Status Update
Today more PMs were sent and we processed more payments. 100% BTS this time.
I reported on more issues with the pool and they have been fixed. If you look at the dashboard display now, you can make sense of the hash data now that it is separated by protocol.
Community here has been finding issues with the development pool and fixes are being done. Awesome.
Proxy pool implementation has been refused to be delivered now despite my inquiries on it's completion.
Now beginning to test other asset payout methods.
We setup several more coins. All the coins we plan to support in X11, and sha256 are now setup. There are just a handful more of scrypt coin we are planning to add initially. Others like Antpool and Nicehash will not be possible without the proxy pool implementation being completed. This will greatly diminish our profitability prospects.
Ports for mining have been optimized to include switching ports only.
We are slowly but surely getting closer to production readiness.
Looking forward to seeing more progress tomorrow!