I bought into the PTS idea because the concepts of merged mining, multiple blockchains, blockchain security, DACs and its attraction to little miners. Now if mining is taken away from the picture, the bulk of it seems to be gone.
Essentially, the proposed change is an admission of two things:
1. Ripple model -- a centralized entity controlling money supply, issuing coins instead of mining them -- is better than Bitcoin model.
2. The MasterCoin model is better than the original PTS model, again, centralized control of funds.
I understand there may be some funding difficulty as the result of this, but to me these are not the right direction we should move to, there got to be better alternatives.
AFAIK, Ripple has some pretty deep pocket investors backing them, probably deeper than the ones you meet in Vegas, but as an investor, I won't touch it even with a 10 foot pole.
I had expected something like this would happen but didn't think it would come this early. The handling of this will not only have impact on the future of I3 and DACs, but also this type of business model, many will be watching how this plays out with great interest.