Chinese side is an incorrect description .
Try investors side .
We can see that trend from both the BTC pair and CNY pair .
We as a community are good to each other , but to investors , their feeling is often ignored .
And we need to please both parties , both the community members from east&west , also those investors who have never set foot in this forum ( Chinese or not , it doesn't matter , investors all have the same mindset in any free market ) .
I've expressed when the price was 3X than what it is now .
We haven't lost much community members since then , but as you can see we're losing investors , even worse than some of the other projects .
We are losing the short sighted investors, the ones who just want to make a quick buck and dont see all bridges that BitShares is building.
wildPig, could you provide some examples of issues specific to Chinese investors (as opposed to Chinese community members)?
I do wonder as speedy said, about whether the concerns are only about profits. It takes real commitment and stamina to the BitShares vision to win the reward of seeing a profit. There will always be a tradeoff between the time required to realize a ROI vs. the time required to develop a quality product.
I also believe there are major differences in the philosophical perspectives of western investors and those in the east. The spirit of freedom birthed the blockchain, and it is being nurtured by those willing to make difficult choices and sacrifices to see the original precepts and fundamentals Satoshi Nakamoto envisioned come to fruition.
The current bear market in crypto and BitShares is sorting out who is willing to support the cause of financial freedom. So perhaps the loss of investors is as it needs to be.
But I am interested in your opinion of what you think the Chinese investor is looking for that is lacking, aside from profit. Obviously that is currently lacking. The question is what does the avg. Chinese investor believe are the reasons for that are?