DPOSHub - As CryptoP already mentioned, been working on this. Coming along nicely and is going to awesome for this community. Vote delegate.dposhub-org
BunkerMining - Still trying to get our delegates voted so we can get proper funding to get all our improvements done (
http://vote.bunkermining.com). I had a programmer working on improvements but just the other day came to realize he was not going to work out. Now seeking someone else who can get the work done for a fraction of what most would ask to get it done for. Market cap payout for the delegates is killing the project. FUD from some hasn't helped. I still spend nearly 2 hours everyday processing payments.
BunkerShares - I was getting the SAFE system developed when we got hit with the 2.0 change. The cutoff of the refer for the next few months threw off plans and it took a while to figure out how to best proceed. Now that we got it straight we are going back to dev, but holding off on SAFE until 2.0. Getting closer to a launch date.

Oh and if you don't know what it is, it's a presale offering powered by BitShares UIA. (see my sig for link).
Tuesday I am doing a presentation on How to create a Bitshares account that is going to be videoed. I am still preparing for it.