Author Topic: And we are here bacause...[poll]  (Read 8777 times)

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Offline donkeypong

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Tonyk has brought a few things to this forum and community:

(1) Negative attacks, some of them personal, and many of them probably misplaced. Shit posts are one way to let off steam, but they are not harmless.

(2) A sharp wit and sense of humor that is sadly lacking here much of the time. Come on, this can be a pretty dry crowd. Plenty of readers don't pick up more than 50% of what Tony is saying. He runs circles around some of you guys. Have some fun. Definitely one of the reasons I stay tuned.

(3) Passion for BitShares. He cares about this project as much as anyone here.

(4) Constructive critique. Tony calls a spade a spade. Sometimes, he casts too wide a net and opens fire on something that is not worth knocking. Calls a diamond a spade, too. But the problem with #1 above is that many readers catch the personal junk and probably miss the substance of his critiques. Some of these opinions have been extremely valuable. I've agreed that the product and community would be stronger if some of the things he has targeted were better explained and justified.

This thread is a case in point, since Tonyk was right to post it. Look, Bytemaster's brilliance and passion is the reason we're all here. Yet Tony's poll elicited community opinions that strongly coalesced around two very similar poll choices. And then BM came out and frankly admitted that he's prone to getting a project 80% of the way there and then becoming sidetracked; that was what most readers had concluded as well. I may have been an asshole to post in the other thread (about constrictive laws) that I'd rather he focus on getting the product ready. Ideally, I'd like to show nothing but respect and deference for this grand design and the man who has brought us to this point, but instead I come off as the moneygrubber who is in this to tentuple his 'donation.'

But I don't regret that post, or the previous times I've said something similar ('keep your eyes on the ball, please'), because other times we've came close to something, BM basically scrapped everything and started again, alienated many users (including the sizable group of Chinese supporters), and started going off on those harmful blog posts that dug a public relations hole we're still trying to climb out of. (As with some of Tonyk's posts, I actually agreed with most of the substance of what BM wrote in those posts, but...if he hadn't written them, we'd encounter a lot more minds in the crypto community that are still open to BitShares.)

Be libertarian. Be free. Be proud. Care that your project achieves much more than financial enrichment. But for those of us who have poured our money and faith into this project, please give us the product. And then share your vision with the world.

If we can't have free speech on this forum, then what kind of decentralized project and community is this? I credit Tonyk for having the balls to step up, speak his mind, and make some valid substantive critiques. He's made the product stronger, he's made some of you have to work harder and do a better job of what you do, and he's probably given many of you a thicker skin, which in the long run will serve us all well.

 I just wish he had some more positive things to say once in a while, because there's a lot to like here also. Rather than tearing things down, let's look at how to make them better.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2015, 07:50:13 am by donkeypong »

Offline wmbutler

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not only a week goes by...and our great leader decides he will discover what is wrong with this a forum post...

Great focus...while his product is a giant pile of...and the right thing is definitly to find what is wrong elsewhere while thing here are where.

[clapping  from the background]

@tonyk I can't figure you out. If I had to guess, I'd say you are young. You are abrasive and on the verge of being a bully. Maybe I'm totally off base and you are sarcastic. You clearly believe that you have been wronged. BM is clearly young and introverted and it sounds like you've backed him into a corner on more than one occasion, triggering him to lash out at you.

You guys throw blows but you aren't accomplishing anything meaningful or productive except to stroke your ego or defend a bruised one as far as I can tell.

Progress comes in small steps, identifying the most egregious faults and slowly chipping away at them, methodically. So, let's all try chipping away at things.

Some big items include:

Improving the deposit process
Make it easy for friends to send other friends bitUSD/bitCNY and for that same wallet to allow for easy conversion to BTS for people who want to speculate a bit in the underlying asset.

Life is too short guys. Let's be productive and make a badass Distributed Exchange.
PTS: PnBVP1iLTsV6U8z4BeJYhF8jMpkLhtTi9r
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There are 10 kinds of people. Those who understand binary and those who do not.

Offline wmbutler

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Biggest obstacle: BTS still doesnt provide the same experience as a centralized exchange like Poloniex.

The gui doesnt look as polished as Polo, for example they make it really easy to see markets with the highest volume. They have a trollbox etc.

Markets with highest volume is a good point. Also coinmarketcap styled sparkline to show past week trend.
PTS: PnBVP1iLTsV6U8z4BeJYhF8jMpkLhtTi9r
BTS2.0: billbutler
There are 10 kinds of people. Those who understand binary and those who do not.

Offline santaclause102

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... a funny example of the social phenomenon where the one that asks the question (more drastically with polls where answers are predefined) maps out (the possible) reality  :D

tony, all your writings, in a very subtle way, here are either about yourself (as a victim, as the one that forsees all the bad things, or other things that distinguish you from the rest) or about yourself controling others (telling others what they are).  ::)
« Last Edit: December 06, 2015, 03:45:39 pm by delulo »

Offline tonyk

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Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline tonyk

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not only a week goes by...and our great leader decides he will discover what is wrong with this a forum post...

Great focus...while his product is a giant pile of...and the right thing is definitly to find what is wrong elsewhere while thing here are where.

[clapping  from the background]

Tony, believe it or not I have a life and interests that are broader than whatever narrow hole you think I should live in.  I am allowed to do things "for fun" and for "mental stimulation".   If you had your way I would burn out and then where would this giant pile of.... be? 

You waste more of my time with your pointless and self defeating attitude.

I do not think you can afford it... while being 18 mo. behind the curve.... you missed the time of being ahead...somewhere when you decided TITAN should be great... and went ahead and implemented it.

bytemaster, It is all well and good, as long as the people willing to take the extra risk of going short for the extra profit (*1), as opposed to simply staying long BTS X, will equal the demand for bitUSD by people preferring bitUSD to USD. It might be the case, but if one envision huge interest in bitUSD this might not be true at all.
In other words relying on enough risk tolerant players to essentially ‘print’ all the bitUSD needed/required by everyone seeing the benefit of using bitUSD (instead of USD) is something I am not totally comfortable with…

You are smart enough to know that since one week after 13th, you have been running in circles....riding square wheels.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2015, 09:00:15 am by tonyk »
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

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I watched "tomorrowland" last week . it is a such a good movie .you can watch it if you have time

ppl use different angels to observe this world so have different results

#btstip “tonyk”  100 OPENSESAME

not only a week goes by...and our great leader decides he will discover what is wrong with this a forum post...

Great focus...while his product is a giant pile of...and the right thing is definitly to find what is wrong elsewhere while thing here are where.

[clapping  from the background]

Offline bytemaster

not only a week goes by...and our great leader decides he will discover what is wrong with this a forum post...

Great focus...while his product is a giant pile of...and the right thing is definitly to find what is wrong elsewhere while thing here are where.

[clapping  from the background]

Tony, believe it or not I have a life and interests that are broader than whatever narrow hole you think I should live in.  I am allowed to do things "for fun" and for "mental stimulation".   If you had your way I would burn out and then where would this giant pile of.... be? 

You waste more of my time with your pointless and self defeating attitude.
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Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract between myself and anyone else.   These are merely my opinions and I reserve the right to change them at any time.

Offline Frodo

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My personality type is INTJ

INFJ here ... so I'm a 1%'r:P

me too.

now to figure out how to use that information to my benefit...

So I'm not alone, great   :)

Honestly I'm not surprised to find a high density of INTJs, INFJs etc. on this forum.

Offline tonyk

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not only a week goes by...and our great leader decides he will discover what is wrong with this a forum post...

Great focus...while his product is a giant pile of...and the right thing is definitly to find what is wrong elsewhere while thing here are where.

[clapping  from the background]
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline tonyk

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Nobody is perfect, not even you. Just for exercise please complete this sentence:
 If I allowed everything to be ok just the way it is 5% more…what would you do?

ask to be able to improve it another 5% more, of course.
(or 0.25% more if those test are any good at math, which I doubt and I hope they let that answer slide.)
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Tuck Fheman

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Offline Geneko

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I am following this forum from the end 2013. This community come along many crises like this and hypes like before realize of 2.0. People are now pised of and that’s for a good reason.

But I would like to tell something to BM. Mayer’s-Brigs personality tip model is only a model that tries to explain certain aspects of personality. It is most known and the most popular personality tip model. There are also other models. Nobody fits the model tip 100% accurate. They leave certain gaps and produce certain mismatches. That is why there are so many of them. It is like the map. And the map is not a territory.

According to one other model called Enneagram which has 9 tips and according to that model I would say you are 1st tip Reformer, Perfectionist. There are certain places they go under intimacy and some other under stress which could explain some of Bitshares development thru time but that is not a point.

Nobody is perfect, not even you. Just for exercise please complete this sentence:
 If I allowed everything to be ok just the way it is 5% more…what would you do?
« Last Edit: November 25, 2015, 12:31:58 am by Geneko »

Offline GaltReport

Tony, you certaintly have a way with words.  Thank you for this poll, it is missing just one option:  "CmdrTaco hasn't adopted BTS yet".

Getting to 80% is my strength, finishing the last 20% is my weakness and has long been the case even before BitShares. BitShares is the single project I have stuck with the longest in my life and which has actually reached a usable product in the hands of thousands of users.   

Everyone wants us to focus on "ONE THING" and I largely agree with that. It had better be the right "ONE THING" though or we are dead. 

My personality type is INTJ ( and I am constantly challening my beliefs and understanding to make things better. I have a very hard time working toward a sub-optimal solution and what is optimal is constantly changing as knowledge increases.  I am smart enough to recognize the value of focusing on one thing as well as the futility of pursuing something to completion that will be outdated by the time it gets there.

I would say that to put my skills to their best use, I should solve problems, prove the concept, and hand it off to people that are good at taking it all the way. 

Anyway, BitShares is a lifelong project that will evolve in the direction this community takes it. It must become bigger than CNX and bigger than me.

That is why we are moving toward open sourcing everything.  Once we open source it, we can continue to improve / develop it together. I have long term plans for it, but obviously need to blend it with short terms needs.

At the end of the day, complaining about others is the least effective means of change. Either do something to help, shut up, or leave.  CNX will do everything we can to avoid being the bottleneck to progress and give the community room to do what is necessary.

BM, It's a good sign that you are self-aware of your strengths and weaknesses.  I think you are good to be partnered with people that can help you with the business/marketing side of things.  You need innovative business entrepreneur type(s) who can help to channel your skills. A plus if they have cash to invest.   :)

Hang in there!!  A lot of progress has been made...It's great to be able to use the wallet and have some gateways/bridges and partners.  Sometimes it seems like it's 3 steps forward and 2 back...but we're still moving forward!!

I admire you.

p.s. Not paid a cent (nor a BTS or brownie either) for that. LOL
« Last Edit: November 24, 2015, 11:14:49 pm by GaltReport »