Researching a remittance business using bitUSD/bitWhatever. [Destination is a relatively small country compared to Argentina/The Philippines]
That is thought as a step one.
On step 2 the shop will hopefully offer saving and/or investing using Bitshares in the destination country - bonds, UIA with underlying investment products (indexes, stocks etc), bitAssets, SmartOptions

[I said it first - the options that BTS will one day support will be called SmartOptions ],private bitAssets.
On step 3 expanding the receiving country business to country with similar regulations...
Competitive advantages - other than the one you might have observed [i.e. very good grasp of the BTS system, some financial knowledge

] and most importantly I think I can save up to 75% of my attorneys fee by doing most of the legal myself in the destination country...
I other words waiting for 2 things - stable working BTS client + legal,
easy way to buy bitUSD in USA...