Author Topic: Will Darkcoin pass Bitshares today or tomorrow?  (Read 18410 times)

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Offline bluebit

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I am all for Bitshares, I use BitUSD and working on an app for Bitshares, but I see the Darkcoin wallet as very polished compared to Bitshares wallet, it works, and doesn't crash.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2015, 07:38:20 pm by bluebit »
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Offline nomoreheroes7

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who wants to wait 10 sec? when you can wait 3 sec...

Who wants to wait 3 sec? when you can wait 1 sec...

There comes a point of diminishing usefulness.

Offline arhag

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who wants to wait 10 sec? when you can wait 3 sec...

Diminishing returns...

But if you really want that, it is possible to do in BitShares (in fact I remember proposing something like that a while ago, I'll see if I can find it here it is). Replace "authority nodes" with delegates and replace unanimous consensus with 90% consensus. Except now we have accountability and can actually punish the delegates if they lie. Whereas with Darkcoin, they cannot punish them and simply need to fallback to slow confirmations if the randomly selected 10 nodes cannot reach consensus.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2015, 07:35:18 pm by arhag »

Offline bluebit

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who wants to wait 10 sec? when you can wait 3 sec...
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Offline arhag

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Bitshares : Propagating blocks every 10 seconds won't allow the network to grow very large without tons of orphans. Darkcoin solves this by locking transactions into the next block while the block is being solved, this gives you the best of both worlds, really fast confirmation with a really stable network.

Why are you assuming the 10 second block interval on BitShares will be a serious problem as the number of transactions increases? More importantly, why do you not apply that same criticism regarding the propagation of locked transactions over the Darkcoin network as their transactions per second increase? There are fundamental limits here dealing with network latencies and conditions that restrict how fast confirmations can happen. I don't really see how the handicap of proof of work causing long block intervals provides them with any "stability".

Offline arhag

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Does anyone have a clue how InstantX is supposed to work?
Paper here:

I quickly read through the paper and this is what I got out of it. They are deciding on whether a transaction is good or not by unanimous consensus of some number (they chose 10) nodes (called "Authority nodes") that are randomly chosen every block out of a set of nodes called "Masternodes". Masternodes are nodes that lock up 1000 DRK as collateral to become a Masternode (that is their protection against Sybil attacks). They can unlock the collateral whenever they want, but they will then no longer be a Masternode.

Basically, they are using proof of stake to quickly confirm transactions. The blockchain still uses proof of work though, so it is a hybrid system.

Offline Ander

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Looks like the third pump attempt failed to reach a new high. There could be a 4th attempt but i doubt it. Btw isnt it interesting how drk is listed on bitfinex yet has almost no volume there? Cryptsy is really the place for altcoins to get serious volume.

Dump any dark you have since it failed to go over .015 again.
It will go back down but probably stabilize at a higher level than it started, since the news is based on something real.  But it again then. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

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pump on hype != market manipulation

Offline nomoreheroes7

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Maybe we cut our block times so we can get a nice pump going as well.

The reduced block times are just the banner of the pump. A pump group can use any fancy new feature this way, it doesn't have to be reduced block times (in fact I'd say that's a pretty weak feature to pump on really). Ultimately this is entirely market manipulation and an attempt to catch fools that buy into the euphoria. At the same time it's also quite good marketing for the coin (assuming the dump isn't too violent), suddenly darkcoin is a hot topic and people who had otherwise forgotten about it might revisit it again.

This. This is about as obvious as market manipulation gets.

Hell doesn't BTS already have 5 second average confirmation times? How is 3.5 seconds that much better? lol

Offline bluebit

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it's anonymous and now with it's increased speed, it's almost instant, looks very promising

Bitshares : Propagating blocks every 10 seconds won't allow the network to grow very large without tons of orphans. Darkcoin solves this by locking transactions into the next block while the block is being solved, this gives you the best of both worlds, really fast confirmation with a really stable network.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2015, 06:40:58 pm by bluebit »
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Offline Rune

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Maybe we cut our block times so we can get a nice pump going as well.

The reduced block times are just the banner of the pump. A pump group can use any fancy new feature this way, it doesn't have to be reduced block times (in fact I'd say that's a pretty weak feature to pump on really). Ultimately this is entirely market manipulation and an attempt to catch fools that buy into the euphoria. At the same time it's also quite good marketing for the coin (assuming the dump isn't too violent), suddenly darkcoin is a hot topic and people who had otherwise forgotten about it might revisit it again.


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Maybe we cut our block times so we can get a nice pump going as well.

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This shows an example demand is stronger when dedicating purely to "money-ness".