but all the exchanges that have added bitassets so far have called them bitXYZ not bXYZ. Making them switch might annoy them.
Better to do it now then rather than put it off for later when it could be even more annoying.
I say stick with bitXYZ. Lets reinforce our bitGLD and bitUSD brand names.
bitXYZ will always be the brand names, but they are too long to be monikers. The cryptocurrency ecosystem has been shaped around 3-4 character length monikers, so you get all kinds of weird display bugs when you have names that are longer. Try to see what happens when you choose bitusd on shapeshift

I also think it's very likely that we will get discrepancies between exchanges with bitgold if we don't standardize it. Some will call it BITGOLD, some will call it BITGLD. So we will have to make some of them change anyway.