Author Topic: Bye Bye Bitshares.  (Read 20939 times)

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Offline NewMine

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I am out too. Not for the same reason as lazr or Tony, but because I was put in a position I couldn't get out of and lost near half my BTS. Had I been able to get out when I originally wanted to, I would have only lost 8-10%. But because of the rule were you can't use the posted collateral to exit the position and instead have to possess or purchase excess BTS than what you used to short/CREATE a bitAsset, I lost near 50%.

I learned my lesson the hard way. Back to bitcoin.

The rule can be bad, not saying it isn't since that's not my point. My point is that you didn't inform yourself before taking that position. You didn't know the rule. So, instead of blaming the rule itself, maybe inform yourself better next time.

aaaaannnnnd you wonder why the project can't gain any users and is only losing them.

I had no idea that you could not use the collateral to close out a position until he(Ggozzo/skyscraperfarms) pointed it out a month or so ago. Can you direct to me to the place in the client where it's states this? Or how about direct me to a post by the dev's (un-edited) that states "you should allow enough BTS to remain in your wallet that can cover your entire short position beyond the 2x collateral"? In essence a bitAsset then needs 4x the collateral, it just 1x needs to stay in your wallet. Sheesh.

It's too bad you guys continue to alienate users. He was "all in" on your shit, tries to close out a position, is stuck and gets a big FU in the form of multiple people saying he "should of informed himself more" or he didn't  "do his due diligence". Wtf, that guy probably lost beans compared to what some of you worthless good for nothing delegates are "earning" and you have the gall to tell him he should've known better. I guess it must be nice not earning your BTS and being able to laugh off your losses.

Your misconstruing is humorous. What is even more amusing is how you try so hard to suggest the delegates are being overpaid in some manner. The nonsense will never stop.

What am I interpreting wrong? Here is his post last month, where the same shit happened:,15561.0.html

Did you see PC's comment?

As for the delegate pay comment, I was referring to some of the 100%'ers who aren't doing anything and just sitting on the BTS bankroll, namely every marketing delegate, dacx, the bitscape ones and probably a few devs (that many Devs working fultime should've been able to put out a solid client by now, which tells me a lot of those guys aren't doing shit but maybe an hour a week if that).

Would you like me to leave, since I don't conform to your paradigm of positive outlook through delusional confidence?

You've made numerous observations which are barely consistent. You take every chance you can to twist something into being more negative than it is.

I am not one partaking in any positive outlook through delusion confidence. Read or reread my posts from the last few months. This is but another example of more of the same from you. chuckle @ your definition of "my paradigm".

Do what you wish.  I find you borderline humorous until the BS gets too thick.

Truths generally hurt those who have the most to lose when the lies become known. I am guessing you have a large stake that you are now willing to let vest or die. It would be nice if I had expendable funds like that.

Call my bullshit with links to my posts and refute them instead of ad hominem attacks about the delivery of what I say.

There are definitely delegate squatters. 3% and 100%ers. For crying out loud, some 100%ers are in the low 90% reliability range and one is in the 80% range. Why other than Koolaid are they still given the potential?  The goddamn network is less secure because of them.

Dan definitely passively threatened to abandon BTSX if the merger did not happen.

Dan definitely proposed delegate pay of +$2K a few days after he claimed I3 had plenty of funds.

Stan is a propaganda artist spreading more BS than I can even come up with in my wildest dreams.

Dan is not "like" a Steve Jobs and Bitshares is not like the next Apple.

VOTE has no "secret sauce" as I pointed out when FMV met with CALVO.

AK is only a drain on BTS funds and wealth as has been proven with his lack of presence and effect so far.

PTS needed an upgrade last March and I was shit on for saying it.

Freetrade secretly gave himself a boatload of MMC in the genesis block that he admitted to after I pressured him and ABL jumped in.

Charles Evans was a little too close to the project given he was auditing AGS funds. He left ~5 days after pointing this out.

These are some of the major points I believe I helped come to light.

If these things are not consistent or are lies please let me know where I have fouled up.

I have definitely noticed your turn in opinions towards the project though.

Offline Thom

The state of cryptocurrency is a complete failure at the moment:
-Mining is wasting billions, requiring everyone to speculate that "network effect" will always bailout an unprofitable company.
-The freedom of trustless currency is lost by having to trust (and take orders from) centralized exchanges.
-To break free of banks, users are forced to accept volatility, which is not suitable for everyone.

Only BitShares solves these problems. To leave now is almost like giving up hope on sorting these problems out. Are you really going to give up and go back to a dumb token with 10-30 minute block confirmations again?

Everyone have patience & stick around. Support freedom and grow some balls.

 +5% +5% +5% +5% +5%

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere - MLK |  Verbaltech2 Witness Reports:,23902.0.html

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

As for the delegate pay comment, I was referring to some of the 100%'ers who aren't doing anything and just sitting on the BTS bankroll, namely every marketing delegate, dacx, the bitscape ones and probably a few devs (that many Devs working fultime should've been able to put out a solid client by now, which tells me a lot of those guys aren't doing shit but maybe an hour a week if that).

I don't know what motivates NewMine, but I'm not seeing his specific complaints being refuted in this thread. The fact that Ken is trying to raise interest in some type of delegate reporting/accountability system, and BM intends to revamp delegate roles in code, suggests there's an underlying issue.

Something that sticks in my mind, is that BM recently suggested in a Hangout that share-holders are 'tightwads' for not voting in more marketing delegates. Yet, Methodx says that marketing funds for his delegate were redirected to non-marketing purposes. How is anyone supposed to make an informed vote in this scenario?

At the moment, it's not even possible to gauge the contribution of core-devs, since they're working in a secret, so we cannot view their commit history.

Bitassets and Dpos are great, but the delegate system sets up huge information asymetries that make it very difficult to channel resources effectively.,15832.0.html << This is a delegate proposal which is in the works to provide a platform for the community to better connect with delegates. Vote for this if you want to make more informed decisions.Costs you no time or money to do that.. the delegates have to do all the heavy lifting.. how cool is that?

Opinions are relative things.. just because someone chooses not to engage in arguing someones opinion on a matter doesn't validate it.. often it's a zero sum game.

If people been paying attention to what has been described with the new Three Branches of Delegation then they can see it means more flexibility and better checks and balances to the whole delegate network. Has anybody argued this brand new system that is not even a year old is perfect? Of course not.. improvements are always being made.. so why make such a big fuss over things that we already know a solution has been developed and being introduced for? Because it fits the narative of the ones propagating the fuss.. for whatever reasons they may have.

It's easy to hide behind screens and aliases and criticize others... it's hard to vest your time and money and creativity into making things better.

Armchair do-nothings that are only here to feed their own egos because they like to think they are smart by pointing a finger at something and pissing on it do nothing to encourage others to step in and step up.. instead they just drive them away.. feeding into the do-nothings narative again. See how efficiently ineffective this kind of behaviour is at being of any value?
« Last Edit: May 17, 2015, 03:44:48 am by DataSecurityNode »
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Offline speedy

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The state of cryptocurrency is a complete failure at the moment:
-Mining is wasting billions, requiring everyone to speculate that "network effect" will always bailout an unprofitable company.
-The freedom of trustless currency is lost by having to trust (and take orders from) centralized exchanges.
-To break free of banks, users are forced to accept volatility, which is not suitable for everyone.

Only BitShares solves these problems. To leave now is almost like giving up hope on sorting these problems out. Are you really going to give up and go back to a dumb token with 10-30 minute block confirmations again?

Everyone have patience & stick around. Support freedom and grow some balls.

Offline mangou007

I think that everyone has the right to have its own opinion... Just one thing now, how can negative comment could help us?
Of course it helps to correct some mistakes made, but you can't expect a ride THIS big to be all easy... It's a team effort and each and everyone of is has to bring its brick to the construction... And together we will cement THIS wall!

Now everyone has the right to leave, everyone has the right to leave but I think this is too early to make this kind of decision... Persons who came for easy cash, that is not the place to be...
Here they are developing a product full of promises... But they Need all the help that can be given and that is why we are arguying about one person leaving...

It is his right we can't do anything but to welcome the newcomers, help them through the process... Time passing by, I feel more and more at ease with this community . What I know is that we should bring hope, not fear... Hope will make it go further, fear of this not working will make it go back... And that is not What we want...

Farewell lzr I hope you'll find your way :)
« Last Edit: May 17, 2015, 12:14:54 am by mangou007 »
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As for the delegate pay comment, I was referring to some of the 100%'ers who aren't doing anything and just sitting on the BTS bankroll, namely every marketing delegate, dacx, the bitscape ones and probably a few devs (that many Devs working fultime should've been able to put out a solid client by now, which tells me a lot of those guys aren't doing shit but maybe an hour a week if that).

I don't know what motivates NewMine, but I'm not seeing his specific complaints being refuted in this thread. The fact that Ken is trying to raise interest in some type of delegate reporting/accountability system, and BM intends to revamp delegate roles in code, suggests there's an underlying issue.

Something that sticks in my mind, is that BM recently suggested in a Hangout that share-holders are 'tightwads' for not voting in more marketing delegates. Yet, Methodx says that marketing funds for his delegate were redirected to non-marketing purposes. How is anyone supposed to make an informed vote in this scenario?

At the moment, it's not even possible to gauge the contribution of core-devs, since they're working in a secret, so we cannot view their commit history.

Bitassets and Dpos are great, but the delegate system sets up huge information asymetries that make it very difficult to channel resources effectively.

Offline gamey

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I am out too. Not for the same reason as lazr or Tony, but because I was put in a position I couldn't get out of and lost near half my BTS. Had I been able to get out when I originally wanted to, I would have only lost 8-10%. But because of the rule were you can't use the posted collateral to exit the position and instead have to possess or purchase excess BTS than what you used to short/CREATE a bitAsset, I lost near 50%.

I learned my lesson the hard way. Back to bitcoin.

The rule can be bad, not saying it isn't since that's not my point. My point is that you didn't inform yourself before taking that position. You didn't know the rule. So, instead of blaming the rule itself, maybe inform yourself better next time.

aaaaannnnnd you wonder why the project can't gain any users and is only losing them.

I had no idea that you could not use the collateral to close out a position until he(Ggozzo/skyscraperfarms) pointed it out a month or so ago. Can you direct to me to the place in the client where it's states this? Or how about direct me to a post by the dev's (un-edited) that states "you should allow enough BTS to remain in your wallet that can cover your entire short position beyond the 2x collateral"? In essence a bitAsset then needs 4x the collateral, it just 1x needs to stay in your wallet. Sheesh.

It's too bad you guys continue to alienate users. He was "all in" on your shit, tries to close out a position, is stuck and gets a big FU in the form of multiple people saying he "should of informed himself more" or he didn't  "do his due diligence". Wtf, that guy probably lost beans compared to what some of you worthless good for nothing delegates are "earning" and you have the gall to tell him he should've known better. I guess it must be nice not earning your BTS and being able to laugh off your losses.

Your misconstruing is humorous. What is even more amusing is how you try so hard to suggest the delegates are being overpaid in some manner. The nonsense will never stop.

What am I interpreting wrong? Here is his post last month, where the same shit happened:,15561.0.html

Did you see PC's comment?

As for the delegate pay comment, I was referring to some of the 100%'ers who aren't doing anything and just sitting on the BTS bankroll, namely every marketing delegate, dacx, the bitscape ones and probably a few devs (that many Devs working fultime should've been able to put out a solid client by now, which tells me a lot of those guys aren't doing shit but maybe an hour a week if that).

Would you like me to leave, since I don't conform to your paradigm of positive outlook through delusional confidence?

You've made numerous observations which are barely consistent. You take every chance you can to twist something into being more negative than it is.

I am not one partaking in any positive outlook through delusion confidence. Read or reread my posts from the last few months. This is but another example of more of the same from you. chuckle @ your definition of "my paradigm".

Do what you wish.  I find you borderline humorous until the BS gets too thick.
I speak for myself and only myself.

Offline cass

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Would you like me to leave, since I don't conform to your paradigm of positive outlook through delusional confidence?

Nope. You are a watchman who helps preserve the balance.

this  +5%
█║▌║║█  - - -  The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear  - - -  █║▌║║█

Offline hodor

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What am I interpreting wrong? Here is his post last month, where the same shit happened:,15561.0.html

Did you see PC's comment?

As for the delegate pay comment, I was referring to some of the 100%'ers who aren't doing anything and just sitting on the BTS bankroll, namely every marketing delegate, dacx, the bitscape ones and probably a few devs (that many Devs working fultime should've been able to put out a solid client by now, which tells me a lot of those guys aren't doing shit but maybe an hour a week if that).

Would you like me to leave, since I don't conform to your paradigm of positive outlook through delusional confidence?

Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor, hodor hodor.

Tuck Fheman

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Would you like me to leave, since I don't conform to your paradigm of positive outlook through delusional confidence?

Nope. You are a watchman who helps preserve the balance.

Offline NewMine

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I am out too. Not for the same reason as lazr or Tony, but because I was put in a position I couldn't get out of and lost near half my BTS. Had I been able to get out when I originally wanted to, I would have only lost 8-10%. But because of the rule were you can't use the posted collateral to exit the position and instead have to possess or purchase excess BTS than what you used to short/CREATE a bitAsset, I lost near 50%.

I learned my lesson the hard way. Back to bitcoin.

The rule can be bad, not saying it isn't since that's not my point. My point is that you didn't inform yourself before taking that position. You didn't know the rule. So, instead of blaming the rule itself, maybe inform yourself better next time.

aaaaannnnnd you wonder why the project can't gain any users and is only losing them.

I had no idea that you could not use the collateral to close out a position until he(Ggozzo/skyscraperfarms) pointed it out a month or so ago. Can you direct to me to the place in the client where it's states this? Or how about direct me to a post by the dev's (un-edited) that states "you should allow enough BTS to remain in your wallet that can cover your entire short position beyond the 2x collateral"? In essence a bitAsset then needs 4x the collateral, it just 1x needs to stay in your wallet. Sheesh.

It's too bad you guys continue to alienate users. He was "all in" on your shit, tries to close out a position, is stuck and gets a big FU in the form of multiple people saying he "should of informed himself more" or he didn't  "do his due diligence". Wtf, that guy probably lost beans compared to what some of you worthless good for nothing delegates are "earning" and you have the gall to tell him he should've known better. I guess it must be nice not earning your BTS and being able to laugh off your losses.

Your misconstruing is humorous. What is even more amusing is how you try so hard to suggest the delegates are being overpaid in some manner. The nonsense will never stop.

What am I interpreting wrong? Here is his post last month, where the same shit happened:,15561.0.html

Did you see PC's comment?

As for the delegate pay comment, I was referring to some of the 100%'ers who aren't doing anything and just sitting on the BTS bankroll, namely every marketing delegate, dacx, the bitscape ones and probably a few devs (that many Devs working fultime should've been able to put out a solid client by now, which tells me a lot of those guys aren't doing shit but maybe an hour a week if that).

Would you like me to leave, since I don't conform to your paradigm of positive outlook through delusional confidence?

Tuck Fheman

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aaaaannnnnd you wonder why the project can't gain any users and is only losing them.

I had no idea that you could not use the collateral to close out a position until he(Ggozzo/skyscraperfarms) pointed it out a month or so ago. Can you direct to me to the place in the client where it's states this? Or how about direct me to a post by the dev's (un-edited) that states "you should allow enough BTS to remain in your wallet that can cover your entire short position beyond the 2x collateral"? In essence a bitAsset then needs 4x the collateral, it just 1x needs to stay in your wallet. Sheesh.

It's too bad you guys continue to alienate users. He was "all in" on your shit, tries to close out a position, is stuck and gets a big FU in the form of multiple people saying he "should of informed himself more" or he didn't  "do his due diligence". Wtf, that guy probably lost beans compared to what some of you worthless good for nothing delegates are "earning" and you have the gall to tell him he should've known better. I guess it must be nice not earning your BTS and being able to laugh off your losses.

Offline gamey

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I am out too. Not for the same reason as lazr or Tony, but because I was put in a position I couldn't get out of and lost near half my BTS. Had I been able to get out when I originally wanted to, I would have only lost 8-10%. But because of the rule were you can't use the posted collateral to exit the position and instead have to possess or purchase excess BTS than what you used to short/CREATE a bitAsset, I lost near 50%.

I learned my lesson the hard way. Back to bitcoin.

The rule can be bad, not saying it isn't since that's not my point. My point is that you didn't inform yourself before taking that position. You didn't know the rule. So, instead of blaming the rule itself, maybe inform yourself better next time.

aaaaannnnnd you wonder why the project can't gain any users and is only losing them.

I had no idea that you could not use the collateral to close out a position until he(Ggozzo/skyscraperfarms) pointed it out a month or so ago. Can you direct to me to the place in the client where it's states this? Or how about direct me to a post by the dev's (un-edited) that states "you should allow enough BTS to remain in your wallet that can cover your entire short position beyond the 2x collateral"? In essence a bitAsset then needs 4x the collateral, it just 1x needs to stay in your wallet. Sheesh.

It's too bad you guys continue to alienate users. He was "all in" on your shit, tries to close out a position, is stuck and gets a big FU in the form of multiple people saying he "should of informed himself more" or he didn't  "do his due diligence". Wtf, that guy probably lost beans compared to what some of you worthless good for nothing delegates are "earning" and you have the gall to tell him he should've known better. I guess it must be nice not earning your BTS and being able to laugh off your losses.

Your misconstruing is humorous. What is even more amusing is how you try so hard to suggest the delegates are being overpaid in some manner. The nonsense will never stop.
I speak for myself and only myself.

Offline NewMine

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I am out too. Not for the same reason as lazr or Tony, but because I was put in a position I couldn't get out of and lost near half my BTS. Had I been able to get out when I originally wanted to, I would have only lost 8-10%. But because of the rule were you can't use the posted collateral to exit the position and instead have to possess or purchase excess BTS than what you used to short/CREATE a bitAsset, I lost near 50%.

I learned my lesson the hard way. Back to bitcoin.

The rule can be bad, not saying it isn't since that's not my point. My point is that you didn't inform yourself before taking that position. You didn't know the rule. So, instead of blaming the rule itself, maybe inform yourself better next time.

aaaaannnnnd you wonder why the project can't gain any users and is only losing them.

I had no idea that you could not use the collateral to close out a position until he(Ggozzo/skyscraperfarms) pointed it out a month or so ago. Can you direct to me to the place in the client where it's states this? Or how about direct me to a post by the dev's (un-edited) that states "you should allow enough BTS to remain in your wallet that can cover your entire short position beyond the 2x collateral"? In essence a bitAsset then needs 4x the collateral, it just 1x needs to stay in your wallet. Sheesh.

It's too bad you guys continue to alienate users. He was "all in" on your shit, tries to close out a position, is stuck and gets a big FU in the form of multiple people saying he "should of informed himself more" or he didn't  "do his due diligence". Wtf, that guy probably lost beans compared to what some of you worthless good for nothing delegates are "earning" and you have the gall to tell him he should've known better. I guess it must be nice not earning your BTS and being able to laugh off your losses.

Offline Ander

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I am out too. Not for the same reason as lazr or Tony, but because I was put in a position I couldn't get out of and lost near half my BTS. Had I been able to get out when I originally wanted to, I would have only lost 8-10%. But because of the rule were you can't use the posted collateral to exit the position and instead have to possess or purchase excess BTS than what you used to short/CREATE a bitAsset, I lost near 50%.

I learned my lesson the hard way. Back to bitcoin.

The rule can be bad, not saying it isn't since that's not my point. My point is that you didn't inform yourself before taking that position. You didn't know the rule. So, instead of blaming the rule itself, maybe inform yourself better next time.

Nah, thats a terrible rule that shouldnt have existed, and its going to be changed.  He is right to be upset over it.

That said, maybe you shouldnt exit the rest of your BTS while its low. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads