TEST COMPLETE.. the filter is in the main wallets now.
https://bitshares.org/worker** this is temporary, later you'll file the same wallet under the typical place:
https://bitshares.org/walletEDIT: please post browser name and version
This uses the BitShares 2.0 Genesis bloom filter to reduce the size of wallets when importing BTS 0.9.x key files. The filter is applied to all BTS 0.9.x exported keys (by file format) upon import. Also "worker" refers to the HTML5 worker threads...
The /worker release has a 1MB file in it (a bloom filter) that was built using all public keys and public addresses used in the BTS 2.0 genesis.json file. When you import a BTS 0.9.x keys file (or backup), the public keys and addresses are checked against the filter. With 100% certainty any private key has a public key or address in the genesis block will be included. Almost all keys that do not appear in the genesis block will be filtered out and do not import..
If you have a small wallet and all the keys are used you may not even notice it happened.. We are mostly interested in: did it work?
This will remove any spent TITAN addresses and remove any unused keys that were created by BTS < 2.0 generate key commands, etc.. You should save and backup your original BTS 0.9.x keys export file as that contains all your keys.
Typically you will use this url or a partner's URL instead:
https://bitshares.org/walletBoth /wallet and /worker share the same local storage
(after we remove the /worker directory you will will remain at /wallet)
This release is not available in an installer yet. You may wait or try to filter yourself:
GUIDE: How to remove unneeded keys from Bitshares 0.9.3 export_keys json
https://bitsharestalk.org/index.php/topic,19390.0.htmlI'm doing a separate temporary release because I need to know if the HTML5 worker threads are going to work for most browsers. There are varying degrees of support so I tried to stick to the very basic stuff. Worker threads lets us get into multi-core processing so this is a good thing to know about...
EDIT: Filtering 130K keys started almost instantly (about 1 sec to download the filter as shown in the network tab) and took 3 minutes to filter. In my case about 500 keys remained. After clicking import the wallet was ready in about 5 seconds.