you know how the nerds love using the word FUD):
What is BitUSD? Separate fact from FUD


This ad sponsored by the BitShares blockchain
Can your blockchain purchase ad space?
« Last Edit: October 29, 2014, 10:29:16 pm by sschechter »
BTSX: sschechter
PTS: PvBUyPrDRkJLVXZfvWjdudRtQgv1Fcy5Qe

Offline Gentso1

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Could you list maybe a few ideas you had that you would be able to achieve with your budget?  Or even a couple of different idea's that would be across a few budget's. Ideally Maybe another delegate or a group could merge funds to create a larger effect, If they all believe in the same strategy.

Well, 50 BTS per block won't be enough to implement my entire vision but it will be sufficient enough to fund a small online advertising campaign targeting the lowest hanging fruit. All funds will go directly toward advertising. I consider this volunteer work.
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The budget and my personal time constraints won't allow for much more than this.
Thats a honest answer, It's not a huge sum of money now but in the future who knows. CMC banners are a great place to start because nearly ever coin uses CMC.

The pooling of funds from delegates behind common causes is really whats need to get the amount of money needed for anything worth while. The trick will probably be getting everyone to agree on said causes.... but its still a great effort on your part. If you can unite a few delegates under a common cause, hell that would be enough of a reason to vote you in right their.

Offline cass

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I apologize if this has been mentioned elsewhere but is there a website we can go to where we can view what it is that each of the 101 delegates are doing to help the DAC grow?

I think it would be a good idea if delegates had their own dedicated website where they talk about what it is they are going to do and WHY they should be delegates. Also, it might be a good idea if delegates post the metrics to be used to measure their performance. I think saying that you can't really measure performance is unacceptable.

I was thinking exactly about this ... i registered a domain for a site for delegate presentation etc. Will give you more details asap…
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Offline oldman

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I will vote MeTHoDx in as a marketing delegate with 100% pay rate.

I would suggest a public discourse with Brian to ensure your marketing efforts do not conflict with I3's strategy (whatever that may be).

Voting in multiple delegates to increase funding is interesting...

If you produce good results with the budget of one delegate I would support doubling your budget and voting you in for a second delegate. Then perhaps a third...

I find the ability to hire folks and determine their budgets fascinating!

Good work - you're hired!

Poor work - you're fired!

Shit is gettin' real.

Offline Method-X

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Could you list maybe a few ideas you had that you would be able to achieve with your budget?  Or even a couple of different idea's that would be across a few budget's. Ideally Maybe another delegate or a group could merge funds to create a larger effect, If they all believe in the same strategy.

Well, 50 BTS per block won't be enough to implement my entire vision but it will be sufficient enough to fund a small online advertising campaign targeting the lowest hanging fruit. All funds will go directly toward advertising. I consider this volunteer work.
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The budget and my personal time constraints won't allow for much more than this.

Offline inarizushi

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Marketing BTSX outside western countries :  +5% +5% +5%, my vote is for you ! | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads


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I would support you in this... this would be a "salary position" and not "give away funds"... so I support such a position.

Each delegate position earns about $2500 per month at todays market cap with 100% pay.   It isn't much, but then again you are independently wealthy and are seeing your own stake grow.

I assume this $2500 a month is for a 'salary delegate' and not a standard delegate.  Is there some official explanation of what a salary delegate is/how it works.  I've obviously missed it.

A delegate with 100% pay rate under the new rules...  50 BTS per block.

What would be the issues/drawbacks of electing 10 regular pay MethodX delegates at $250/Month vs 1 'salary' delegate at $2500infused/month.
($250 is just a guess for current conditions, I could be way off here, if it requires 50 positions obviously this won't work)

Other than the obvious loss in decentralization.  There are currently individuals with 4 or 5, and I'm willing to bet that with all the support shown here, that other delegates might be willing to redirect their pay to such a cause, myself being one.

I'm a little worried that we have immediately gone to option B, infuse capital.  Rather than intelligently gathering the capital that is already being dispersed.

At the moment BM can, at his discretion elect any delegates he wants.(though >12%vote may need collaboration) As the marketcap grows, fewer and fewer delegate spots would be required to fund such a project.  If need be, elect 10 different people who pledge support for this initiative rather than immediately opting for dilution.

I'd like to see a site where someone like MethodX can define his plan and delegates can pledge their support by offering some amount of their pay be redirected.  If this could be automated via API, even better.

What would be wrong with this approach?

Offline nethyb

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Great initiative, I'd certainly support your efforts and vote for your delegate...  +5%

Offline Gentso1

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I apologize if this has been mentioned elsewhere but is there a website we can go to where we can view what it is that each of the 101 delegates are doing to help the DAC grow?

I think it would be a good idea if delegates had their own dedicated website where they talk about what it is they are going to do and WHY they should be delegates. Also, it might be a good idea if delegates post the metrics to be used to measure their performance. I think saying that you can't really measure performance is unacceptable.

I was thinking a Facebook clone for delegates. A bare bones Facebook...

It seems like you have some experience in marketing, which is of course great.

Could you list maybe a few ideas you had that you would be able to achieve with your budget?  Or even a couple of different idea's that would be across a few budget's. Ideally Maybe another delegate or a group could merge funds to create a larger effect, If they all believe in the same strategy.