Author Topic: (Poll) Does a Town Need Roads? Yes/No?  (Read 6463 times)

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Offline fuzzy

I'm against a road in its current form.

- Bad image
Investors / entrepreneurs coming to our town will come here and see a Billboard along the road saying Sex Shop, Liquor Store, Fireworks off exit 72...
Though many plan to use the roads to ship genuinely valuable and needed goods, some people ship illegal products using roads.

- Derailing
Used to promote businesses that no longer are considered by some as viable....

Aren't we supposed to be for free speech? What happened to this place?

I can only speak for myself lucky...

Maybe this is why the marketcap is so low.  interesting though that a mere few weeks after the sharebot was up and running we began gaining steam again.
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Offline luckybit

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I'm against a road in its current form.

- Bad image
Investors / entrepreneurs coming to our town will come here and see a Billboard along the road saying Sex Shop, Liquor Store, Fireworks off exit 72...
Though many plan to use the roads to ship genuinely valuable and needed goods, some people ship illegal products using roads.

- Derailing
Used to promote businesses that no longer are considered by some as viable....

Aren't we supposed to be for free speech? What happened to this place? | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline fuzzy

The sharebot project is stupid.

thanks for your constructive criticism! luckily most people I talk to disagree.

we should consider talking to everyone instead,

nvm i am reposting this.  done with the forum trollollolling. I have more important things to do.
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Offline tonyk

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The sharebot project is stupid.

thanks for your constructive criticism! luckily most people I talk to disagree.

we should consider talking to everyone instead,
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Tuck Fheman

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The sharebot project is stupid.

Yeah that UNOCS project was da bomb!

Offline fuzzy

The sharebot project is stupid.

thanks for your constructive criticism! luckily most people I talk to disagree. 
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Offline tonyk

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what is the difference between a road and a picture that says road? [even if the creator of that pic paid 7.50 to make it]

There is no difference. It's like being punched in the face is no different than me looking at a picture of me being punched in the face or me reading someone say they're going to punch me in the face.

They all hurt me just the same and in exactly the same way, physically, psychologically, sexually (how'd that get in there?) and otherwise (because we can't exclude the unknown, it has feelings too).

Errrrr, I mean, I'm not sure how I feel and I'm waiting on others to respond first so I can determine if I'm on the right path or not tony, if that's your real name.

You could be my own sock puppet for all I know and all I know is I use to be an infidel, so you may be one too! Someone inform me!

yep, my real name is tuck. Oddly enough
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Tuck Fheman

  • Guest
what is the difference between a road and a picture that says road? [even if the creator of that pic paid 7.50 to make it]

There is no difference. It's like being punched in the face is no different than me looking at a picture of me being punched in the face or me reading someone say they're going to punch me in the face.

They all hurt me just the same and in exactly the same way, physically, psychologically, sexually (how'd that get in there?) and otherwise (because we can't exclude the unknown, it has feelings too).

Errrrr, I mean, I'm not sure how I feel and I'm waiting on others to respond first so I can determine if I'm on the right path or not tony, if that's your real name.

You could be my own sock puppet for all I know and all I know is I use to be an infidel, so you may be one too! Someone inform me!

Offline Samupaha

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Please move threads like this to Random Discussion.

Offline phillyguy

The sharebot project is stupid. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline tonyk

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what is the difference between a road and a picture that says road? [even if the creator of that pic paid 7.50 to make it]
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Tuck Fheman

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I'm waiting for fav to respond to this before I see how I should appropriately respond. @fav can you chime in with your opinion so I can show the proper allegiance? My SJ point balance is really low these days.  :-\

Offline fuzzy

I'm against a road in its current form.

- Bad image
Investors / entrepreneurs coming to our town will come here and see a Billboard along the road saying Sex Shop, Liquor Store, Fireworks off exit 72...
Though many plan to use the roads to ship genuinely valuable and needed goods, some people ship illegal products using roads.

- Derailing
Used to promote businesses that no longer are considered by some as viable....
« Last Edit: December 12, 2015, 08:10:29 pm by fuzzy »
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