Thank you to who is participating in debugging and testing the pool! You have all given a well-deserved HIGHFIVE for your achievement. Pat yourselves on the back kids---cause you are special!

#sharebits "cass" 1 HIGHFIVE
#sharebits "Tuck Fheman" 1 HIGHFIVE
#sharebits "Brekyrself" 1 HIGHFIVE
#sharebits "kuro112" 1 HIGHFIVE
#sharebits "oakmaster" 1 HIGHFIVE
#sharebits "hybridd" 1 HIGHFIVE
#sharebits "proctologic" 1 HIGHFIVE
#sharebits "abad812" 1 HIGHFIVE
#sharebits "BunkerChain Labs" 1 HIGHFIVE
#sharebits "Tuck Fheman" 1 HIGHFIVE
#sharebits "iHashFury" 1 HIGHFIVE
#sharebits "nethyb" 1 HIGHFIVE
#sharebits "CalabiYau" 1 HIGHFIVE
#sharebits "JWF" 1 HIGHFIVE