Author Topic: Short Term Roadmap  (Read 14525 times)

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Offline xeroc

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That's how I understand it .. yes

Offline bitcrab

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From what I understand, this updates results in the short order being able to "buy cheap" but the SQP is still an upper limit for the price a called position needs to pay ..

take the pic as an example:
now settlement price=300
Lowest Call Price = 325

so when settlement price go up and finally reach 325(meanwhile SQP reach 390), the CDP with call price = 325 will be margin called and the highest price it need to pay is 390...right?

Offline xeroc

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From what I understand, this updates results in the short order being able to "buy cheap" but the SQP is still an upper limit for the price a called position needs to pay ..

Offline bitcrab

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seems the first step is finished at 1216 version.

so according to my understanding, now the SQP parameter will make no use,  in other words, margin call will occur only  when feed price touch "Your Call Price", then need not to care the "Margin Call Price" .

and this change is for all the public and privated  smartcoins.

is this understanding correct?

Offline cass

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4.  Launch a Demo/Dev chain that gives all signups a significant balance and an opportunity to play with all of the features.
That would have been extremely usefull for websummit ... net conference to come anyway ... Looking forward to show case this to pot. investors!!!

indeed this would be extremly valuable .. !
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Offline xeroc

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4.  Launch a Demo/Dev chain that gives all signups a significant balance and an opportunity to play with all of the features.
That would have been extremely usefull for websummit ... net conference to come anyway ... Looking forward to show case this to pot. investors!!!

Offline tonyk

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[and I am even willing to even give you a pass, as in the cat never falls in its back, for the "popular demand" instead of the true reason 'common sense']
@tonyk, that's a good catch.

 Me,  Xeldal, to some extend clout, and you after days of persuasion, hardly qualifies as "popular demand". Popular is something like the "Are you a brownie holder" thread.
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline tonyk

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1.  Prevent margin call from being triggered unless the price feed is less than call price  (popular demand)
Does it mean we still keep the SQP concept or not?
I'd suggest we keep it but not use it for triggering a margin-call but only for executing it - as I described it here.

And does it mean we will stop having absurd order-books like this one:

"Shorts Quality of Punishment " [SQP] is gone  as per this proposal [ tonyk is making circles dancing with joy  :)]

I would suggest just keeping it as a  vote-able option for the future - the future when BTS dex trade volume is bigger than all other BTS:XXX markets.

My 2*e^20 brownies.
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline Thom

And what about these tasks:
- A migration solution for the owners of a larger number of private keys (what is the progress here?)
- The affiliate part of the referral program practically working on Open Ledger (maybe it's already done and I just don't know about it?)
- API ready for trading bots (as far as I know, we are still missing the ability to query your open orders)
- Worker/Committee proposal creation on the GUI level

maybe I can help

2. referral program works, I sign-up people since 2 days now
3 & 4 no idea

(1) But is the final solution BM was saying CNX was working on?
If so, why are people like @Ander still not migrated?

(2) Is it the final solution BM said in the last mumble session that @valzav was working on?
If so, why wasn't it properly announced?

Communication clearly sucks here.
I'm spending several hours a day on this forum and I'm still unaware how things are progressing.

Welcome to BitShares Jakub! I've been around over a year and can say the exact same thing. In general COMMUNICATION SUCKS! One really has to dig deep to find answers, often they're just not visible b/c those with the answers are too busy to share their knowledge or, in the case of CNX are afraid they'll share too much.

It has been discussed extensively but CNX has not taken to heart the need for a small, hand picked team of trusted community members who will help CNX decide what info should be made available and also help to make it so. Why this hasn't happened only Stan & Dan can say. Not having such a process only leads to questions about management competency and distrust in their decisions. Providing access to trusted, hand picked community members about the decision making process, if only for observation, will go a long way to spreading information and improving confidence in where this community is going.
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Offline lakerta06

And what about these tasks:
- A migration solution for the owners of a larger number of private keys (what is the progress here?)
- The affiliate part of the referral program practically working on Open Ledger (maybe it's already done and I just don't know about it?)
- API ready for trading bots (as far as I know, we are still missing the ability to query your open orders)
- Worker/Committee proposal creation on the GUI level

I hope we can see more than 2 'real' committee members.  There are 9 inits and 2 com members - bitcrab and clayop - total 11 active com members.  When bitcrab was voted in, puppies was voted out. When clayop was voted in, bitcrab was voted out.  And now, when bitcrab was voted in, mindphlux was voted out.  How can we have more than 2 'real' committee members?

easiest way is @bytemaster voting out 3 of the inits

Offline xiahui135

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this a good rule. We learn something from the real world exchange finally.

Offline cube

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And what about these tasks:
- A migration solution for the owners of a larger number of private keys (what is the progress here?)
- The affiliate part of the referral program practically working on Open Ledger (maybe it's already done and I just don't know about it?)
- API ready for trading bots (as far as I know, we are still missing the ability to query your open orders)
- Worker/Committee proposal creation on the GUI level

I hope we can see more than 2 'real' committee members.  There are 9 inits and 2 com members - bitcrab and clayop - total 11 active com members.  When bitcrab was voted in, puppies was voted out. When clayop was voted in, bitcrab was voted out.  And now, when bitcrab was voted in, mindphlux was voted out.  How can we have more than 2 'real' committee members?
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Offline Musewhale

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 be blind to 
MUSE witness:mygoodfriend     vote for me

Offline brownie.pts

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I'm right there with you. Please see my new signature line. Bonfire of the Brownies.

I feel like there has been less focus on me for the last month or so. I wouldn't be surprised if the share dropping on brownies idea is swept under the rug and doesn't ever happen.

I originally signed up on the forum to poke fun of brownies, but then just ended up giving out HUGS - it was a lot more fun.

So if Brownies just become a fun social currency that are passed out for hugs and giggles - I'm down for that.

On a personal note - I went on holiday for the past few weeks with some pals of mine - Gold Star, Kudos and Me had a nice time - happy to be back though!

HUGS! (Especially for tonyk :-) )
I Appreciate YOU


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(1) But is the final solution BM was saying CNX was working on?
If so, why are people like @Ander still not migrated?

(2) Is it the final solution BM said in the last mumble session that @valzav was working on?
If so, why wasn't it properly announced?

Communication clearly sucks here.
I'm spending several hours a day on this forum and I'm still unaware how things are progressing.

1. as far as I know MUSE does this by default, no Idea if it's implemented in the official BTS client
2. announced properly here:,19726.0.html

Ok, thanks fav
(2) It's a big thing - it should have been announced in the General Discussion.

Offline fav

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(1) But is the final solution BM was saying CNX was working on?
If so, why are people like @Ander still not migrated?

(2) Is it the final solution BM said in the last mumble session that @valzav was working on?
If so, why wasn't it properly announced?

Communication clearly sucks here.
I'm spending several hours a day on this forum and I'm still unaware how things are progressing.

1. as far as I know MUSE does this by default, no Idea if it's implemented in the official BTS client
2. announced properly here:,19726.0.html


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And what about these tasks:
- A migration solution for the owners of a larger number of private keys (what is the progress here?)
- The affiliate part of the referral program practically working on Open Ledger (maybe it's already done and I just don't know about it?)
- API ready for trading bots (as far as I know, we are still missing the ability to query your open orders)
- Worker/Committee proposal creation on the GUI level

maybe I can help

2. referral program works, I sign-up people since 2 days now
3 & 4 no idea

(1) But is the final solution BM was saying CNX was working on?
If so, why are people like @Ander still not migrated?

(2) Is it the final solution BM said in the last mumble session that @valzav was working on?
If so, why wasn't it properly announced?

Communication clearly sucks here.
I'm spending several hours a day on this forum and I'm still unaware how things are progressing.

Offline fav

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And what about these tasks:
- A migration solution for the owners of a larger number of private keys (what is the progress here?)
- The affiliate part of the referral program practically working on Open Ledger (maybe it's already done and I just don't know about it?)
- API ready for trading bots (as far as I know, we are still missing the ability to query your open orders)
- Worker/Committee proposal creation on the GUI level

maybe I can help

2. referral program works, I sign-up people since 2 days now
3 & 4 no idea


  • Guest
And what about these tasks:
- A migration solution for the owners of a larger number of private keys (what is the progress here?)
- The affiliate part of the referral program practically working on Open Ledger (maybe it's already done and I just don't know about it?) EDIT: it's done
- API ready for trading bots (as far as I know, we are still missing the ability to query your open orders)
- Worker/Committee proposal creation on the GUI level
« Last Edit: November 04, 2015, 12:07:29 pm by jakub »


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[and I am even willing to even give you a pass, as in the cat never falls in its back, for the "popular demand" instead of the true reason 'common sense']
@tonyk, that's a good catch.


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1.  Prevent margin call from being triggered unless the price feed is less than call price  (popular demand)
Does it mean we still keep the SQP concept or not?
I'd suggest we keep it but not use it for triggering a margin-call but only for executing it - as I described it here.

And does it mean we will stop having absurd order-books like this one:
« Last Edit: November 04, 2015, 09:53:56 am by jakub »

Offline wallace

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I'm right there with you. Please see my new signature line. Bonfire of the Brownies.

I think I know. When I say "98% love brownies", in the reaming 2%, in my mind,  I include you, me, Empirical1.888 and 2 representatives from the Chinese community. I might be missing a person or two, but I believe I am close enough.

also making my own version of your signature

I'm also with you Tony.

Good to know that more than 3 people are in their  right mind on this forum.
And btw you are not with me, you are just on the right side of the sanity/insanity line.
[being with me, is considered very bad, 99% of the time around here, so should save yourself from that trouble, whenever possible.]

Make a statement with your signature if you truly believe brownies = bad idea.


we need agreed sound and disagreed sound, everybody made mistake, BM also made mistake, I like you figured it out.
give me money, I will do...

Offline tonyk

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I'm right there with you. Please see my new signature line. Bonfire of the Brownies.

I think I know. When I say "98% love brownies", in the reaming 2%, in my mind,  I include you, me, Empirical1.888 and 2 representatives from the Chinese community. I might be missing a person or two, but I believe I am close enough.

also making my own version of your signature

I'm also with you Tony.

Good to know that more than 3 people are in their  right mind on this forum.
And btw you are not with me, you are just on the right side of the sanity/insanity line.
[being with me, is considered very bad, 99% of the time around here, so should save yourself from that trouble, whenever possible.]

Make a statement with your signature if you truly believe brownies = bad idea.

Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline wallace

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I'm right there with you. Please see my new signature line. Bonfire of the Brownies.

I think I know. When I say "98% love brownies", in the reaming 2%, in my mind,  I include you, me, Empirical1.888 and 2 representatives from the Chinese community. I might be missing a person or two, but I believe I am close enough.

also making my own version of your signature

I'm also with you Tony.
give me money, I will do...

Offline testz

I'm right there with you. Please see my new signature line. Bonfire of the Brownies.

I think I know. When I say "98% love brownies", in the reaming 2%, in my mind,  I include you, me, Empirical1.888 and 2 representatives from the Chinese community. I might be missing a person or two, but I believe I am close enough.

also making my own version of your signature

Nice signature, do you want brownies for this?  :)

Offline tonyk

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I'm right there with you. Please see my new signature line. Bonfire of the Brownies.

I think I know. When I say "98% love brownies", in the reaming 2%, in my mind,  I include you, me, Empirical1.888 and 2 representatives from the Chinese community. I might be missing a person or two, but I believe I am close enough.

also making my own version of your signature
« Last Edit: November 04, 2015, 05:29:08 am by tonyk »
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline Moon

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good,i like   +5%

Offline donkeypong

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I'm right there with you. Please see my new signature line. Bonfire of the Brownies.

Offline tonyk

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You might not know it, but I LOVE you when you make sense.

What Tony's really saying is, he wants some of those Brownie Points.  ;)

I assume you know well enough my take on brownies...

What is odd though, is that I do find some masochistic pleasure in finally persuading BM to stop giving me his BTS from his called margin positions. And those were my earned, as opposed to given, sweet coins equivalent.

 It is indeed an odd feeling... I called it love...appropriately or not.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2015, 04:54:18 am by tonyk »
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline donkeypong

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You might not know it, but I LOVE you when you make sense.

What Tony's really saying is, he wants some of those Brownie Points.  ;)

Offline bitcrab

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1.  Prevent margin call from being triggered unless the price feed is less than call price  (popular demand)
2.  Refund 99% of order placement fees on cancel
4.  Launch a Demo/Dev chain that gives all signups a significant balance and an opportunity to play with all of the features.

I like these.
what's wrong with 3?

I haven't said it's wrong. 
but if 3 is the reason to make the order-fill fee high, it's hard for me to like it.

Offline mike623317

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Someone askedmax wright if he was doing more videos. He replied he was waiting for a better gui. Chris 4210 suggested we get together, hash out a design everyone wants to see and hire someone to get it built on top of our open source code. How about it?

Chris 4210 suggested: Get a team of 3-4 people, create the design and get some VC funding. There is so much money in Fintech! Do not say directly its for Bitshares.. I have seen with 50.000 new users in 4 months and rised + $1 million EUR for a simple new bank interface, why not us? I meet Sven Donhuysen (Founder of cashcloud) on a conference in Switzerland today and i will contact him again to look for synergies to add Bitshares as an additional technology. I think we need to be more public about the great technology we have with BitShares and what it can deliver to us all.

Offline mike623317

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1.  Prevent margin call from being triggered unless the price feed is less than call price  (popular demand)
2.  Refund 99% of order placement fees on cancel
3.  Split order-fill fees with referrers for all trades involving BTS
4.  Launch a Demo/Dev chain that gives all signups a significant balance and an opportunity to play with all of the features.

@bytemaster - Whats our biggest hurdle right now? Volume?  I really urge you to keep your eye on short term goals and stability. Not too many knee jerk reactions as that may look desperate.Im not sure whats happened over the last few weeks. Is it partly exchanges, the gui, the volume, the margin calls or a combination of everything?

We need to promote this demo day. Thats a good idea.

Offline tonyk

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1.  Prevent margin call from being triggered unless the price feed is less than call price  (popular demand)
2.  Refund 99% of order placement fees on cancel
4.  Launch a Demo/Dev chain that gives all signups a significant balance and an opportunity to play with all of the features.

I like these.
what's wrong with 3?
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline bitcrab

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1.  Prevent margin call from being triggered unless the price feed is less than call price  (popular demand)
2.  Refund 99% of order placement fees on cancel
4.  Launch a Demo/Dev chain that gives all signups a significant balance and an opportunity to play with all of the features.

I like these.

Offline tonyk

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Should brown excrements be offered in any thread you guys dare to post in?

This is the best news after 2.0  launched, and in many respects ever since 2.0 was announced. [in my as usual - not humble (but correct) opinion]
Most of the time like with Linux or anything when you have x.0 you're going to have a lot of bugs. It's usually not until x.1 or x.2 that you get a long term stable release. Just look at KDE 2.0, KDE 3.0, Gnome 2.0, Linux 2.0, and you'll see what I mean.

Improvements can be made to Bitshares and through iterative improvement it will grow in users.

That was meant at the lack of response to the real good news.

I understand the bug thing and am very soft on them if you have not read my posts. I only complain about GUI bugs that render the execution of the very same thing it is supposed to do  completely impossible.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2015, 02:57:52 am by tonyk »
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline luckybit

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Should brown excrements be offered in any thread you guys dare to post in?

This is the best news after 2.0  launched, and in many respects ever since 2.0 was announced. [in my as usual - not humble (but correct) opinion]
Most of the time like with Linux or anything when you have x.0 you're going to have a lot of bugs. It's usually not until x.1 or x.2 that you get a long term stable release. Just look at KDE 2.0, KDE 3.0, Gnome 2.0, Linux 2.0, and you'll see what I mean.

Improvements can be made to Bitshares and through iterative improvement it will grow in users. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline luckybit

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1.  Prevent margin call from being triggered unless the price feed is less than call price  (popular demand)
2.  Refund 99% of order placement fees on cancel
3.  Split order-fill fees with referrers for all trades involving BTS
4.  Launch a Demo/Dev chain that gives all signups a significant balance and an opportunity to play with all of the features.
+5% | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline tonyk

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1.  Prevent margin call from being triggered unless the price feed is less than call price  (popular demand)
2.  Refund 99% of order placement fees on cancel
3.  Split order-fill fees with referrers for all trades involving BTS
4.  Launch a Demo/Dev chain that gives all signups a significant balance and an opportunity to play with all of the features.

You might not know it, but I LOVE you when you make sense.

 [and I am even willing to  even give you a pass, as in the cat never falls in its back,  for the  "popular demand" instead of the true reason 'common sense']

It is  + 1  many times, off course!
« Last Edit: November 04, 2015, 02:34:44 am by tonyk »
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline bytemaster

1.  Prevent margin call from being triggered unless the price feed is less than call price  (popular demand)
2.  Refund 99% of order placement fees on cancel
3.  Split order-fill fees with referrers for all trades involving BTS
4.  Launch a Demo/Dev chain that gives all signups a significant balance and an opportunity to play with all of the features.
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Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract between myself and anyone else.   These are merely my opinions and I reserve the right to change them at any time.