Author Topic: [Python] Price Feed Script for BitShares 2.0  (Read 41665 times)

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I just pushed another update that add's @alt 's TCNY asset .. the configuration file has changed slightly

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Quite some updates happend to the feed script ... I recommend to upgrade to it, update the configuration and give it a try ..

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5e11e12: [Price Feed] Add OkcoinUSD and OkcoinCNY

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New Script just now:
Code: [Select]
|  asset | price per BTS |    my mean | median exchanges | blockchain median | % change (my) | % change (blockchain) |                     last update | publish |
|    BTC |    0.00000846 | 0.00000835 |       0.00000836 |   119221.63120567 |    -100.00085 |               0.83770 | 16769 days, 12:27:42.994040 ago |       X |
| SILVER |    0.00022716 | 0.00022735 |       0.00022599 |     4384.50000000 |    -100.02272 |              -0.40338 | 16769 days, 12:27:42.995337 ago |       X |
|   GOLD |    0.00000300 | 0.00000300 |       0.00000299 |   330863.33333333 |    -100.00030 |              -0.70050 | 16769 days, 12:27:42.996345 ago |       X |
|    TRY |    0.00925493 | 0.00926271 |       0.00920743 |      107.55272727 |    -100.92549 |              -0.46065 | 16769 days, 12:27:42.997357 ago |       X |
|    SGD |    0.00449285 | 0.00449663 |       0.00446936 |      221.52592593 |    -100.44929 |              -0.47163 | 16769 days, 12:27:42.998336 ago |       X |
|    HKD |    0.02466519 | 0.02468597 |       0.02453521 |       40.38370044 |    -102.46652 |              -0.39283 | 16769 days, 12:27:42.999340 ago |       X |
|    NZD |    0.00484322 | 0.00484729 |       0.00481832 |      205.45500000 |    -100.48432 |              -0.49358 | 16769 days, 12:27:43.000903 ago |       X |
|    CNY |    0.02084914 | 0.02037820 |       0.02025377 |       48.87259259 |    -102.08491 |               1.89517 | 16769 days, 12:27:43.001887 ago |       X |
|    MXN |    0.05274312 | 0.05278742 |       0.05246750 |       18.87548544 |    -105.27431 |              -0.44480 | 16769 days, 12:27:43.003357 ago |       X |
|    CAD |    0.00425188 | 0.00425545 |       0.00423002 |      234.01052632 |    -100.42519 |              -0.50158 | 16769 days, 12:27:43.004386 ago |       X |
|    CHF |    0.00327817 | 0.00328093 |       0.00326127 |      303.58227080 |    -100.32782 |              -0.48043 | 16769 days, 12:27:43.005380 ago |       X |
|    AUD |    0.00440713 | 0.00441084 |       0.00438424 |      225.61395349 |    -100.44071 |              -0.56894 | 16769 days, 12:27:43.006382 ago |       X |
|    GBP |    0.00211750 | 0.00211928 |       0.00210666 |      469.70408643 |    -100.21175 |              -0.53993 | 16769 days, 12:27:43.007386 ago |       X |
|    JPY |    0.39161229 | 0.39194194 |       0.38957115 |        2.54252778 |    -139.16123 |              -0.43149 | 16769 days, 12:27:43.008366 ago |       X |
|    EUR |    0.00300677 | 0.00300930 |       0.00299121 |      331.03750000 |    -100.30068 |              -0.46460 | 16769 days, 12:27:43.010122 ago |       X |
|    USD |    0.00318283 | 0.00318551 |       0.00316563 |      312.79324367 |    -100.31828 |              -0.44330 | 16769 days, 12:27:43.011630 ago |       X |
|    KRW |    3.66409018 | 3.66915853 |       3.67206229 |        0.27129753 |    -466.40902 |              -0.59414 | 16769 days, 12:27:43.013094 ago |       X |

Old Script just now:
Code: [Select]
|  asset |        BTS/base |         my mean | median exchanges | blockchain median | % change (my) | % change (blockchain) |                     last update | publish |
|    BTC | 119216.08068607 | 114454.37729791 |  117191.43976981 |   119221.63120567 |    -100.00084 |               0.00466 | 16769 days, 12:29:04.809748 ago |       X |
| SILVER |   4389.63472314 |   4214.00511904 |    4336.09411615 |     4384.50000000 |    -100.02278 |              -0.11697 | 16769 days, 12:29:04.811758 ago |       X |
|   GOLD | 332187.16101836 | 318896.32835105 |  328135.91972626 |   330863.33333333 |    -100.00030 |              -0.39852 | 16769 days, 12:29:04.813422 ago |       X |
|    TRY |    107.73831660 |    103.42769311 |     106.43144741 |      107.55272727 |    -100.92817 |              -0.17226 | 16769 days, 12:29:04.815258 ago |       X |
|    SGD |    221.95726058 |    213.07673182 |     219.25636479 |      221.52592593 |    -100.45054 |              -0.19433 | 16769 days, 12:29:04.817057 ago |       X |
|    HKD |     40.42935227 |     38.81179660 |      39.93904179 |       40.38370044 |    -102.47345 |              -0.11292 | 16769 days, 12:29:04.818777 ago |       X |
|    NZD |    205.90370171 |    197.66548773 |     203.39884748 |      205.45500000 |    -100.48566 |              -0.21792 | 16769 days, 12:29:04.822876 ago |       X |
|    CNY |     48.97623126 |     47.01676585 |      48.38379477 |       48.87259259 |    -102.04181 |              -0.21161 | 16769 days, 12:29:04.824554 ago |       X |
|    MXN |     18.90547887 |     18.14906523 |      18.67736392 |       18.87548544 |    -105.28947 |              -0.15865 | 16769 days, 12:29:04.827384 ago |       X |
|    CAD |    234.50768905 |    225.12501645 |     231.65069325 |      234.02761526 |    -100.42643 |              -0.20472 | 16769 days, 12:29:04.829030 ago |       X |
|    CHF |    304.22114225 |    292.04923508 |     300.51447300 |      303.58227080 |    -100.32871 |              -0.21000 | 16769 days, 12:29:04.830673 ago |       X |
|    AUD |    226.23304985 |    217.18143600 |     223.47995048 |      225.63333333 |    -100.44202 |              -0.26509 | 16769 days, 12:29:04.832348 ago |       X |
|    GBP |    470.91486712 |    452.07351535 |     465.17936621 |      469.82307692 |    -100.21235 |              -0.23184 | 16769 days, 12:29:04.834049 ago |       X |
|    JPY |      2.54642466 |      2.44454411 |       2.51577086 |        2.54252778 |    -139.27075 |              -0.15303 | 16769 days, 12:29:04.835712 ago |       X |
|    EUR |    331.66484625 |    318.39521260 |     327.59833068 |      331.03750000 |    -100.30151 |              -0.18915 | 16769 days, 12:29:04.840230 ago |       X |
|    USD |    313.35383170 |    300.81683155 |     309.55429825 |      312.79324367 |    -100.31913 |              -0.17890 | 16769 days, 12:29:04.843851 ago |       X |
|    KRW |      0.27164239 |      0.26090843 |       0.26717324 |        0.27129753 |    -468.13105 |              -0.12695 | 16769 days, 12:29:04.847094 ago |       X |

Note the difference in CNY that comes from asking the BTC/CNY price from huobi and bitcoinchina instead of bitcoinaverage

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Mega Update in order to improve price.

 [Price Feed] Megaupdate

* Per Asset parameters include exchanges to consider
* Exchange fetch methods are moved outside the feed script
* Python Futures

This update can now also consider prices from Huobi and BitcoinChina.

Configuration has changes

Demo configuration:
Code: [Select]
import feedsources
## RPC-client connection information (required)
host   = "localhost"     # machine that runs a cli-wallet with -H parameter
port   = 8092            # RPC port, e.g.`-H`
user   = ""              # API user (optional)
passwd = ""              # API user passphrase (optional)
unlock = ""              # password to unlock the wallet if the cli-wallet is locked

## Script runtime parameters
ask_confirmation             = True # if true, a manual confirmation is required

## Witness Feed Publish Parameters
witness_name                 = "init0"
maxAgeFeedInSeconds          = 60*60  # A feed should be at most 1hour old
change_min                   = 0.5    # Percentage of price change to force an update
change_max                   = 5.0    # Percentage of price change to cause a warning

## Fine tuning
discount                     = 0.995       # discount for borrowing of an asset
minValidAssetPriceInBTC      = 100 * 1e-8  # minimum valid price for BTS in BTC

## Asset specific Settings
asset_config = {
                   "default" : { ## DEFAULT BEHAVIOR
                       # "median", "mean", or "weighted" (by volume)
                       "metric" : "weighted",
                       # all:* , or array of: "yahoo", "btcid", "ccedk", "yunbi", "btc38", "bter", "poloniex", "bittrex", "btcavg"
                       "sources" : ["*"],
                       # Core exchange rate for paying transaction fees in non-BTS assets
                       "core_exchange_factor" : 0.95,
                       # Call when collateral only pays off 175% the debt
                       "maintenance_collateral_ratio" : 1750,
                       # Stop calling when collateral only pays off 110% of the debt
                       "maximum_short_squeeze_ratio" : 1100,
                   "CNY" : {
                       "metric" : "median",
                       "sources" : ["poloniex","bittrex","huobi","btcchina"]

## Exchanges and settings
feedSources = {}
feedSources["yahoo"]    = feedsources.Yahoo(trust=1.0)
feedSources["btcavg"]   = feedsources.BitcoinAverage(trust=1.0)

feedSources["poloniex"] = feedsources.Poloniex(trust=1.0)
feedSources["bittrex"]  = feedsources.Bittrex(trust=1.0)
feedSources["ccedk"]    = feedsources.Ccedk(trust=1.0)
feedSources["btcchina"] = feedsources.BtcChina(trust=1.0)
feedSources["huobi"]    = feedsources.Huobi(trust=1.0)
feedSources["yunbi"]    = feedsources.Yunbi(trust=0.5)
feedSources["btc38"]    = feedsources.Btc38(trust=0.5)

#feedSources["btcid"]    = feedsources.BitcoinIndonesia(trust=0.0)
#feedSources["bter"]     = feedsources.Bter(trust=0.0)

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Oh .. btw .. the last update also only publishes those feeds that need update .. hence you could spare some tx fees here

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Another update:

* [2015-11-26][ea91778] | [Price Feed] Make default price parameters more clean {{Fabian Schuh}} (HEAD -> master, origin/master)
* [2015-11-26][4db1f0a] | [Price Feed] Delegate->Witness rename / More comments in configuration file {{Fabian Schuh}}
* [2015-11-26][fa0fbf9] | [Price Feed] Reduce transaction costs by only publishing individually required prices, not all {{Fabian Schuh}}
* [2015-11-26][54cb51d] | [Price Feed] Allow for asset-specific core_exchange_rate_factor {{Fabian Schuh}}

The parameters are now asset specific and can be used as follows
Code: [Select]
## Asset specific Borrow/Short parameters
# Core exchange rate for paying transaction fees in non-BTS assets
core_exchange_factor = {
                                  "default" : 0.95, # default value
                                  "USD"     : 0.95, # asset-specific overwrite

# Call when collateral only pays off 175% the debt
maintenance_collateral_ratio = {
                                  "default" : 1750, # default value
                                  "USD"     : 1750, # asset-specific overwrite

# Stop calling when collateral only pays off 110% of the debt
maximum_short_squeeze_ratio  = {
                                  "default" : 1100, # default value
                                  "USD"     : 1100, # asset-specific overwrite

Please note that the configuration has changed, changed some variable names (also delegate_name->witness_name)

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Oh .. no one told me .. then you can put a 1.0 as trust factor for bittrex aswell

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I also noticed that yunbi has volume in the BTS/CNY market but not in the BTS/BTC market .. thus you can also enable yunbi again .. althoug I would advice a trust factor of less than 1 since they have not yet finished integrating BTS2, similar to bittrex ..

FYI, Bittrex has enabled bts deposit.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2015, 01:02:50 pm by cube »
ID: bitcube
bitcube is a dedicated witness and committe member. Please vote for bitcube.

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I have pushed some more commits that mainly fixed the volume issue with CCEDK (which was my fault) ..
after upgrading the code, you can safely set the trust value back to 1.0 again

I also noticed that yunbi has volume in the BTS/CNY market but not in the BTS/BTC market .. thus you can also enable yunbi again .. althoug I would advice a trust factor of less than 1 since they have not yet finished integrating BTS2, similar to bittrex ..

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yes,I have see these two scripts, monitor through witness port and transfer through cli_wallet right?

Offline alt

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yes,I have see these two scripts, monitor through witness port and transfer through cli_wallet right?

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hi, xeroc
if I want to monitor my account's transaction and execute some call such as transfer.
should I subscribe transaction event from witness_node(port 8090) and execute transfer from cli_wallet(port 8092)?
so I need to declair GrapheneAPI instanse with port 8092, and declair a  GrapheneWebSocket instanse with port 8090?
Take a look at this script:

In order to initiate a transfer you need to also interface with a cli-wallet similar to this:

Offline alt

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hi, xeroc
if I want to monitor my account's transaction and execute some call such as transfer.
should I subscribe transaction event from witness_node(port 8090) and execute transfer from cli_wallet(port 8092)?
so I need to declair GrapheneAPI instanse with port 8092, and declair a  GrapheneWebSocket instanse with port 8090?