Author Topic: Emergency Measure - Temporary Shutdown of MineBitShares  (Read 72719 times)

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Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

I've been buried in work and just realized the pool is down just wondering what's going on

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Offline oakmaster

I've been buried in work and just realized the pool is down just wondering what's going on

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

Everything ok with the payouts?  According to the website, a few payouts are not showing up in the wallet even though they are indicated on the website.

These seem to be skipped:
BTS    brekyrse1f3    1174.62592118    4/6/2016 9:21:35 PM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    312.92976694    4/6/2016 6:47:31 AM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    289.77028151    2/24/2016 10:37:29 AM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    177.43976024    1/10/2016 11:09:19 PM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    77.08215620    1/6/2016 4:21:26 PM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    118.85506832    1/6/2016 6:16:54 AM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    74.32134320    1/4/2016 12:36:19 AM

I need to check the following when I get home, not sure if the "recent history" includes these or not since they are old.  They also do not show up on CryptoFresh.
BTS    brekyrse1f3    137.41309900    12/23/2015 10:57:38 AM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    1064.18212841    12/22/2015 1:04:47 AM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    233.54878255    12/20/2015 6:36:02 PM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    488.44238237    12/19/2015 1:19:23 AM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    765.26706888    12/17/2015 12:41:03 PM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    766.43377861    12/16/2015 10:31:40 AM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    403.46890751    12/15/2015 12:40:40 AM

This issue has been brought to the attention of the devs.

Any insight into this?

None yet.. I got acknowledgement from the devs about receiving the issue, but they said they were busy with other things right now. I will press on them again about this.

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Offline Brekyrself

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Everything ok with the payouts?  According to the website, a few payouts are not showing up in the wallet even though they are indicated on the website.

These seem to be skipped:
BTS    brekyrse1f3    1174.62592118    4/6/2016 9:21:35 PM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    312.92976694    4/6/2016 6:47:31 AM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    289.77028151    2/24/2016 10:37:29 AM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    177.43976024    1/10/2016 11:09:19 PM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    77.08215620    1/6/2016 4:21:26 PM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    118.85506832    1/6/2016 6:16:54 AM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    74.32134320    1/4/2016 12:36:19 AM

I need to check the following when I get home, not sure if the "recent history" includes these or not since they are old.  They also do not show up on CryptoFresh.
BTS    brekyrse1f3    137.41309900    12/23/2015 10:57:38 AM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    1064.18212841    12/22/2015 1:04:47 AM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    233.54878255    12/20/2015 6:36:02 PM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    488.44238237    12/19/2015 1:19:23 AM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    765.26706888    12/17/2015 12:41:03 PM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    766.43377861    12/16/2015 10:31:40 AM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    403.46890751    12/15/2015 12:40:40 AM

This issue has been brought to the attention of the devs.

Any insight into this?

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

Everything ok with the payouts?  According to the website, a few payouts are not showing up in the wallet even though they are indicated on the website.

These seem to be skipped:
BTS    brekyrse1f3    1174.62592118    4/6/2016 9:21:35 PM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    312.92976694    4/6/2016 6:47:31 AM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    289.77028151    2/24/2016 10:37:29 AM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    177.43976024    1/10/2016 11:09:19 PM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    77.08215620    1/6/2016 4:21:26 PM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    118.85506832    1/6/2016 6:16:54 AM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    74.32134320    1/4/2016 12:36:19 AM

I need to check the following when I get home, not sure if the "recent history" includes these or not since they are old.  They also do not show up on CryptoFresh.
BTS    brekyrse1f3    137.41309900    12/23/2015 10:57:38 AM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    1064.18212841    12/22/2015 1:04:47 AM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    233.54878255    12/20/2015 6:36:02 PM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    488.44238237    12/19/2015 1:19:23 AM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    765.26706888    12/17/2015 12:41:03 PM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    766.43377861    12/16/2015 10:31:40 AM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    403.46890751    12/15/2015 12:40:40 AM

This issue has been brought to the attention of the devs.
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Offline Brekyrself

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Everything ok with the payouts?  According to the website, a few payouts are not showing up in the wallet even though they are indicated on the website.

These seem to be skipped:
BTS    brekyrse1f3    1174.62592118    4/6/2016 9:21:35 PM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    312.92976694    4/6/2016 6:47:31 AM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    289.77028151    2/24/2016 10:37:29 AM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    177.43976024    1/10/2016 11:09:19 PM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    77.08215620    1/6/2016 4:21:26 PM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    118.85506832    1/6/2016 6:16:54 AM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    74.32134320    1/4/2016 12:36:19 AM

I need to check the following when I get home, not sure if the "recent history" includes these or not since they are old.  They also do not show up on CryptoFresh.
BTS    brekyrse1f3    137.41309900    12/23/2015 10:57:38 AM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    1064.18212841    12/22/2015 1:04:47 AM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    233.54878255    12/20/2015 6:36:02 PM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    488.44238237    12/19/2015 1:19:23 AM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    765.26706888    12/17/2015 12:41:03 PM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    766.43377861    12/16/2015 10:31:40 AM
BTS    brekyrse1f3    403.46890751    12/15/2015 12:40:40 AM

Offline proctologic

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We are getting blocks, but no payouts yet for the SHA256. Bittrex is showing more than enough volume to have gotten the conversions/sales done.  Is there a certain number of blocks needed to make it worth payout?

Payout is 100 so wee need to have more hashrate to get pay every day

The volume is fine
« Last Edit: April 01, 2016, 11:29:35 pm by proctologic »

Offline JWF

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We are getting blocks, but no payouts yet for the SHA256. Bittrex is showing more than enough volume to have gotten the conversions/sales done.  Is there a certain number of blocks needed to make it worth payout?
« Last Edit: March 31, 2016, 02:35:49 pm by JWF »

Offline proctologic

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New low-diff coin added to SHA256 so come on help mining

Stratum Address (low var diff): stratum+tcp://

Stratum Address (norm diff): stratum+tcp://

Stratum Address (high diff): stratum+tcp://

Low Vardiff of 8 to 128.

Normal VarDiff of 128 to 8192.

High Vardiff of 8192 to 16394.

Offline JWF

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Can i get som help on mining SHA256 here  :-*

I put my little machine back on. not much but at least it can do something here since it hasn't been anywhere else.

Offline proctologic

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Can i get som help on mining SHA256 here  :-*

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

Any updates on the progress of the pool?  I have not seen payouts in a few days.

Thanks for the inquiry.

Polo disabled markets on one of the coins we were mining and it caused the pool payout system to get locked up.

It's not reinitialized and we are moving trades for that coin (URO) from polo to bittrex.

Things should be running smoothly again and payouts have already been processed.

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Offline Brekyrself

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Any updates on the progress of the pool?  I have not seen payouts in a few days.

Offline rayday111

What is the proper format for X11 to mine BROWNIE.PTS?

In looking at users there appears to be a "|" separating the username and asset, but that's not what the instructions say.

So I'm looking for some clarification. Thanks!

You can use either a space or a "|", both are acceptable.

Code: [Select]
        public static char[] AddressDelimiter = new[] { ' ', '|' };

neither of those delimeter's work for me. Is a "period" acceptable?

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

Update on the missed half week payout.

I looked into how we could properly assign the payouts only to find out that logging in the custom payout system that was created was not enabled. This means at the end of every payout the shares are reset and there were no logs being kept.

So my hope to payout fairly were dashed at that point. I requested that logs be enabled and they have been, but that doesn't do much for the past.

The only other option I have for some fair distribution would be to have all miners continue to mine as you were and we will add the balance to the bonus payouts. During the course of the week a portion of the balance will then go out according to the shares of the day daily.

I recommend any previous miners who stopped mining to start again over the course of this week to receive that missing balance.

Also in the news, luckily for us, we had already moved away from Cryptsy who now have gone completely bust.

We had some issues with wallets a few days ago due to some versioning issues with dependencies that caused them to crash. We got them back up and running now but we will need to look at how we can better handle that situation efficiently so that it doesn't happen again.

That's all for now. Get your miners going!
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