Author Topic: The worst thing for BTS is this forum  (Read 11060 times)

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Offline fav

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the only problem I got with this forum is the software. Really appreciate this community, we're one of the most active crypto communites in my opinion.

Offline lovejoy

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Here today, are the lamentations of those who are suffering, and angry.  Their clamor is infectious, and the dreamers and builders may go silent in reflection, and continue on quietly building their dreams, but we are all poorer for this silence.

To those who are tired and depressed from the toilsome road they may be on, take courage, turn your loss into grief, and your grief into beauty!

Maybe some who are quiet are being quiet before something big comes :)

Bring it!  8)

Oh and @KD - thanks for the appreciation.  :D

Fuzzy, the recent video I viewed (from a link on this forum) where a few guys went across the country interviewing people, including yourself, really blew me away and invigorated my interest in the project.

Those videos are awesome, they should be front and center, people would rather watch than read... we should have milestones and goals kicked prominently listed. We need to think about marketing more on this forum, as well as the official website, as it is a well known source of information.

Our goal with the P2P tour was to show the community to itself, and help make tangible the amazing people working on this project in the hopes that it would help bring us together.

If we've succeeded at all in this, I'm happy.
There's more to come!
« Last Edit: November 06, 2015, 07:17:48 am by bitscape »

Offline fuzzy

Here today, are the lamentations of those who are suffering, and angry.  Their clamor is infectious, and the dreamers and builders may go silent in reflection, and continue on quietly building their dreams, but we are all poorer for this silence.

To those who are tired and depressed from the toilsome road they may be on, take courage, turn your loss into grief, and your grief into beauty!

Maybe some who are quiet are being quiet before something big comes :)
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Offline lovejoy

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Tempting to look outside ourselves for something to blame.

It is neither some intrinsic quality of this forum, nor is it human nature, what little anyone here knows of that from the vastly skewed sample of a human lifetime in progress.

Some are here to change the foundations of human organization by helping to create and promote the tools of liberation. 
Some people are here because they perceive an opportunity for personal gain. 

These two motivations aren't mutually exclusive, but when the latter drives us forward, and the scales tip towards only thinking of the self, this is what the forum begins to look like.

Attached to the desire for financial independence we lose sight of our innate, natural independence; and the earth upon which it all rests, which is the only true wealth we will ever have.  We know full well that when we die, we all will have the same amount of money.

Here today, are the lamentations of those who are suffering, and angry.  Their clamor is infectious, and the dreamers and builders may go silent in reflection, and continue on quietly building their dreams, but we are all poorer for this silence.

To those who are tired and depressed from the toilsome road they may be on, take courage, turn your loss into grief, and your grief into beauty!

"What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well." -Antoine de Saint-Exupery
« Last Edit: November 06, 2015, 03:03:02 am by bitscape »


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We have this conversation every month.

Meanwhile other communities just air their bullshit for all without even having conversations like this.

I take that as a good sign.

Offline gamey

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The issue isn't this forum, the issue is that there should be a specific site separate from this forum that is maintained by someone specifically to address issues/updates.

edit - "should be" but that doesn't mean there are resources to do it without someone being altruistic.
I speak for myself and only myself.


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Yes, lets fix this "problematic" forum, lets integrate a similar solution to this Come on guys, we only need a worker proposal!

And always remember...

I do not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it *

* Some exceptions apply here
e.g when "potential investors" are involed or when I generally think that your speach is "shitty"
in the above cases you will have to STFU or go away.

Offline roadscape

Agree with this. What we're seeing here is human nature. Ain't no changing that.

Strongly disagree.. the crypto community is all about change.  |  witness: roadscape

Offline lil_jay890

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Whenever there is money involved emotions are going to run high... especially during downturns.  It's been like this for decades on finance forums, and I doubt it will ever change.

This community isn't an aberration.

Agree with this. What we're seeing here is human nature. Ain't no changing that.

I can see by your reply you're not an optimist. Think about the "human nature" attitudes of slavery and women's rights, as just 2 examples of cultural norms that have changed dramatically in relatively short period of time. Granted I'm speaking of the culture in USA, obviously there are plenty of people elsewhere who treat women like property etc.

But those are huge cultural shifts. If you accept violence and aggreesion is a characteristic that cannot change, of course it never will.

As Stan is fond of saying, "You need to think bigger Pinky".

Money is a much different animal than womens rights and slavery.  Money taps into each persons brain as it is a measure of productivity, time and self worth.  When someone loses money it sets of a trigger that they have wasted their time. That their time spent earning that money is gone and they will never get it back.  It's hard for people to accept a loss, and anger is just one part of that grieving process.

I know we have had this convo about violence and aggression before... I don't think it can be taken out of human nature and you do... Maybe your right, but it may take some genetic engineering to accomplish that.

Offline kuro112

One thing i will say to the contrary of OP is that personally ive always used forums for community building... some of the best times ive ever had were spent posting memes or playing a 'what song are you listening to' game on my community forums... I also agree that a certain amount (and sections) should be kept to information that is relevant to the core product, but there's something to be said about building a community around your product and in the end that's why im here, there is a million cryptos (some easier to use than others) but i like the people here :D
CTO @ Freebie, LLC

Offline Thom

Whenever there is money involved emotions are going to run high... especially during downturns.  It's been like this for decades on finance forums, and I doubt it will ever change.

This community isn't an aberration.

Agree with this. What we're seeing here is human nature. Ain't no changing that.

I can see by your reply you're not an optimist. Think about the "human nature" attitudes of slavery and women's rights, as just 2 examples of cultural norms that have changed dramatically in relatively short period of time. Granted I'm speaking of the culture in USA, obviously there are plenty of people elsewhere who treat women like property etc.

But those are huge cultural shifts. If you accept violence and aggreesion is a characteristic that cannot change, of course it never will.

As Stan is fond of saying, "You need to think bigger Pinky".
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Tuck Fheman

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Agree. Most of you guys are so abusive to each other,  you drive anyone interested away.

Remember that time everyone stopped buying Apple products because Steve Jobs was an abusive asshole?

Yeah, me either.  ::)

Perhaps some of you guys are too soft and can't handle others passion for teh future. ;)

We all weren't born with English Lit degrees (much less the ability to afford one later), so perhaps some of you "educated" people can learn that the rest of us peons who live in the real world react with passion and voice our opinions with no regard to what others think about us.

Just a thought.

Offline nomoreheroes7

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Whenever there is money involved emotions are going to run high... especially during downturns.  It's been like this for decades on finance forums, and I doubt it will ever change.

This community isn't an aberration.

Agree with this. What we're seeing here is human nature. Ain't no changing that.

Offline lil_jay890

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I'm sick of coming on here and reading negative shit.

I have been actively reading this forum for over a year and its pretty much a bunch of superfluous BS, speculation and conjecture, in my opinion.

I think this forum should be used for 2 things.

1. Technical support
2. Developer updates, which should be at least bi-weekly

All this crap about oh the margin call fucked us, I'm out now, the project is dead, we're below other alt coins... this and that system is not working... not helpful, not needed.

I'd also love to get some clarity on just who is posting on here, eg

Who here is over the age of 30?
Who has a family to support and is taking this seriously?

I for one am both, and I'm not wealthy. I got in to cyrpto with about $600, saw it go way the hell up to about $30k, pulled about $2k out and lost the rest, I'm now all in to BTS and worth about $200.

I'm not bitching on here, I believe in it and I don't want to read about it.

Moderators, can I suggest you have 2 forums... 1 for tech support and relevant update info, 1 for for everything else.

Agree. Most of you guys are so abusive to each other,  you drive anyone interested away.

I said this to Stan a year guys eat your babies here, and your marketcap, the attitude and overall treatment of us by the crypto community is a reflection of this.

To those that work together as a community and support each other in a positive way, thank you.

To those that spout vitriolic shit, please go away.

Whenever there is money involved emotions are going to run high... especially during downturns.  It's been like this for decades on finance forums, and I doubt it will ever change.

This community isn't an aberration.

Offline Murderistic

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I'm sick of coming on here and reading negative shit.

I have been actively reading this forum for over a year and its pretty much a bunch of superfluous BS, speculation and conjecture, in my opinion.

I think this forum should be used for 2 things.

1. Technical support
2. Developer updates, which should be at least bi-weekly

All this crap about oh the margin call fucked us, I'm out now, the project is dead, we're below other alt coins... this and that system is not working... not helpful, not needed.

I'd also love to get some clarity on just who is posting on here, eg

Who here is over the age of 30?
Who has a family to support and is taking this seriously?

I for one am both, and I'm not wealthy. I got in to cyrpto with about $600, saw it go way the hell up to about $30k, pulled about $2k out and lost the rest, I'm now all in to BTS and worth about $200.

I'm not bitching on here, I believe in it and I don't want to read about it.

Moderators, can I suggest you have 2 forums... 1 for tech support and relevant update info, 1 for for everything else.

Agree. Most of you guys are so abusive to each other,  you drive anyone interested away.

I said this to Stan a year guys eat your babies here, and your marketcap, the attitude and overall treatment of us by the crypto community is a reflection of this.

To those that work together as a community and support each other in a positive way, thank you.

To those that spout vitriolic shit, please go away.