I'd suggest before logo comes brand.
Write the mission, vision and values first.
If the brand were a person, what would their personality be like?
What would they stand for? What would they stand against?
To me, logo is just a symbol, a visual representation of the brand. Brand is the identity that rarely changes.
Brand is 'the promise' to the customer. It's how a customer feels about the brand. It's how the customer perceives the company, that to me is brand.
The phase "we are re-branding" is often a misuse of language. They mean "we are updating our logo".
A true re-brand would be changing what your company stands for, changing it's fundamental purpose for being. If that's what you're doing, I'd suggest it's better to start a new business altogether with a new brand else it will confuse the marketplace.
Here's the process I use to guide my consulting clients through this process:
- Mission (i.e. what process are we engaged in that can never be completed)
- Vision (i.e. what milestone to reach that lets us know the mission is on course)
- Values (i.e. what do we believe is most important in our business / what do we stand for)
In my marketing framework:
Mission - why do we exist?
Vision - what are we going to do?
Values - what makes us different to everyone else? (hint: your belief system is what make you different)
Examples:Google's MissionTo organise the worlds information and make it useful (will never be completed, hence the company will always have a purpose)
Bytemaster's personal missionTo secure life, liberty and property for all.
(Maybe that's more vision because technically it could be accomplished?)
Microsoft's original VisionA computer on every desk (they pretty much reached that milestone so had to update it).
Zappo's ValuesDeliver WOW Through Service
Embrace and Drive Change
Create Fun and A Little Weirdness
Be Adventurous, Creative, and Open-Minded
Pursue Growth and Learning
Build Open and Honest Relationships With Communication
Build a Positive Team and Family Spirit
Do More With Less
Be Passionate and Determined
Be Humble
Again I must stress that this is my personal marketing framework (
https://marketingmandala.com) that I've developed over my decade of experience. It works for me and I offer it to you without conditions i.e. do with it as you wish, including filing it under B1N