Infovortice, datasecurity is too good to reply, ..
His bunker is atomic proof but that doesnt help when the police is coming with a warrant.
Edit: deleted some swearing
I was actually quite busy all day working on dposhub with Crypto Prometheus... I offered a perspective and also gave you some things to think about if you ever hope to be successful as a delegate. If you want to respond to that with juvenile name calling and then try to suggest I am somehow doing something illegal at the bunker where police will break in here, that's your choice... a poor choice.
This isn't the first time you have taken jabs at me and/or the delegates I manage when in the past I have only given you support. So let me be a little more blunt (not the good kind of blunt that you enjoy every day) just to make it clear and maybe say what others here are thinking but not saying.
Your acting juvenile and erratic, and that doesn't evoke trust. A delegate is not a right, it's a responsibility. Your postings accusing people of being selfish and the like over the past month simply because you haven't gotten voted in also shows poor judgement. This doesn't do anything to inspire people to believe that you are responsible enough to handle a trusted financial position.
Continue to sell your seeds.. that's a fantastic opportunity and a marketable product.. just go do it at pot forums like I was suggesting in the first place. I'm sure selling them on the street you aren't doing it in a baby shop right? Wrong market. The video suggests however that you seem to get plenty of business from your street marketing with students. No online transactions fees to deal with that way, and it looks like you are having more fun there anyways. So just expand on that perhaps. Get organized.
Make some money and start taking on more responsibilities and then maybe you will better demonstrate that you should be voted for as a delegate.
I am not the coddling type.. I say what I think and think what I say.. I realize this will probably be taken with offence by you.. but I consider this some much needed tough love. If you are listening, nothing I have said is for the purpose of putting you down, but to give you a chance to pull yourself up.
Things don't change until you do.
You are the OP.. so you can delete this thread when ever you like.