Author Topic: Light Wallet Beta Release  (Read 54313 times)

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Offline modprobe

@cgafeng: OK, the last sync block was uninitialized. Good catch. I've fixed that. :)

As to the inability to connect to the server... That's weird, particularly since it works some times and not others. Could it be the GFW tampering with the connections? Can you get the CLI output when it fails to connect? I'll look into the blobs appearing in the error messages; that definitely should not happen.

Offline cgafeng

There are some pic, the font size is small on the pc.


Offline cgafeng

After debug the code, i may found what cause the trx history show issue.
Code: [Select]
bool light_wallet::sync_transactions(bool resync_all)
   FC_ASSERT( is_open() );

   uint32_t sync_block = _data->last_transaction_sync_block;
   if( resync_all )
      sync_block = 0;
   vector<string> account_names;

the sync_block is a very large number in _data, after i set to resync_all, the trx is show.
last_transaction_sync_block init problem?

And the server looks down after i try to import account on another computer.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2015, 11:38:25 am by cgafeng »

Offline cgafeng


This file i get from the office Qt5.4.0\5.4\msvc2013_opengl\qml\Qt\labs\settings\, everybody can download from office web and check it.

I will check the trx history issue later, got to work now.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2015, 01:31:21 am by cgafeng »

Offline modprobe

Oh, I'm sure that TrojWare.Win32.Kryptik.BHBD is not safe at all, but cgafeng's zip does not contain that trojan. It's a false positive, which is very common in AV software. Note that of the 57 AVs which scanned the binaries, only one yielded a result. However, if you're unsure, you can replace the file which triggered the false positive, \bts_light_wallet_win1.0beta\bts_light_wallet_win\Qt\labs\settings\qmlsettingsplugind.dll, with one from an official Qt download.

Offline fluxer555

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@cgafeng! What are you trying to do to these poor windows users?! Kryptik Trojans?!! ;)

Unfortunately, that's the nature of anti-viruses. Having studied them in some depth myself, I can say that they are incredibly stupid programs with a strong tendency towards false positives. I wouldn't worry about it.

Seriously though, how sure are you? I don't know about cgafeng's reputation, and of course I don't want to assume him as being malicious, but we're dealing with serious funds here. I can't tolerate any possibility that my system is infected.

Can we get some proof that
is safe? What package does it come from? What is its function?

Offline modprobe

@cgafeng! What are you trying to do to these poor windows users?! Kryptik Trojans?!! ;)

Unfortunately, that's the nature of anti-viruses. Having studied them in some depth myself, I can say that they are incredibly stupid programs with a strong tendency towards false positives. I wouldn't worry about it.

Offline vlight

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The windows version send and receive bts is success, and the balance is right, but can't show the trx history.
Test on win7/64bit.
share on:


Offline modprobe

Thanks, cgafeng! Can you send me the full console output of the wallet, particularly after dragging down the transaction history list to refresh it? The errors you posted are just some errors qml-material spits out, but they don't actually affect anything.

Offline cgafeng

The windows version send and receive bts is success, and the balance is right, but can't show the trx history.
Test on win7/64bit.
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1.0 beta 1
1.0 beta 2
1.0 beta 3

And there are some wrong when run the qml, the Material i get from
Code: [Select]
file:///E:/Qt/Qt5.4.0/5.4/msvc2013_opengl/qml/Material/ActionBar.qml:172:9: QML ListView: Binding loop detected for property "height"
qml: Open trx history for testbycgafeng/BTS

file:///E:/Qt/Qt5.4.0/5.4/msvc2013_opengl/qml/Material/Toolbar.qml:43: TypeError: Cannot read property 'color' of null
« Last Edit: March 04, 2015, 03:08:31 pm by cgafeng »

Offline modprobe

That would be great, @cgafeng! :) I think you're building on the develop branch. Change to the bitshares branch to build for the live network. You are correct; that line is the one that needs changing, but it should be set correctly on the bitshares branch.

Offline cgafeng

what's the server? I can build the windows version.
I think i have to change the code:
Code: [Select]
function connectToServer() {
    if( !wallet.connected )
       wallet.connectToServer("localhost", 3333)

Offline Riverhead

@riverhead: I can't reproduce that issue... What OS are you testing with? Does your passphrase have all 9 words?

Sending you a PM. I figured it'd  be hard to reproduce since it was likely a fluke.

Offline modprobe

@riverhead: I can't reproduce that issue... What OS are you testing with? Does your passphrase have all 9 words?

Offline modprobe

Ubuntu folks: I think the dependency you're looking for, if trying to run the tests on the qml packages, is qtdeclarative5-test-plugin (Tested on 14.10)