Author Topic: NEW DelegateTip Asset *FREE GIVEAWAY THREAD!* Line up everybody line up line up!  (Read 20835 times)

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Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

Going into May we look back at the Delegate of the Month of April.

Who was this awesome contributor to BitShares?!

Why none other than the Bitscape media team!!

Traveling across the country sharing the BitShares story while providing tons of videos and photos, they surely were the super stars!

You can read more on their award here:

They do a lot, be sure to buy a shirt from ... Everybody else has one, why don't you? Here I am with mine!

On the Back:

Go get one now! 

Oh and yes, thats right, they have gotten 10,000 Delegate Tip for their awesome award!

If you like to show your continued support for their work, be sure to VOTE! (media.bitscape)

Let's make May even more awesome!

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Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

Exciting News with the Delegate of the Month!

This months Delegate of the month award goes to the much deserved xeroc!

With his awesome efforts with the community he has earned himself 10,000 Delegate Tip!

For more on this awesomeness check out

Remember folks we are still offering FREE Delegate Tip so you can reward your favorite delegates!
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Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

That is NOT a few questions dude!

Look at my answers below..

A couple questions:

What are the metrics for becoming delegate of the month?

I have no idea.. it was done by the site that posted them. I am trusting their judgement in assigning the Delegate of the Month Award.

How many total tokens exist?


Is there a limit to how many are given out over a given period of time?

I guess not

How many are sent to delegates people post in this thread?

None. I send the Delegate Tip to the people who request it. It's free for them to send to their delegate of of their choice however much they would like.

How are potential tippers rewarded for tipping this token?

Warm fuzzies that come from showing thanks to those that deserve it. The reward is gratitude.

Is there an intention to make this token something that is tradable in the future in a more serious fashion?

No intention at present, though it would be nice.

-if so, how will it derive it's value?

Might derive value based on members viewing how much Delegate Tip each delegate has. It could become a metric in voting

--Will it substantially help/hurt delegates who receive none?

Not sure. This is too new to speculate

--Will it potentially indirectly incentivize behavior that ends up being helpful/harmful?

I would side on helpful... since I don't think people are seeking to tip delegates that are harmful. It might make some delegates want to step up their game to have more activity in the community to be more likely tipped.

---what failsafes are in place to ensure this token is a net benefit to the community, fills a need and doesn't waste time that could better be spent on other activities?

No failsafes... this is a leap of faith.

Do delegates who run open delegate hangouts also receive 10,000 delegate tips?

I dunno.. should they? :)

-If not, is this a possibility to incorporate?

It's possible

Is it possible to give these extra 10,000 delegate tip tokens to delegates who submit other forms of public documentation?

It's possible, though I don't know what other forms of public documentation means and why its tip worthy

-If not, can this be incorporated?

It's possible

--if not, why not?

Why not?

Are you the sole distributor of these tokens?

No.. everyone in this thread has Delegate Tip now to give to delegates. It's up to them how they want to use them.

-if so, do you have plans to change the distribution to a one that distributes evenly accross the community?

I been giving them away freely to whom ever posted here at my expense. Once they have used up their free tip, they can go into the Exchange and be able to purchase more in the market. People who got their free tip COULD also sell it on the market as well if they choose to.

--have you considered sharedropping the tokens on all account holders?

I think what I been doing with this thread has been pretty much 'targeted' sharedropping. Anybody who is interested in it can get some for free.

Hope this answered everything.
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Offline fuzzy

Exciting News!

Delegates of the month awarded 10,000 Delegate Tip each!

Check out these awesome winners here:
A couple questions:

What are the metrics for becoming delegate of the month?
How many total tokens exist?
Is there a limit to how many are given out over a given period of time?
How many are sent to delegates people post in this thread?
How are potential tippers rewarded for tipping this token?
Is there an intention to make this token something that is tradable in the future in a more serious fashion?
-if so, how will it derive it's value?
--Will it substantially help/hurt delegates who receive none?
--Will it potentially indirectly incentivize behavior that ends up being helpful/harmful?
---what failsafes are in place to ensure this token is a net benefit to the community, fills a need and doesn't waste time that could better be spent on other activities?
Do delegates who run open delegate hangouts also receive 10,000 delegate tips?
-If not, is this a possibility to incorporate?
Is it possible to give these extra 10,000 delegate tip tokens to delegates who submit other forms of public documentation?
-If not, can this be incorporated?
--if not, why not?
Are you the sole distributor of these tokens?
-if so, do you have plans to change the distribution to a one that distributes evenly accross the community?
--have you considered sharedropping the tokens on all account holders?
WhaleShares==DKP; BitShares is our Community! 
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Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

I'd like to thank emski for his feed script

Good Stuff! I am going to assume the feed script you are referring to is here

Certainly Delegate Tip worthy!

You got some FREE Delegate Tip to send his way and show him some luv!

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Offline kokojie

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Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

Exciting News!

Delegates of the month awarded 10,000 Delegate Tip each!

Check out these awesome winners here:

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Offline fuzzy


svk's bitsharesblocks is an invaluable tool

Agreed! Love bitshareblocks!

Now show SVK some Delegate Tip love! :)

You got some in your wallet right now!

bump.  lets see how this little experiment goes.
WhaleShares==DKP; BitShares is our Community! 
ShareBits and WhaleShares = Love :D

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode


svk's bitsharesblocks is an invaluable tool

Agreed! Love bitshareblocks!

Now show SVK some Delegate Tip love! :)

You got some in your wallet right now!
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Offline jz831

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svk's bitsharesblocks is an invaluable tool | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline fuzzy

WhaleShares==DKP; BitShares is our Community! 
ShareBits and WhaleShares = Love :D

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

What a great idea DNS!!!

Send some delegate luv my way to address verbaltech and I'll dish it out to wackou for his bts_tools and it's awesome web interface, among others that deserve it.

Are you sure this thread wasn't started by MethodX thru a hijacked DNS login?????????????


Nope.. I assure you.. it was just me, exhausted, late at night, having an idea and just running with it. Thought it could be fun. We need to do more fun things with BitShares... this is just what I came up with.. and it gave me a chance to use my favorite meme :)

Clearly we know your DelegateTip luv is going to go to MethodX :)

On a side note.. c'mon.. Data.. Security.. Node << my account hijacked? :)

You got 1010 DelegateTip now!

Dispense with wisdom.
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Offline Thom

What a great idea DNS!!!

Send some delegate luv my way to address verbaltech and I'll dish it out to wackou for his bts_tools and it's awesome web interface, among others that deserve it.

Are you sure this thread wasn't started by MethodX thru a hijacked DNS login?????????????

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere - MLK |  Verbaltech2 Witness Reports:,23902.0.html

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

Shout out to dev0.nikolai, del0.cass, dev.bitsharesblocks, delegate-alt, x.ebit, and many more!  DelegateTip is a really cool idea and could be a unique approach of reaching consensus on trust while recognizing achievement.

BTS: yellowecho

Thanks Yellowecho!

You don't need to shout out anymore.. you can Tip them! It lasts longer!

Enjoy your DelegateTip! Your wallet has 1010 DELETIP right now!
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Decentralized Gaming Built with Graphene - Now with BookiePro and Sweeps!

Offline yellowecho

Shout out to dev0.nikolai, del0.cass, dev.bitsharesblocks, delegate-alt, x.ebit, and many more!  DelegateTip is a really cool idea and could be a unique approach of reaching consensus on trust while recognizing achievement.

BTS: yellowecho
« Last Edit: February 09, 2015, 02:40:17 am by yellowecho »