Author Topic: Delegate Proposal: media-delegate  (Read 15381 times)

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Offline ripplexiaoshan

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We have already had a 100% payrate delegate---Methox, why don't you join his team and prove your ability first.

Before Methox can prove that marketing can indeed bring some value to BTS, I don't think we need more marketing delegates.

Have you been following Nullstreet? There is enormous organizing and promotional work going on there. And it is all transparent and being done entirely on a voluntary basis so far, I guess you haven't been there or you would know. Check it out and just think what could happen with a few funded marketing delegates.

I agree with you, nullstreet has organized a lot of marketing activities, Methox and others did a great job. However, since it's still at very early stage, not many positive results are achieved. For example, their promoting posts in reddit were deleted by moderators there; The number of wallet registration users did not grow significantly. Everyone knows that the work of marketing should be evaluated by the results, not the time or efforts they spend.

Nevertheless, I do have the confidence that the marketing team organized by Methox will bring exciting results sooner or later. That's why I suggest him to join in Methox's team at first. If any new marketer has the confidence, why don't prove the ability first? That's the best way of canvassing.
BTS committee member:jademont

Offline merlin0113

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Is the official marketing team really completely oblivious to the fact that there is a large amount of stakeholders who are all very frustrated about the total lack of transparency, total lack of results/any kind of evidence of work, and most of all the total disregard for stakeholder concern? (as evidenced by the stonewalling of every thread trying to bring them up) Especially the chinese community who feel like they are getting shafted again and again with every step (they're the ones getting results, but we're the ones diluting)

People who are already unhappy will see take this attempt at getting even more funds as an insult. This will be the final piece of evidence that proves without a doubt that the objective of those on the marketing team is to extract as much wealth from stakeholders as they possibly can while treading water and making vague promises.

I still don't think you're being deliberately malicious, but making this thread was a really bad move, and I'm fed up.
Where's Brian? Anyone has reached to him recently? I see Rune you uttered many times this judgement while Brian has been silent all the time. Should be interesting/amusing to see this unless being a bts holder which I am. So bad !☺
« Last Edit: December 14, 2014, 09:18:31 pm by merlin0113 »

Offline merlin0113

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This thread brings up a interesting point.

The Chinese marketing arm was given funds free and clear and it seems has made great head way.

The American arm was also given funds but maintains that it is not allowed to launch anything until 1.0 which is obviously different.

Now out of frustration/need many users on the american side are eager to vote in delegates to help fill what we currently see as a marketing void compared to the Chinese counterpart.

Out of curiosity are their any Chinese marketing delegates that are active or has everything they have accomplished been volunteer/Orginal funds given to chinless marketing arm?

Offline btswildpig

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This thread brings up a interesting point.

The Chinese marketing arm was given funds free and clear and it seems has made great head way.

The American arm was also given funds but maintains that it is not allowed to launch anything until 1.0 which is obviously different.

Now out of frustration/need many users on the american side are eager to vote in delegates to help fill what we currently see as a marketing void compared to the Chinese counterpart.

Out of curiosity are their any Chinese marketing delegates that are active or has everything they have accomplished been volunteer/Orginal funds given to chinless marketing arm?

The volunteers and the official team in China are both doing great .
There are currently no marketing delegates to my knowledge .
I think helper delegates is more needed . Even if bunch of marketing delegates introduced millions of people to use BTS , if there are no helper delegates to help those common users how to use the wallet properly , how to recover funds after a disaster , etc. etc , millions of people would leave eventually .

Someone I know just lost tons of funds in short order , and it is still tough to recover it even according to the tech articles available .

Chinese marketing team is doing great , but that doesn't mean Chinese users are satisfied with the current wallet .......

It would be a total disaster if it wasn't for so many helper online .
这个是私人账号,表达的一切言论均不代表任何团队和任何人。This is my personal account , anything I said with this account will be my opinion alone and has nothing to do with any group.

Offline Gentso1

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This thread brings up a interesting point.

The Chinese marketing arm was given funds free and clear and it seems has made great head way.

The American arm was also given funds but maintains that it is not allowed to launch anything until 1.0 which is obviously different.

Now out of frustration/need many users on the american side are eager to vote in delegates to help fill what we currently see as a marketing void compared to the Chinese counterpart.

Out of curiosity are their any Chinese marketing delegates that are active or has everything they have accomplished been volunteer/Orginal funds given to chinless marketing arm? 

Offline merlin0113

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We have already had a 100% payrate delegate---Methox, why don't you join his team and prove your ability first.

Before Methox can prove that marketing can indeed bring some value to BTS, I don't think we need more marketing delegates.

Have you been following Nullstreet? There is enormous organizing and promotional work going on there. And it is all transparent and being done entirely on a voluntary basis so far, I guess you haven't been there or you would know. Check it out and just think what could happen with a few funded marketing delegates.

RippleXiaoShan is on Nullstreet from day 1 .
He has been doing these similar things for the community and help marketing effort in China since last year .

But he just didn't specifically document it so it's hard for people to sum up his contribution in 1 minute . And trust me , he has been doing more than what Nullstreet is doing . So he is totally qualified to comment on the Nullstreet effort .

It's good to know that Nullstreets are making progress , but it's also important to realize it's too early to comparing Nullstreet's effort to other channels , because marketing is just not that simple . Those who hasn't record their effort in detail maybe just because it's not their style .

Of course , I also shared some concerns about the Brian team . But it would be wrong to make a comparison base on two different type of operations , because it's just wrong to judge a book by its cover . The real marketing effort should be about how the world sees us instead of us assuming "how much we've done so far , just look at it on the list " .

There is a large gap between English and Chinese speakers.

It is not productive to compare the 2.

What is productive is to find where spent funds do not have a positive value and remove those leaks while adding marketing that has positive value!!

People should rally around that instead of any fake East/West division that solely exists due to communication failures.

Lets please keep this in mind!!!!  We need effective Chinese marketers just as much,

wait , I'm not talking about Chinese and Western .

I'm talking about the Brian-liked style (vague , not detailed oriented)and the Nullstreet style (specific , list oriented ) and how often people confuse to think there is one better than the other . I just used the Chinese member as a example to show he knows what he's talking about because he was doing the same thing since last year but just didn't detailed enough to describe it .

Because whenever people question the effort on Nullstreet , some people just tent to ask them to read the list of what they're doing , and think that it's just enough to stop commenting .

Also , the only reason the word "Chinese" was brought up in the first because onceuponatime seems to think RippleXiaoshan was just commenting blindly without appreciating the effort on Nullstreet , so I just offer his background to show onceuponatime that RippleXiaoshan did not comment blindly .

Like I said the other day in qq group, wildpig you might post in a bit more soft way. The better. Ur point is being made well, that's a good thing though.

Offline btswildpig

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We have already had a 100% payrate delegate---Methox, why don't you join his team and prove your ability first.

Before Methox can prove that marketing can indeed bring some value to BTS, I don't think we need more marketing delegates.

Have you been following Nullstreet? There is enormous organizing and promotional work going on there. And it is all transparent and being done entirely on a voluntary basis so far, I guess you haven't been there or you would know. Check it out and just think what could happen with a few funded marketing delegates.

RippleXiaoShan is on Nullstreet from day 1 .
He has been doing these similar things for the community and help marketing effort in China since last year .

But he just didn't specifically document it so it's hard for people to sum up his contribution in 1 minute . And trust me , he has been doing more than what Nullstreet is doing . So he is totally qualified to comment on the Nullstreet effort .

It's good to know that Nullstreets are making progress , but it's also important to realize it's too early to comparing Nullstreet's effort to other channels , because marketing is just not that simple . Those who hasn't record their effort in detail maybe just because it's not their style .

Of course , I also shared some concerns about the Brian team . But it would be wrong to make a comparison base on two different type of operations , because it's just wrong to judge a book by its cover . The real marketing effort should be about how the world sees us instead of us assuming "how much we've done so far , just look at it on the list " .

There is a large gap between English and Chinese speakers.

It is not productive to compare the 2.

What is productive is to find where spent funds do not have a positive value and remove those leaks while adding marketing that has positive value!!

People should rally around that instead of any fake East/West division that solely exists due to communication failures.

Lets please keep this in mind!!!!  We need effective Chinese marketers just as much,

wait , I'm not talking about Chinese and Western .

I'm talking about the Brian-liked style (vague , not detailed oriented)and the Nullstreet style (specific , list oriented ) and how often people confuse to think there is one better than the other . I just used the Chinese member as a example to show he knows what he's talking about because he was doing the same thing since last year but just didn't detailed enough to describe it .

Because whenever people question the effort on Nullstreet , some people just tent to ask them to read the list of what they're doing , and think that it's just enough to stop commenting .

Also , the only reason the word "Chinese" was brought up in the first because onceuponatime seems to think RippleXiaoshan was just commenting blindly without appreciating the effort on Nullstreet , so I just offer his background to show onceuponatime that RippleXiaoshan did not comment blindly .
« Last Edit: December 14, 2014, 09:20:13 am by btswildpig »
这个是私人账号,表达的一切言论均不代表任何团队和任何人。This is my personal account , anything I said with this account will be my opinion alone and has nothing to do with any group.

Offline gamey

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We have already had a 100% payrate delegate---Methox, why don't you join his team and prove your ability first.

Before Methox can prove that marketing can indeed bring some value to BTS, I don't think we need more marketing delegates.

Have you been following Nullstreet? There is enormous organizing and promotional work going on there. And it is all transparent and being done entirely on a voluntary basis so far, I guess you haven't been there or you would know. Check it out and just think what could happen with a few funded marketing delegates.

RippleXiaoShan is on Nullstreet from day 1 .
He has been doing these similar things for the community and help marketing effort in China since last year .

But he just didn't specifically document it so it's hard for people to sum up his contribution in 1 minute . And trust me , he has been doing more than what Nullstreet is doing . So he is totally qualified to comment on the Nullstreet effort .

It's good to know that Nullstreets are making progress , but it's also important to realize it's too early to comparing Nullstreet's effort to other channels , because marketing is just not that simple . Those who hasn't record their effort in detail maybe just because it's not their style .

Of course , I also shared some concerns about the Brian team . But it would be wrong to make a comparison base on two different type of operations , because it's just wrong to judge a book by its cover . The real marketing effort should be about how the world sees us instead of us assuming "how much we've done so far , just look at it on the list " .

There is a large gap between English and Chinese speakers.

It is not productive to compare the 2.

What is productive is to find where spent funds do not have a positive value and remove those leaks while adding marketing that has positive value!!

People should rally around that instead of any fake East/West division that solely exists due to communication failures.

Lets please keep this in mind!!!!  We need effective Chinese marketers just as much,
« Last Edit: December 14, 2014, 08:59:39 am by gamey »
I speak for myself and only myself.

Offline btswildpig

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We have already had a 100% payrate delegate---Methox, why don't you join his team and prove your ability first.

Before Methox can prove that marketing can indeed bring some value to BTS, I don't think we need more marketing delegates.

Have you been following Nullstreet? There is enormous organizing and promotional work going on there. And it is all transparent and being done entirely on a voluntary basis so far, I guess you haven't been there or you would know. Check it out and just think what could happen with a few funded marketing delegates.

RippleXiaoShan is on Nullstreet from day 1 .
He has been doing these similar things for the community and help marketing effort in China since last year .

But he just didn't specifically document it so it's hard for people to sum up his contribution in 1 minute . And trust me , he has been doing more than what Nullstreet is doing . So he is totally qualified to comment on the Nullstreet effort .

It's good to know that Nullstreets are making progress , but it's also important to realize it's too early to comparing Nullstreet's effort to other channels , because marketing is just not that simple . Those who hasn't record their effort in detail maybe just because it's not their style .

Of course , I also shared some concerns about the Brian team . But it would be wrong to make a comparison base on two different type of operations , because it's just wrong to judge a book by its cover . The real marketing effort should be about how the world sees us instead of us assuming "how much we've done so far , just look at it on the list " .
« Last Edit: December 14, 2014, 07:36:39 am by btswildpig »
这个是私人账号,表达的一切言论均不代表任何团队和任何人。This is my personal account , anything I said with this account will be my opinion alone and has nothing to do with any group.

Offline onceuponatime

We have already had a 100% payrate delegate---Methox, why don't you join his team and prove your ability first.

Before Methox can prove that marketing can indeed bring some value to BTS, I don't think we need more marketing delegates.

Have you been following Nullstreet? There is enormous organizing and promotional work going on there. And it is all transparent and being done entirely on a voluntary basis so far, I guess you haven't been there or you would know. Check it out and just think what could happen with a few funded marketing delegates.

Offline hpenvy

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Can you provide transparency regarding the 15m conditional BTS rewards brian's team gets and your stake in that?

I ask because bitmarket volunteered to not take a paid delegate because he was already part of that arrangement.

That aside, I will vote for you

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk

btsx address: hpenvy
Tips appreciated for good work

Offline ripplexiaoshan

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We have already had a 100% payrate delegate---Methox, why don't you join his team and prove your ability first.

Before Methox can prove that marketing can indeed bring some value to BTS, I don't think we need more marketing delegates.
BTS committee member:jademont

Offline hpenvy

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Maybe we should consider "freezing" all marketing related  delegate initiatives until the 1.0 wallet  is out and we have the opportunity to evalute the results of the current marketing efforts.

Should I also stop all the massive amounts of time I put into developing lists of writers that have covered Bitcoin? How about the contacts that the marketing team is meeting with because of my insomnia push of about 80 companies (Coinbase, ShiftPayments and Hellobit are a few)? How about the interview requests that have now came in because I'm tweeting like a teenager on meth.  I'm not being sarcastic, I'm seriously asking.  I would hope some of you spend some time over at NullStreet and see all the work that's happening behind the scenes.    It's easy to request a freeze on marketing activities, however, freezing until 1.0 would be the opposite of what I'd do personally.

I don't take money from anyone, so I'm fine either way. Maybe a few more hours a day outside would do me good. :)  All that has been done for free, imagine if we had a few paid delegates doing the same thing. Putting the right people in the right seats on the bus is the solution.  I've been asked to run as a delegate, I have mild to little interest.  What I want to see happen is people behind the scenes get the funding necessary to push the initiatives on NullStreet.  That would be a huge win. 
« Last Edit: December 14, 2014, 04:29:47 am by hpenvy »
btsx address: hpenvy
Tips appreciated for good work

Offline jsidhu

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Maybe we should consider "freezing" all marketing related  delegate initiatives until the 1.0 wallet  is out and we have the opportunity to evalute the results of the current marketing efforts.
+5% for tangible quantitative marketing
Hired by blockchain | Developer
delegate: dev.sidhujag

Offline Empirical1.1

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I can only speak to my stake in that agreement.  The agreement was for a sliding scale of rewards based on performance of BTS.  This agreement was between multiple people, me being one of them.

That pretty much secured our consulting, building of marketing funnels, content creation, and all of the other things we will be providing in an ongoing basis essentially hiring us on a conditional basis of only being dispersed to us when certain benchmarks are achieved, and held for a reasonable amount of time.

With my part of the stake, I could gain up to a few million shares of the BTS reward, but we are talking about BTS being well above Bitcoin's today value in marketcap for that to happen. As of right now I have received 2 payments out of a potential of 10 benchmark payments.

As for the paid delegate status, the reason I am making this delegate a paid versus unpaid is the immediate cost of all of the services involved.  If I wanted to get the authorship accounts, buy a couple of banner placements and one month of TV placements right now it would completely wipe out any funds I have been paid to date and then quite a bit more.

With the funds for this delegate, they go to build out the media wing of Bitshares, and enables us to post our own content on these sites, and initiate proactive press and media rather than wait for it to come to us.  There are definite fixed hard costs involved in this process, not only time and opportunity costs.  If there were not fixed hard costs, I would likely opt the same as Bitmarket - but that is not the case.

Since July 2014, can you give us a list of specific things "consulting, marketing funnels, content creation, and all of the other things" you are responsible for? What "content" did you create, what SEO links on the Internet can you specifically say you were able to place there, what article interviews are you responsible for making happen, what funnel, what partnership, what media marketing message?

A list showing what you accomplished over 5.5 months would be much more telling to the community than a list of marketing speak like "Highly networked with the internet marketing industry"- to me that sounds like you discuss Internet marketing as a member of the Warrior Forum.


With that amazing CV, hopefully the tangible marketing results and value you've added to BitShares already will blow me away and I've just happened to miss it.

Can you provide transparency regarding the 15m conditional BTS rewards brian's team gets and your stake in that?

I ask because bitmarket volunteered to not take a paid delegate because he was already part of that arrangement.

That aside, I will vote for you

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk

that: ( As in input / opinion / info)? ?


« Last Edit: December 13, 2014, 04:18:23 pm by Empirical1.1 »