Author Topic: Sparkle - Because real money sparkles!  (Read 40422 times)

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Offline islandking

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When is the planned sharedrop date?
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Offline ag

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I'm still not won over by share-dropping on bts... how does sharedrop on bts help bitshares.. I don't get it. it's like, if Dell promise dell laptop to everyone with apple stocks at certain date. would apple company appreciate this strange offer.. I think it's market manipulation. as a holder of bitshares I don't appreciate unasked for share drops.

new idea: issue fixed amount user-issued-tokens per day, to bts users that send bitUSD to funding address. ags style fundraiser on bts chain. redeem these tokens for shares in DAC when it launches. here you are helping bitshares  by adopting its bitUSD making bitshares more valuable since it collateralizes more bitUSD. development funds held in bitUSD I assume need not be converted to dollars all at once, and will be destroyed gradually to pay development expense.

hmm but I guess the point is sparkes doesn't need to raise development funds.. but anyways for a DAC that does.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2014, 12:21:24 am by ag »

Offline bytemaster

I like the share drop promise, but I feel there's no way can I give over my private AGS keys to an unknown dev just for this

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Maybe this is all part of his (her?) strategy to prevent people from dumping their share drop ;)  Why do you need your keys if you can simply hodl until it builds enough trust?
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Offline carpet ride

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I like the share drop promise, but I feel there's no way can I give over my private AGS keys to an unknown dev just for this

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Offline Frodo

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Sparkle is an interesting idea. I wonder if people here realise that due to the POW nature of the thing, it is likely to have a higher coin price than BTS? At least during the pump and dump phase, anyway.

be very careful claiming the shares during that pump and dump.  It seems from what I am hearing that it is very dangerous to do...especially with a 3rd party dev who is unknown.

This should only be a problem for AGS though, as you can transfer your BTS/PTS before importing.

Offline fuzzy

Sparkle is an interesting idea. I wonder if people here realise that due to the POW nature of the thing, it is likely to have a higher coin price than BTS? At least during the pump and dump phase, anyway.

be very careful claiming the shares during that pump and dump.  It seems from what I am hearing that it is very dangerous to do...especially with a 3rd party dev who is unknown.
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Offline bytemaster

I'll share drop on to BTS if someone from the BTS community can produce a genesis.json file that is 30/30/30  AGS/PTS/BTS.   BitUSD holders should get nothing shorts should get a benefit because I want to encourage those willing to take out short positions to join Sparkle.  Include all bids/asks/etc.

Sounds like a fair offer.   Perhaps HackFisher can help?   
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Offline sparkles

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I'll share drop on to BTS if someone from the BTS community can produce a genesis.json file that is 30/30/30  AGS/PTS/BTS.   BitUSD holders should get nothing shorts should get a benefit because I want to encourage those willing to take out short positions to join Sparkle.  Include all bids/asks/etc.

Offline islandking

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I think sparkle should drop onto BTS holders as well.
I've been working on a new electronic cash system that's fully peer-to-peer, with no trusted third party. - Satoshi

Offline monsterer

Sparkle is an interesting idea. I wonder if people here realise that due to the POW nature of the thing, it is likely to have a higher coin price than BTS? At least during the pump and dump phase, anyway.
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Some of my thoughts:

- assume you want to start a own community i.e. a mailing list as Stan likes to call it
- IPOs are considered scam .. so IPO/AGS style funding is not attractive
- further assume that you want to have a non-NXT initial distribution
- what is left is a POW coin that people can mine .. or ripple/xrp

TL;DR;  let the devs start with POW in the BitShares space to gather
- their own community
- get used to the BitShares client and the source code
- accelerate adoption (at least in terms of the BitShares philosophy)

Once we got the people to objectively consider BitShares and like the ecosystem as a whole they will also be interested in learning about the grandfather BTS!

So I say:

Let it sparkle 8)

Offline fuzzy

This is precisely my point,  arhag. Not trying to single you out, but how much do you want to bet it is this attitude that turned that avenue off. 

I am not sure if your comment was directed at me or Ander (the person you quoted). But I think sparkles is completely rational in not sharedropping on BTS because ultimately we are / will be competitors. Now, I also think it would be more rational of him to sharedrop on BTC rather than AGS/PTS, but let's not go there.

I am not concerned at all about the best technology winning. We don't need to have a million different clones of our technology for that to happen. It will happen naturally in due time.

What I am not at all certain about is how the value of the stake that eventually power the same new dominant technology will be distributed. Will it be to BTS, BTC, Doge, Sparkles, [insert some new meme coin that hasn't been invent yet here]? I do believe however that we are better off concentrating our efforts behind one community (and thus necessarily one cryptoasset) rather than splitting our efforts in a million different directions and inevitably competing with ourselves unnecessarily.

Whoops! Sorry arhag :)
I think I agree with you on many fronts here...
I disagree that competing with ourselves is necessarily a bad thing.  I am of the belief that although dan came up wih somethig amazing, that is is very possible for another tech to come out that has similar strengths to dpos and maybe different weaknesses.  I think it would be silly, for instance, to think that overstock isnt paying some very smart people lots of money to develop the "bitshares killer".

We do have real competition and we need to recognize that without our protocol going viral, we risk being overshadowed by a xompetitor who reaches a bigger audience.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2014, 11:07:13 am by fuzzy »
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Offline Empirical1.1

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Apologies for the offence Mira :) The crypto-equity & currency demographic is 90%+ male and will remain predominantly male even as it expands into other key markets in the next few years. So something masculine/neutral is better than something overly feminine from a branding POV & 'Sparkle/s' is particularly feminine.

As a male, I have to say that I think sparkle is a far better name than spark. 

I am also sad that the creator of this coin apparently really hates BTS.  It wouldve been fun trying to create pony memes for it. :P

Yip, your answer highlighted the only way the brand name works, as a meme/joke. Like make it really pink, sparkly with pony memes & calling their wallet a purse  :P  'Damn bro, my pink purse is all out of sparkles!'

I disagree. This does not force us in any way to constain us to a meme. We are only constrained by our own willingness to reimagine everything. 

Sure, though, we could definitely be effective approaching it that way if done right.

I personally imagine  that "the more you know" symbol:

Only with the rainbow spun around in an ascending spiral with the star in the middle, and whatever coin it is sharedropped on encased by the golden star (so people know it meets minimum requirements to be called... " powered by BitShares ").

I like the vision :)

What would be interesting is to see what the connotation is to 'Sparkle' in China. My impression is that besides being a 90%+ male demographic too, they are also a more patriarchal, masculine society in general.

I also recently discussed BitShares a lot on bitcointalk, there's very little understanding & penetration of BitShares in the wider alt-coin market at all imo. This is an opportunity ofc but it also makes me ask where we got our earlier $80 million+ valuation from and how are we still at no.4? the answer for me, also looking at the PTS volumes since the beginning of the year is China.

Some say China was key in Bitcoin's rise to $1000 each and Litecoin's rise to a $Billion+ CAP. So for me if I think China loves it, I'm buying hand over fist, they're the lowest hanging fruit and will be the ones that take this or a BitAsset competitor to no.2 first imo.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2014, 02:12:39 am by Empirical1.1 »

Offline arhag

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This is precisely my point,  arhag. Not trying to single you out, but how much do you want to bet it is this attitude that turned that avenue off. 

I am not sure if your comment was directed at me or Ander (the person you quoted). But I think sparkles is completely rational in not sharedropping on BTS because ultimately we are / will be competitors. Now, I also think it would be more rational of him to sharedrop on BTC rather than AGS/PTS, but let's not go there.

I am not concerned at all about the best technology winning. We don't need to have a million different clones of our technology for that to happen. It will happen naturally in due time.

What I am not at all certain about is how the value of the stake that eventually power the same new dominant technology will be distributed. Will it be to BTS, BTC, Doge, Sparkles, [insert some new meme coin that hasn't been invent yet here]? I do believe however that we are better off concentrating our efforts behind one community (and thus necessarily one cryptoasset) rather than splitting our efforts in a million different directions and inevitably competing with ourselves unnecessarily.

Offline fuzzy

Quote from: mira link=topic=11662.msg154027#msg154027
We are only constrained by our own willingness to reimagine everything. 

I've no idea if the OP is a good idea or not.  But I am somewhat confused by the negative responses I've seen to 3rd part DAC proposals (except for TonyK2, who usually embeds suggestions for improvement in his heckling).  I thought that one of the beautiful ideas in BitShares was the idea of DACs that honor the social consensus, thereby growing the ecosystem in general and providing a marketing function for BitShares at the same time.

Mira, I could not have said it better myself. If we are not sharedropped on by a dev, we should be considering what we are doing wrong. In the early stages, we must all work to build as large a network effect as possible. Then we will truly be sharedrop worthy...and from that point the network effect takes hold and grows it on its own. I think most the people complaining are new, but I do from time to time see veterans here doing the same thing...which iagree, is confusing.
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