Author Topic: Testing Stealth UI  (Read 30462 times)

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Offline puppies

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I am having a hard time figuring this out.  Specifically where do I get the receipt?

Edit.  Found it.  In Firefox I had to click the array in the console to bring it up.
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Offline tbone

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I would ask as a normal user.

What's a private account?
What's a public account?
What's a private contact?

Why do I need to use stealth at all? As I user I have no knowledge what a blockchain is and that transactions are all public by default. We need to publish documentation WITHIN the client with little tooltips (What is this?)

And I'm not aware that I need to keep this little receipt and give it to the sender, how would I know that?

You may be right, but I still think the interface is way too unintuitive for the average 'early adaptor' - nobody knows the difference between ~ACCOUNT and ACCOUNT unless they've read this thread, it is not documented anywhere. Especially more documentation about the receipt is needed otherwise funds are really in danger of being lost!

Yes, that's exactly the point I made.  Many early adopters, investors and business builders are NON-techies.  We need to make this MUCH more user friendly.  It needs to be straightforward and fool proof.

Offline cube

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I believe this is very unintuitive so far.


This is very powerful, but also potentially very dangerous feature.
If we do not want to loose users because of their mistakes... and our bad design, we should improve User Experience of this feature first!

Agree to AGREE.

It is highly unintuitive and confusing to say the least.  This easily leads to user frustration.  We need to simplify the whole user experience.

Some suggestion:

1) Screen should clearly shows public and private accounts and a way to filter the two types.

2) Selecting a public address or a private account should be a one-click process. Remove the need to 'add contact'.

3) Have a Step-By-Step Wizard to guide users with clear simple explanations.

ID: bitcube
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Offline mindphlux

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I would ask as a normal user.

What's a private account?
What's a public account?
What's a private contact?

Why do I need to use stealth at all? As I user I have no knowledge what a blockchain is and that transactions are all public by default. We need to publish documentation WITHIN the client with little tooltips (What is this?)

And I'm not aware that I need to keep this little receipt and give it to the sender, how would I know that?

You may be right, but I still think the interface is way too unintuitive for the average 'early adaptor' - nobody knows the difference between ~ACCOUNT and ACCOUNT unless they've read this thread, it is not documented anywhere. Especially more documentation about the receipt is needed otherwise funds are really in danger of being lost!
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Offline tbone

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I would ask as a normal user.

What's a private account?
What's a public account?
What's a private contact?

Why do I need to use stealth at all? As I user I have no knowledge what a blockchain is and that transactions are all public by default. We need to publish documentation WITHIN the client with little tooltips (What is this?)

And I'm not aware that I need to keep this little receipt and give it to the sender, how would I know that?

This is a reference wallet and the typical user is an early adopter, cryptocurrency/platform investor, or business builder looking to build atop Bitshares.  These parties will know what a blockchain is and why there are both stealth and regular transactions. 

Having said that, this still has to be intuitive and EASY to use, since not everyone described above is technical.  For example, when creating an account there should be a checkbox to choose whether it will be a stealth or regular account.  And sending should be similarly easy.  There should be no copying and/or pasting of keys or anything along those lines that can be screwed up easily.

Also, the concept of a "private contact" seems like it would be confusing.  What is private about a contact?  It's the account that is private, right?  So why not just allow the ability to add private "send to" accounts.  It's fine to allow the user to associate such accounts with a name, and perhaps ultimately add a more sophisticated address book.  But don't confuse matters by perpetuating the non-existent concept (unless I'm missing something) of a private account.

Offline cass

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Offline mindphlux

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I would ask as a normal user.

What's a private account?
What's a public account?
What's a private contact?

Why do I need to use stealth at all? As I user I have no knowledge what a blockchain is and that transactions are all public by default. We need to publish documentation WITHIN the client with little tooltips (What is this?)

And I'm not aware that I need to keep this little receipt and give it to the sender, how would I know that?
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Offline mike623317

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I believe this is very unintuitive so far.


This is very powerful, but also potentially very dangerous feature.
If we do not want to loose users because of their mistakes... and our bad design, we should improve User Experience of this feature first!

This is absolutely critical to take onboard in my opinion. Non technical people like myself can see the genius in bitshares but we need to make it more user friendly.

Offline mike623317

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As a user I would expect a single option when doing a transaction. Stealth On(expensive)/Off(cheap).
Everything else will be not finished in my little world.
But I`m not the sponsor.
(just thinking out loud)

I was also thinking something similar. Maybe oversimplistic but either way, that's how it needs to be for everyone to use

1. Option to create a stealth account
2. Option to enable/disable stealth transfers

^^^ THIS ^^^

Offline Pheonike

The more you deal with Bitshares, the more you realize what genius Steve Jobs was.  :-\

Offline noisy

I believe this is very unintuitive so far.


This is very powerful, but also potentially very dangerous feature.
If we do not want to loose users because of their mistakes... and our bad design, we should improve User Experience of this feature first!
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Offline mindphlux

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After discussing with svk in telegram, I know now how it works.


1) You should not be able to add your own public key as contact, it shows 'missing' in your private account then
2) The receipt only shows in the console, but it should be in the dialogue
3) Entering the receipt works, but it should display more details like how much has been received
4) The balance is only shown in the transfer page, and only there if you do a refresh of the page (and unlock)
5) I would expect to see ALL my balances in the dashboard, including my private balances.
6) There is no link to send txs to private contacts, but there is a link for private accounts to send from. Inconsistent.


7) I created a new private account and tried to transfer funds from my public account to ~test3 (my private account). Got a receipt in the console which I tried to enter in 'Receive'. Getting this error in the console: Error: Missing required field: Label is required unless a private key is provided(…)
« Last Edit: March 01, 2016, 12:22:08 pm by mindphlux »
Please consider voting for my witness mindphlux.witness and my committee user mindphlux. I will not vote for changes that affect witness pay.

Offline svk

I believe this is very unintuitive so far.

What key do I have to copy in the 'receive' dialog? Is it the transaction id or the or the blinding factor?

This needs to be clear, and the UI needs to make sure the user is *really* noting the right string, ask him to paste it in a textfield or so to be 100% sure.

Also, I can't use the 'receive' function - I can enter any of those two keys, but doing Receive does nothing for me.

There's a transfer receipt that needs to be entered in the Receive dialog, but atm this receipt can only be found in the console when doing a transfer from public to blind. When doing a blind to blind a popup shows up correctly giving you the receipt.

Actually inputting the receipt fails most of the time though, not sure why but there's an error in the console about a missing "Label". We've reported quite a few bugs in slack that will probably get fixed today.
Worker: dev.bitsharesblocks

Offline svk

As a user I would expect a single option when doing a transaction. Stealth On(expensive)/Off(cheap).
Everything else will be not finished in my little world.
But I`m not the sponsor.
(just thinking out loud)

In the end I agree creating a stealth account (-deducted) and sending the money to it, before sending it further could happen automatically.

I wonder though, what happens if I am sending from a public account to a stealth account, instead of from my own stealth account? Then people can then tell who sent it, and to what address?

In that case you'll only see that public_account sent X amount, but to who you cannot tell.
Worker: dev.bitsharesblocks

Offline mindphlux

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I believe this is very unintuitive so far.

What key do I have to copy in the 'receive' dialog? Is it the transaction id or the or the blinding factor?

This needs to be clear, and the UI needs to make sure the user is *really* noting the right string, ask him to paste it in a textfield or so to be 100% sure.

Also, I can't use the 'receive' function - I can enter any of those two keys, but doing Receive does nothing for me.
Please consider voting for my witness mindphlux.witness and my committee user mindphlux. I will not vote for changes that affect witness pay.