Author Topic: Emergency Measure - Temporary Shutdown of MineBitShares  (Read 72790 times)

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Offline proctologic

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Is this ready for production pool? nonworking X11 and nonworking stats?

Offline CalabiYau

x11 still in the woods.....

Offline kuro112

ive been sitting on the sidelines here but feel it is important to recognize when there is an issue it is almost always BOTH SIDES at fault in some manner.  And I take myself into account on this because i have to remind myself the same things when i have conflicts. it is one of the beautiful...yet complex aspects of being human.  Still we all have to admit what is being done here in bitshares is code based...which takes time, user feedback and iterations...

please everyone lets just get back to working on this so this production seems less like lord of the flies..  :/

to those testing....THANK YOU for being productive and moving this forward while largely dodging the "monkey poo" ♡

well put man, for my part i apologize for derailing things, i commend the people ignoring it and testing the pool, giving feedback and allowing us to proceed with a much overdue launch.

thanks fuzzster
CTO @ Freebie, LLC

Offline fuzzy

ive been sitting on the sidelines here but feel it is important to recognize when there is an issue it is almost always BOTH SIDES at fault in some manner.  And I take myself into account on this because i have to remind myself the same things when i have conflicts. it is one of the beautiful...yet complex aspects of being human.  Still we all have to admit what is being done here in bitshares is code based...which takes time, user feedback and iterations...

please everyone lets just get back to working on this so this production seems less like lord of the flies..  :/

to those testing....THANK YOU for being productive and moving this forward while largely dodging the "monkey poo" ♡
« Last Edit: December 03, 2015, 05:53:06 pm by fuzzy »
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Tuck Fheman

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I knew taking this measure would result in the monkey poop throwing palooza you seem to relish in when your contracts go undelivered. What matters most though is what I told you on December 1st.. execution. So if I had to get a little monkey poopie thrown at me so we can get you executing on the contract, sobeit. (cue an epic @Tuck Fheman meme) :)

I think you just violated our NDA brah.

It explicitly states, and I quote, "my monkey poop meme making is to be kept between you and I".


Offline kuro112

the proxypool software is ready to be installed and configured however bunker refuses to do it himself and is preventing its delivery for the community.
as we are software development contractors and not responsible for such things, i would look to bunker to solve these problems.

Item #5 on the terms of the contract which you have (committing another NDA infraction adding to the list) posted earlier, states that this feature would be implemented. That means to be put into effect and functioning. Only now have you started this narative of it being something we are responsible for installing and configuring despite over a month of chat logs and phone conversations that are contrary to this position. As well, the bottom line fact that the contract from the very beginning called on you (freebieserver) to complete this.

Actually, this narrative of it being something we have to do ourselves only began Tuesday (December 1st) where you restated everything was delivered a month ago that you claimed to "have proven that fact". I then took the positive approach and apologized, not knowing you had completed the proxy pool mining portion which had been the hold up previously, and asked if you could please send all the documentation necessary so we could input account info and start testing. It was only when I received the documentation that included this feature, did this story of 'setup yourself' start. This was shared at this update:,20350.msg262715.html#msg262715

We are here now in this public forum @kuro112 because whatever collateral I extended to you through my reputation and good faith despite the numerous excuses over the past three months that spanned blaming everything including your own team members @hybridd and @Freebieservers , has been spent.

I am not in the business of posting personal chat logs to forums. It is a serious breach of confidentiality and trust, particularly under a signed NDA agreement. So while you think you are manipulating public opinion by using edited snippets of chat logs, all you have really accomplished is destroying any trust anyone might put in ever talking to you again about anything. You have demonstrated through your own actions you cannot handle data responsibly. Regardless, what's done is done, and the consequences of such will continue for you.

I knew taking this measure would result in the monkey poop throwing palooza you seem to relish in when your contracts go undelivered. What matters most though is what I told you on December 1st.. execution. So if I had to get a little monkey poopie thrown at me so we can get you executing on the contract, sobeit. (cue an epic @Tuck Fheman meme) :)

I just want delivery for what the community paid for, and I am only excited about how much closer to that we have come in a few days. You would do well to be equally excited, and dig in to getting everything completed and in production. It would only help you.

Looking forward to seeing more progress today!

you can twist it however you want, but were only posting proof in response to your own violation of the NDA and breech of a contract we we handled professionally.

in the end, were the ones delivering this software and your just making excuses and lieing even more...

am not in the business of posting personal chat logs to forums. It is a serious breach of confidentiality and trust, particularly under a signed NDA agreement. So while you think you are manipulating public opinion by using edited snippets of chat logs, all you have really accomplished is destroying any trust anyone might put in ever talking to you again about anything. You have demonstrated through your own actions you cannot handle data responsibly. Regardless, what's done is done, and the consequences of such will continue for you.

I encourage any third party auditor to come check out the chat records on my (or his) skype so you can see nothing has been edited, this matter has escalated purely due to bunker breaching the NDA, lieing to his clients about us, and attempting to shift all blame for the failure here to us... its pathetic, step up and take responsibility for your lack of delivery!

we are here supporting and launching this software because for months now you keep refusing to and blaming us...

stop redirecting the blame and take responsibility, these miners are asking for your help to launch a product and your just pointing fingers! grow up and spend some time supporting them.
CTO @ Freebie, LLC

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

the proxypool software is ready to be installed and configured however bunker refuses to do it himself and is preventing its delivery for the community.
as we are software development contractors and not responsible for such things, i would look to bunker to solve these problems.

Item #5 on the terms of the contract which you have (committing another NDA infraction adding to the list) posted earlier, states that this feature would be implemented. That means to be put into effect and functioning. Only now have you started this narative of it being something we are responsible for installing and configuring despite over a month of chat logs and phone conversations that are contrary to this position. As well, the bottom line fact that the contract from the very beginning called on you (freebieserver) to complete this.

Actually, this narrative of it being something we have to do ourselves only began Tuesday (December 1st) where you restated everything was delivered a month ago that you claimed to "have proven that fact". I then took the positive approach and apologized, not knowing you had completed the proxy pool mining portion which had been the hold up previously, and asked if you could please send all the documentation necessary so we could input account info and start testing. It was only when I received the documentation that included this feature, did this story of 'setup yourself' start. This was shared at this update:,20350.msg262715.html#msg262715

We are here now in this public forum @kuro112 because whatever collateral I extended to you through my reputation and good faith despite the numerous excuses you have made over the past three months that spanned blaming everything including your own team members @hybridd and @Freebieservers , has been spent.

I am not in the business of posting personal chat logs to forums. It is a serious breach of confidentiality and trust, particularly under a signed NDA agreement. So while you think you are manipulating public opinion by using edited snippets of chat logs, all you have really accomplished is destroying any trust anyone might put in ever talking to you again about anything. You have demonstrated through your own actions you cannot handle data responsibly. Regardless, what's done is done, and the consequences of such will continue for you.

I knew taking this measure would result in the monkey poop throwing palooza you seem to relish in when your contracts go undelivered. What matters most though is what I told you on December 1st.. execution. So if I had to get a little monkey poopie thrown at me so we can get you executing on the contract, sobeit. (cue an epic @Tuck Fheman meme) :)

I just want delivery for what the community paid for, and I am only excited about how much closer to that we have come in a few days. You would do well to be equally excited, and dig in to getting everything completed and in production. It would only help you.

Looking forward to seeing more progress today!
« Last Edit: December 03, 2015, 07:32:14 pm by BunkerChain Labs »
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Forwarded your post to @kuro112 on Skype, it's possible he put the wrong details on the site I'm not sure of them myself, so will get back to you.

Edit: Talked to Bunker, and this is the stratum he's mining on:
k thanks I have one more question if I want to mine bts I put just my name if I want bitusd I put USD after my name
Sha256 stratum+tcp://
Scrypt   stratum+tcp://
X11        stratum+tcp://
username oakmaster USD password x

Are these the correct addresses and ports to use?  Info is all over the place and I would like to help test the new pool!

Tried x11 with these and difficulty is set to 8.  I do not see any shares being accepted.

x11 seems broken atm.

I'm finding the same issue with the X11. Going to try and get my miner on the 256 and test it out today.

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

@BunkerChain Labs - www.minebitshares-com

What ports/settings are you using to mine?

I cannot replicate your speed.

4449 as @oakmaster mentioned afterwards is the same setting I am using now for scrypt mining.

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Offline kuro112

sorry let me just give the community an HONEST update as bunker has a serious problem with honesty:

As of now .. Bunker has gain way more trust and reputation than you.
So I'd recommend to revise you strategy with strangers, community members and
your clients.

we will be making some visual changes tomorrow at bunkers request, but otherwise
the pool is production ready any time.

note: to those of you noticing a slowdown in hashing power, this may have to do
with us testing the password field for bitassets, we will update.
Do you see how those two statements contradict each other?
What has happend with proxy mining?

the pool is production ready, the bitasset change was at the request of users here or did you not read the thread?

as for the proxy mining situation, the contract specified we implement a software called proxypool,
the software is completely compatable and just waiting for bunker to set up an instance on his servers and plug in the pool.

as for our strategy, the trust we have is not in question, our work speaks for its self, we have not failed to deliver one product to date... including this one.

if you want to discuss bunker's trust in this community however, that could be its own thread, the guy is KNOWN for his lack of honesty and talking behind peoples backs...

I was only trying to give an honest update because so far none of the ones bunker is giving tells the truth or gives any real details to his miners,
 its a bunch of useless doubletalk... he broke his own nda, continually lies about his product, refuses to put any time or energy into its release...

but i digress, theres no point in throwing around mud, the point of this thread is to get the miners up and running xeroc with honest information, not to assault peoples trust and reputation.

I will add that we have no reason to even be here posting on this topic, we are trying to provide support because bunker is too busy to do so, in addition to the many things we have done for bunker including but not limited to making his new website and front end for the pool, we still have no ill will for bunker, this endeavor or any of the users, i hope that much is obvious, but what should also be obvious by now to anyone is that if you attempt to BS, obfuscate the truth or tell users anything BUT the actual truth, you had better expect us to call you on it very publicly...

no we are not perfect either, we fuck up timelines, sometimes our software has bugs... we have blame here too, but were here supporting every product we launch.

sorry if my derailing offends anyone but we have gone far beyond the call to help this product launch already and to be accused like this despite many offers to take the blame and provide this support months ago, we really wanted to help you all but the NDA stoped us from doing so... we apologize, that much is completely our fault.

[11/22/2015 9:26:38 PM] Kuro: i was thinking we could give an update on your behalf and take the blame, we have been doing family stuff over the weekend but intend to launch first thing in the morning, we just need to sit down with you tomorrow morning and handle the small details during the launch
[11/22/2015 9:26:55 PM] Kuro: what time is good for you
[11/22/2015 9:27:25 PM] Jonathan Bunker: ok.. I will be at the bunker 9:30am my time.. I have a LOT going on tomorrow though.. so I will only have some in between time
[11/22/2015 9:27:49 PM] Kuro: okay we will be on and launching around then
[11/22/2015 9:28:56 PM] Jonathan Bunker: ok.. see u then
[11/22/2015 9:29:23 PM] Kuro: do you want us to post the update?
[11/22/2015 9:31:22 PM] Jonathan Bunker: no.. at this point there is nothing else other than getting it done that is going to be satisfying... lets get the payouts out and get the mining pool updated and get going.. then see what needs to be said at that point.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2015, 01:20:21 pm by kuro112 »
CTO @ Freebie, LLC

Offline xeroc

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sorry let me just give the community an HONEST update as bunker has a serious problem with honesty:

As of now .. Bunker has gain way more trust and reputation than you.
So I'd recommend to revise you strategy with strangers, community members and
your clients.

we will be making some visual changes tomorrow at bunkers request, but otherwise
the pool is production ready any time.

note: to those of you noticing a slowdown in hashing power, this may have to do
with us testing the password field for bitassets, we will update.
Do you see how those two statements contradict each other?
What has happend with proxy mining?

Offline kuro112

I reported on more issues with the pool and they have been fixed. If you look at the dashboard display now, you can make sense of the hash data now that it is separated by protocol.

Community here has been finding issues with the development pool and fixes are being done. Awesome.

Proxy pool implementation has been refused to be delivered now despite my inquiries on it's completion.

sorry let me just give the community an HONEST update as bunker has a serious problem with honesty:

The miners have suggested various visual changes that have nothing to do with the actual functionality,
and despite the breach of our contract we are continuing to support this service out of our good will.

other than visual changes, the pool software has not been modified since its delivery and no bugs found / fixed

the proxypool software is ready to be installed and configured however bunker refuses to do it himself and is preventing its delivery for the community.
as we are software development contractors and not responsible for such things, i would look to bunker to solve these problems.

we will be making some visual changes tomorrow at bunkers request, but otherwise the pool is production ready any time.

note: to those of you noticing a slowdown in hashing power, this may have to do with us testing the password field for bitassets, we will update.

« Last Edit: December 03, 2015, 12:15:21 pm by kuro112 »
CTO @ Freebie, LLC

Offline oakmaster

@BunkerChain Labs - www.minebitshares-com

What ports/settings are you using to mine?

I cannot replicate your speed.
stratum+tcp:// Im using minera I have a zeus thunder X2 it seems once in awhile minera switches to a backup pool maybe because their making changes to the pool as we mine


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@BunkerChain Labs - www.minebitshares-com

What ports/settings are you using to mine?

I cannot replicate your speed.

Offline oakmaster

SHA256 seems to be working well but high diff Script ports are dead


Only showing 1.54 MH on stratum+tcp:// - should be 24-25 MH
I have the same problem with scrypt showing 5mh and I should be at 20-24mh when I had my rig routed through miningrigrentals as soon as I took it off and it was fine the thing is I use them cause I rent some rigs but the main thing is I'm never home so monitoring my rigs are easier this way