Author Topic: Pre-order a Keyhotee ID  (Read 25178 times)

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Offline bitriver

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Im looking to purchase a keyhotee id as I would love to support the concept  but after my reading there is still something I dont understand.  What exactly are investment points? Are accumulated investment points used for somthing or are they simply a way for others to measure the trustworthiness of an id? Thanks

Offline bytemaster

If I was to donate 1 PTS and I choose a name that is unlikely to be chosen, will I get the ID when the auction is closed, or do I need to donate over 10 PTS to even get a name?

You need to donate 10 PTS.   Names can be mined on a first-come first-serve basis after the genesis block so you can still get your name, you just don't get the benefit of having your name in the credits for the creation of Keyhotee. 
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Offline GotExams

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If I was to donate 1 PTS and I choose a name that is unlikely to be chosen, will I get the ID when the auction is closed, or do I need to donate over 10 PTS to even get a name?

Offline bytemaster

Note... Santa is up for grabs if anyone wants to answer everyones dear santa Keyhotee Mail messages :)
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Offline Lighthouse

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The names are non-transferrable, so unless you plan to use the name there isnt much reason grabbing names you dont actually want just because they are "cool"
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Offline gnarl

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I do not like the idea of a public list. People with excessive funds could just buy up all the cool names on the list.
I am certain that a couple I would register would cause a bidding war, so I would not add them until the last minute.

A web page with a search field that tells you if the name is taken and takes any bid would make this a little more fair and private.

Offline bytemaster

Because the purpose of Founder's IDs is to be generous and get credit for your contribution for starting this whole thing.   It is more of a reward for donation than anything else.

That makes sense.  Thank you  :).  I'll be donating.  I watched the short Youtube video on the idea behind the Keyhotee ID and think it has a lot of merit.  If I get my chosen name cool otherwise I'll just be happy I played some small part in seeing this grand plan come to fruition.

I do have some concerns but they probably aren't any different than what others have expressed in forum posts I haven't delved into yet.  Please don't feel the need to respond if this is being discussed elsewhere; I'm mostly just musing.  The Keyhotee ID creates a single point of failure.  If for whatever reason my password/private key is compromised my entire online self is compromised.  Currently if, for example, gets hacked my exposure is relatively small.  Though I suppose one could create several Keyhotee Ids and use one for banking, another for online shopping, another for online forums, etc. but that seems counter to the vision of an ID as a brand and single sign on for our whole internet experience.

The single point of failure is a MAJOR challenge.   It is simultaneously the most secure and most subject to catastrophic failure.   To mitigate this we are trying to build this in layers.   Your Profile which may have multiple Keyhotee IDs within it, is derived from a laundry list of identity information that is hard for the common criminal to gain access to and yet you should always have access to.  Governments of course also have access to most of this information.

Then we add a 'brain salt' to this laundry list of information which is your 'long password' and required to recover your account from scratch.  It should be something long, but easy to remember such as a poem you wrote or that you write down and backup in multiple locations perhaps divided.

All of this information generates your master profile key from which all of your other keys are derived.   This master key is then stored on disk protected by a common 'easy' password that must be entered every time your start Keyhotee.   We are considering options for key-logger resistant entry of this password.   

So that is what we have come up with so far, we will be seeking ideas for improving that as time goes on.

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Offline Riverhead

Because the purpose of Founder's IDs is to be generous and get credit for your contribution for starting this whole thing.   It is more of a reward for donation than anything else.

That makes sense.  Thank you  :).  I'll be donating.  I watched the short Youtube video on the idea behind the Keyhotee ID and think it has a lot of merit.  If I get my chosen name cool otherwise I'll just be happy I played some small part in seeing this grand plan come to fruition.

I do have some concerns but they probably aren't any different than what others have expressed in forum posts I haven't delved into yet.  Please don't feel the need to respond if this is being discussed elsewhere; I'm mostly just musing.  The Keyhotee ID creates a single point of failure.  If for whatever reason my password/private key is compromised my entire online self is compromised.  Currently if, for example, gets hacked my exposure is relatively small.  Though I suppose one could create several Keyhotee Ids and use one for banking, another for online shopping, another for online forums, etc. but that seems counter to the vision of an ID as a brand and single sign on for our whole internet experience.

Offline bytemaster

There are currently ~70 Founders, however only about 25% have paid.

Cool, that's good to know.  I was thinking in thousands but I suppose this is still a pretty obscure concept based on an already obscure concept so the pool size is understandably pretty small.

You mentioned elsewhere about an earlier bid being worth more than a later bid.  I am not understanding the specifics of that.  Let's say I donate 15 PTS to get 'Riverhead' today and on December 23rd someone, for whatever reason, bids 20 PTS to also get 'Riverhead'.  Do I lose outright or does my early bid somehow count for more than their last minute bid even though it's worth 33% more?

I guess what I'm really asking is why donate now vs waiting until December 20th?

Because the purpose of Founder's IDs is to be generous and get credit for your contribution for starting this whole thing.   It is more of a reward for donation than anything else.
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Offline Riverhead

There are currently ~70 Founders, however only about 25% have paid.

Cool, that's good to know.  I was thinking in thousands but I suppose this is still a pretty obscure concept based on an already obscure concept so the pool size is understandably pretty small.

You mentioned elsewhere about an earlier bid being worth more than a later bid.  I am not understanding the specifics of that.  Let's say I donate 15 PTS to get 'Riverhead' today and on December 23rd someone, for whatever reason, bids 20 PTS to also get 'Riverhead'.  Do I lose outright or does my early bid somehow count for more than their last minute bid even though it's worth 33% more?

I guess what I'm really asking is why donate now vs waiting until December 20th?

Offline bytemaster

Nice, now it's cost 10 PTS!!!

That's just the minimum bid to enter the auction.  I see you have "testz" as your Keyhotee ID.  If I understand how this process works it's not yours until you're confirmed as the high bidder for the ID "testz" on December 24th.  Someone else can still get it if they outbid you. As the bidding is currently private you won't know until you lose. 

At least Stan has offered to email us to tell us if we lost and give us a chance to pick another name.  By the time we get to emailing about collisions the pecking order should be cast in stone and your second choice should stick.  My guess is you'd have to respond to the email in a short time because if the pecking order is set they can't offer the next in line to pick a new name in case you pick one someone lower picks thus generating another collision (though you could cause a new collision by bumping out someone lower rank than you with your new choice).

Maybe a public anonymous auction would be better to prevent such a scenario.  Or maybe there are few enough Founders that collisions will be rare?

If I have this completely misunderstood please set me straight.

There are currently ~70 Founders, however only about 25% have paid.   
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Offline Riverhead

Nice, now it's cost 10 PTS!!!

That's just the minimum bid to enter the auction.  I see you have "testz" as your Keyhotee ID.  If I understand how this process works it's not yours until you're confirmed as the high bidder for the ID "testz" on December 24th.  Someone else can still get it if they outbid you. As the bidding is currently private you won't know until you lose. 

At least Stan has offered to email us to tell us if we lost and give us a chance to pick another name.  By the time we get to emailing about collisions the pecking order should be cast in stone and your second choice should stick.  My guess is you'd have to respond to the email in a short time because if the pecking order is set they can't offer the next in line to pick a new name in case you pick one someone lower picks thus generating another collision (though you could cause a new collision by bumping out someone lower rank than you with your new choice).

Maybe a public anonymous auction would be better to prevent such a scenario.  Or maybe there are few enough Founders that collisions will be rare?

If I have this completely misunderstood please set me straight.

« Last Edit: November 12, 2013, 08:59:19 pm by Riverhead »

Offline testz

Offline Stan

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At the very least, I will email anybody who gets outbid on their first choice to give them one last chance to pick another name before we pour the genesis block concrete.  This would happen in the week leading up to New Year's Eve.
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Offline Riverhead

I am keeping that info private, people may not want their keyhotee ID tied to their real ID.

ok but a public list where i can for example see - bytemaster KEYT ID - funds 0.5 then it wouldn't tied to your real ID ... or iam just missing something? ... I guess that's what jan means ...

I will work on something like this after I finish the launch of ProtoShares.

Looking forward to this public list as well.  There are a few names I'm interested in paying the founder min bid for but if they are already taken by people with much higher donation thresholds than I can manage I'd rather know that in advance so I can either pick something else or try to outbid someone more in my league.  For the money/time involved in accumulating the donation amount at current difficulty I'd like to take some of the mystery out.

Also, if I donate X PTS for my chosen name (and alternative names) yet do not get any of them due to being out bid on all of them do I get my donation back, am I given a chance to try and pick something else, or am I assigned some random variation?  Is this detailed somewhere or still being worked out?

Thank you.