Author Topic: BitGold Added To Bter- Buy Now  (Read 16429 times)

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Offline Rune

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BITGLD Withdrawal

Minimum 0.6 BITGLD, Maximum 1000 BITGLD
Fee:    0% + 0.5 BITGLD (No fee for Bter Code).

That is outrageous!!!

Hahaha this is hilarious. Bitgold = most expensive altcoin ever?

Offline Ander

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BITGLD Withdrawal

Minimum 0.6 BITGLD, Maximum 1000 BITGLD
Fee:    0% + 0.5 BITGLD (No fee for Bter Code).

That is outrageous!!!

Lol.  They need to fix that.  bitGLD is probably the only thing they've ever had on their site that is worth anywhere near what a BTC is worth, let alone worth more.  The .5 fee is probably a default that is totally fair for normal things but absurd here.

Actually I find it pretty hilarious.  $600+ free to withdraw lol. 
(I wouldnt find it funny if I had sent a bitGLD to them though). | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline onceuponatime

BITGLD Withdrawal

Minimum 0.6 BITGLD, Maximum 1000 BITGLD
Fee:    0% + 0.5 BITGLD (No fee for Bter Code).

That is outrageous!!!

Offline bobmaloney

There is no reason we couldn't try to specify lowercase "bit" for the full names, while also using lowercase "b" for the monikers/abbreviations.

bGLD = Bitshares bitGOLD
bUSD = Bitshares bitUSD
bEUR = Bitshares bitEURO

Sent from the tiny wrinkles in my brain via mind bullets!

"The crows seemed to be calling his name, thought Caw."
- Jack Handey (SNL)

Offline Empirical1.2

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but all the exchanges that have added bitassets so far have called them bitXYZ not bXYZ.  Making them switch might annoy them.

Better to do it now then rather than put it off for later when it could be even more annoying.

I say stick with bitXYZ. Lets reinforce our bitGLD and bitUSD brand names.

Absolutely try use 'Bit' wherever possible if you want that to be the brand name.

The majority of companies try to build a brand and brand loyalty. All these ideas about being in a Bitcoin wallet without people knowing they're using BitShares or becoming known by 4 letter moniker everywhere instead of BitXYZ wherever possible is incorrect to me.  Brand recognition is very important.

Either we want to be BitGold or we want to be BGLD. If we want to be BitGold then we have to use it wherever possible.

Well, bter has had to call it BITGLD because they cannot support more than 6 characters. If we go by this paradigm of name = symbol, then we'll have to change bitgold to BITGLD (I think it actually used to be this way?).

The way I see it people always expect an asset name and a trading symbol, and it would actually be a brand advantage for us if our bitgold became the first bitgold to have a symbol and become more like a "real" coin/asset that people are aware of, and understand can be traded.
Bitcoin - BTC
BitShares - BTS
BitGold - BGLD

and so on. I have to admit BOIL doesn't look too inviting :P Maybe there's a naming system that looks better?

Yes. I think you're right actually.

I think we should consider making standardized 4 character monikers for all bitassets.

so like BUSD, BCNY, BGLD, BOIL, BSLV. It's useful for exchanges and coinmarketcap.

I saw you mentioned coinmarketcap earlier and I thought you meant change from BitGold to BGLD under 'name' on CMC.,
« Last Edit: February 05, 2015, 09:57:48 pm by Empirical1.2 »
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Offline Rune

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but all the exchanges that have added bitassets so far have called them bitXYZ not bXYZ.  Making them switch might annoy them.

Better to do it now then rather than put it off for later when it could be even more annoying.

I say stick with bitXYZ. Lets reinforce our bitGLD and bitUSD brand names.

Absolutely try use 'Bit' wherever possible if you want that to be the brand name.

The majority of companies try to build a brand and brand loyalty. All these ideas about being in a Bitcoin wallet without people knowing they're using BitShares or becoming known by 4 letter moniker everywhere instead of BitXYZ wherever possible is incorrect to me.  Brand recognition is very important.

Either we want to be BitGold or we want to be BGLD. If we want to be BitGold then we have to use it wherever possible.

Well, bter has had to call it BITGLD because they cannot support more than 6 characters. If we go by this paradigm of name = symbol, then we'll have to change bitgold to BITGLD (I think it actually used to be this way?).

The way I see it people always expect an asset name and a trading symbol, and it would actually be a brand advantage for us if our bitgold became the first bitgold to have a symbol and become more like a "real" coin/asset that people are aware of, and understand can be traded.
Bitcoin - BTC
BitShares - BTS
BitGold - BGLD

and so on. I have to admit BOIL doesn't look too inviting :P Maybe there's a naming system that looks better?

Offline vegolino

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I am trying to get market moving so I bought 1 BitGOLD and sent it to Bter. Need advise with a price please.
 At first my price was 5.867 BTC for one BitGOLD 5.867 BTC x $ 217 = $ 1273.13 which is approx. what I paid for it BTS 125796 x 0.010134 = $1274.81.

Message  received from Bter:

Please confirm SELL order:
Price:   5.86700000
Volume:   1.000 BIT
Warning:   Your SELL price is 98.8% LOWER than the average market price, please double check it.

If anybody knows what I am doing wrong please advise. 
Aloha  :)
Edit: Or should I buy some more of CFSGOLD  :)

5.87ish is the correct price of bitgold/btc. Bter is just being weird because the current orders are so strange. The cryptohedge gold hedgebot will be ready tonight or tomorrow, and will slowly begin to populate the order book, but the more the merrier! :D
Thanks Rune  :)

Offline Rune

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I am trying to get market moving so I bought 1 BitGOLD and sent it to Bter. Need advise with a price please.
 At first my price was 5.867 BTC for one BitGOLD 5.867 BTC x $ 217 = $ 1273.13 which is approx. what I paid for it BTS 125796 x 0.010134 = $1274.81.

Message  received from Bter:

Please confirm SELL order:
Price:   5.86700000
Volume:   1.000 BIT
Warning:   Your SELL price is 98.8% LOWER than the average market price, please double check it.

If anybody knows what I am doing wrong please advise. 
Aloha  :)
Edit: Or should I buy some more of CFSGOLD  :)

5.87ish is the correct price of bitgold/btc. Bter is just being weird because the current orders are so strange. The cryptohedge gold hedgebot will be ready tonight or tomorrow, and will slowly begin to populate the order book, but the more the merrier! :D

Offline Empirical1.2

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but all the exchanges that have added bitassets so far have called them bitXYZ not bXYZ.  Making them switch might annoy them.

Better to do it now then rather than put it off for later when it could be even more annoying.

I say stick with bitXYZ. Lets reinforce our bitGLD and bitUSD brand names.

Absolutely try use 'Bit' wherever possible if you want that to be the brand name.

The majority of companies try to build a brand and brand loyalty. All these ideas about being in a Bitcoin wallet without people knowing they're using BitShares or becoming known by 4 letter moniker everywhere instead of BitXYZ wherever possible is incorrect to me.  Brand recognition is very important.

Either we want to be BitGold or we want to be BGLD. If we want to be BitGold then we have to use it wherever possible.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2015, 09:23:49 pm by Empirical1.2 »
If you want to take the island burn the boats

Offline Ander

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bitXYZ will always be the brand names, but they are too long to be monikers. The cryptocurrency ecosystem has been shaped around 3-4 character length monikers, so you get all kinds of weird display bugs when you have names that are longer. Try to see what happens when you choose bitusd on shapeshift :P

I also think it's very likely that we will get discrepancies between exchanges with bitgold if we don't standardize it. Some will call it BITGOLD, some will call it BITGLD. So we will have to make some of them change anyway.

Good point! | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline Rune

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but all the exchanges that have added bitassets so far have called them bitXYZ not bXYZ.  Making them switch might annoy them.

Better to do it now then rather than put it off for later when it could be even more annoying.

I say stick with bitXYZ. Lets reinforce our bitGLD and bitUSD brand names.

bitXYZ will always be the brand names, but they are too long to be monikers. The cryptocurrency ecosystem has been shaped around 3-4 character length monikers, so you get all kinds of weird display bugs when you have names that are longer. Try to see what happens when you choose bitusd on shapeshift :P

I also think it's very likely that we will get discrepancies between exchanges with bitgold if we don't standardize it. Some will call it BITGOLD, some will call it BITGLD. So we will have to make some of them change anyway.

Offline speedy

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but all the exchanges that have added bitassets so far have called them bitXYZ not bXYZ.  Making them switch might annoy them.

Better to do it now then rather than put it off for later when it could be even more annoying.

I say stick with bitXYZ. Lets reinforce our bitGLD and bitUSD brand names.

Offline onceuponatime

but all the exchanges that have added bitassets so far have called them bitXYZ not bXYZ.  Making them switch might annoy them.

Better to do it now then rather than put it off for later when it could be even more annoying.

Offline clayop

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That spread... We need 'sacrificing minority' who continuously shorts BitGold or BitSilver regardless of loss.
Or we need dramatic price increase of BTS that induce people to short BitGold.
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Offline Ander

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but all the exchanges that have added bitassets so far have called them bitXYZ not bXYZ.  Making them switch might annoy them. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads