Unfortunately I am a newbie to cryptos and I am really having difficulties to follow your language...For example I don'tunderstand the whole statement "Yes I3 says founders will create their key pair with alpha version in the test network, then send pub key to I3 to dump into genesis block." Which genesis block? where can this be found? What keys? Are you reffering to the block that will be created in New year's eve? Do we need to do anything?
Can someone with simple words explain in detail the whole process for claiming the Kehotee ID? I was an early founder of Kehotee, (even if I believe I am one of the poorest person here in BTCs) only because I am a believer and I really like the whole concept of PTS and Kehotee and what Invictus want to achieve, but I still don't know what I have to do, when and how..and this makes me sad...
Same applies with Protoshares... As far as I understand so far, we can use our PTS to every new crypto that comes in the way and want to honor PTS. We have to import our wallet dat file to the new coin file? I am not sure I even know how to do this..When will bitshares come along? What is the time frame?
I understand that Memory Coin was the first coin to honor PTS. I check the forum almost everyday and I don't know how I missed that. And even when I read it I didn't know what to do and when...and as far as I understand that's gone now and I can't use my PTS to benefit from Memory Coin...
I was wondering if it would be possible from the developers to send us an email with instructions on how to do these things and when everytime something new is coming along.??
I understand that most of you know how these things work and might get frustrated by my comments and questions above. Maybe some might say " do your research and search the forum" and staff like that...But you need to consider that people with no IT knowledge and no special skills should be able to follow and understand. I am reading the forum all the time, I am spending a lot of time to understand how things move and what I will have to do but now I have read so many things that I am really confused...And if I miss again something like I 've missed Memory coin it will make me even more sad...
Please make things easier to follow!!! Don't use strange words all the time and explain the processes as you would do to a small child... For eg.
step 1...
step 2 ... etc
with links and everything that is necessary...
I appologise for my ignorance. Just need desperate help with simple instructions...
Thank you all very much in advance!