Author Topic: Still waiting for that video about the trip sponsored by BitShares  (Read 8956 times)

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Offline lil_jay890

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Just another case of a delegate making promises that they can't keep... Basically what every marketing or "media" delegate has done.

Frankly it seems like none of them have any idea what the hell they are doing.  Maybe they bought a book on marketing on amazon and thought they could use it on bitshares.

I've withdrawn votes from all marketing delegates and encourage others to do the same.

Offline Akado

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I appreciate your reply, thank you! Do you think it could possibly be released after 2.0?

Akado, are you asking for us to release it afterwards?  Or just asking when it could possibly be released?
There will be many short segments as opposed to one large documentary.  Later on we'll see about a feature length doc.

I honestly don't know what's the best option. On one hand, we are all waiting for it for quite a while and getting impatient. On the other hand, release it along with the release of 2.0 could cause more impact I don't know. Probably the best is to release a few of the clips asap and save the big special one for when 2.0 is released. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline Shentist

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We’re glad to hear there is still anticipation in the collective consciousness… you are not the first to reach out to us for a hint as to what is on the way.

The first reason that our videos haven’t yet reached the light of day has ultimately been the age old combination of time and money, in short supply.  Second It’s been a crazy editing process with limited tools.  Third, we both have busy lives endeavoring to make a living. 

We would like nothing more than to be dedicated full time to the production of killer content for this community, but it’s been an ad hoc operation from the beginning, and even with two delegates we’re still hustling.  Mind you no one wants to sell at this price, and although we’ve had to sell a few shares along the way, we’re not happy about it.

As to how much we are getting paid to release the footage.. nothing!  And it will be licensed under a Creative Commons license BY-SA, meaning anyone can reuse/remix our released footage in any video project.

We don’t expect payment, but we still need our videos to have maximum impact. So the lead-up & launch of 2.0 seems like best timing for several reasons: (i) we can recuperate more of our production costs by using the referral system, (ii) to help build excitement for 2.0, and (iii) delegate votes are going to be reset, so instead of wasting time re-campaigning for votes we’ll let our work speak for us.

We are media delegates, not marketing delegates, so we plan to maintain our delegate position as long as it remains relevant. If Cryptonomex or one of its partners was to hire us directly, that would be a different story. But delegate pay continues to be a valuable resource for helping bootstrap this ecosystem. We will market where there is an easy opening for us, but that is not our specialty.

As to where production is currently at, we are on the third iteration of our material, and will be releasing one or more teasers closer to launch.  At this point, we are full-on 2.0 or bust!

So, thanks for the opportunity to respond and give everyone an update.  We’re blocking out major time on our calendars for the final push.  And when we succeed in releasing the first round of videos, it’s back to Blacksburg.

I am wondering why everyone has expectations that you are really close to release the first videos? I read the Nullstreet Newsletter again and then i saw it - you set this expectaions by yourself

You can expect the first nuggets of video to begin emerging in mid June.
written Nullstreetjournal 4th page 11.

The "problem" is you have done the trip and sitting on the footage - now you want to wait for the referral program, because you will get more out? I am not sure what i have to think about this.

I know it is hard for everyone because the price is falling more then most of us expected and a delegate position can not support you fulltime, but you are not posting as much as before and the videos are not released, so you should not wondering that you are losing the support.

I hope you will release something not as polished and take the "great" stuff for BTS 2.0

Offline lovejoy

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I appreciate your reply, thank you! Do you think it could possibly be released after 2.0?

Akado, are you asking for us to release it afterwards?  Or just asking when it could possibly be released?
There will be many short segments as opposed to one large documentary.  Later on we'll see about a feature length doc.


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You dont want to sell shares, have another job, 2 delegates. So what you do is getting lots of shares and wait it out. Then in the future you will be rich.
But this is about now. You complain about funding but I remember that someone paid you the camera/tools.
If you ask me, you are lame. With that money others (me) could have made 3 movies already.
At least you could publish little material bi-weekly.
How you sit together and work on something.
2 delegates and not enough money. Maybe change your idea if it is not working.

Offline Akado

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I appreciate your reply, thank you! Do you think it could possibly be released after 2.0? | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline lovejoy

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We’re glad to hear there is still anticipation in the collective consciousness… you are not the first to reach out to us for a hint as to what is on the way.

The first reason that our videos haven’t yet reached the light of day has ultimately been the age old combination of time and money, in short supply.  Second It’s been a crazy editing process with limited tools.  Third, we both have busy lives endeavoring to make a living. 

We would like nothing more than to be dedicated full time to the production of killer content for this community, but it’s been an ad hoc operation from the beginning, and even with two delegates we’re still hustling.  Mind you no one wants to sell at this price, and although we’ve had to sell a few shares along the way, we’re not happy about it.

As to how much we are getting paid to release the footage.. nothing!  And it will be licensed under a Creative Commons license BY-SA, meaning anyone can reuse/remix our released footage in any video project.

We don’t expect payment, but we still need our videos to have maximum impact. So the lead-up & launch of 2.0 seems like best timing for several reasons: (i) we can recuperate more of our production costs by using the referral system, (ii) to help build excitement for 2.0, and (iii) delegate votes are going to be reset, so instead of wasting time re-campaigning for votes we’ll let our work speak for us.

We are media delegates, not marketing delegates, so we plan to maintain our delegate position as long as it remains relevant. If Cryptonomex or one of its partners was to hire us directly, that would be a different story. But delegate pay continues to be a valuable resource for helping bootstrap this ecosystem. We will market where there is an easy opening for us, but that is not our specialty.

As to where production is currently at, we are on the third iteration of our material, and will be releasing one or more teasers closer to launch.  At this point, we are full-on 2.0 or bust!

So, thanks for the opportunity to respond and give everyone an update.  We’re blocking out major time on our calendars for the final push.  And when we succeed in releasing the first round of videos, it’s back to Blacksburg.

edit: Previous update
« Last Edit: September 11, 2015, 12:21:45 am by bitscape »

Offline Akado

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From Bitscape delegate if im not mistaken? It's been quiet a while. You travelled, some time has passed and still no videos. Could you elaborate on that?

Tbh I never liked the idea of having people travelling via delegate pay, but I thought it would be better to wait and see when they showed their work because it could be worth it. However the ones doing it never gave updates, showed a video tease or anything of the like. Unless I'm missing something.

So yeah, I'm asking about the videos. Status on that please. How much will you get to deliver that? Why is it taking so long? I just want to get a reasonable response, but we all deserve to see some work here. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads