Author Topic: Larimer...please explain this voting move for me  (Read 10789 times)

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Offline btswildpig

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I have no idea who "for-gary" was voting for, but it's quite obvious that "garylarimer" wasn't voting for anyone, since it just claimed its funds 6 hours ago...

well, I did not ask for it, but if they wish to explain the justification behind the 35 mil BTS sale from the  trust account ...I am listening!

what's there to talk about , it's tax season in the US   :P
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Offline tonyk

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I have no idea who "for-gary" was voting for, but it's quite obvious that "garylarimer" wasn't voting for anyone, since it just claimed its funds 6 hours ago...

well, I did not ask for it, but if they wish to explain the justification behind the 35 mil BTS sale from the  trust account ...I am listening!

or how a non voting account managed to bring the total votes down by 6 mil

or any other Good explanation you have.... you seem to have one for any case. I am just curious.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2016, 05:04:34 am by tonyk »
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline tonyk

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I will greatly appreciate the history voting api calls that you can provide me with... where you saw they were not!

Just take a look at the links I included.

Your wording indicated they were voting with BM as proxy before but now they are not.

The blockchain though says they were never proxied to BM/angel etc. There is no record at all in them even setting a vote. It's just going to the default nobody.

I know the name... but I never assumed they all vote with BM as proxy.

Unless there is something I missed in reviewing their accounts that someone else can show me, I think you might have misread or not looked closely enough at their transactions.

You seem to be right.... the I3's accounting department needed to absolutely update their vote from "nobody" to the more important and up to date  "nobody"....I am sure it makes sense ....

the total of  bm + angel 's votes falling by similar amount does not though.....
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

I will greatly appreciate the history voting api calls that you can provide me with... where you saw they were not!

Just take a look at the links I included.

Your wording indicated they were voting with BM as proxy before but now they are not.

The blockchain though says they were never proxied to BM/angel etc. There is no record at all in them even setting a vote. It's just going to the default nobody.

I know the name... but I never assumed they all vote with BM as proxy.

Unless there is something I missed in reviewing their accounts that someone else can show me, I think you might have misread or not looked closely enough at their transactions.

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Offline dannotestein

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I have no idea who "for-gary" was voting for, but it's quite obvious that "garylarimer" wasn't voting for anyone, since it just claimed its funds 6 hours ago... Fast/Safe/High-Liquidity Crypto Coin Converter

Offline tonyk

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There is nothing in their history to indicate they were ever proxied to begin with.

Where do you see this?

To be accureate I will quote it for you cause you "decided" not to do so....
>>>>"voting/ having BM/angel as a proxy."

let see
Multisig Auth hyperetas

If the name does not speaks volumes to you...I get it.... you think you are old, but you are a baby....

This is the payroll account of I3 (for all those unaware.... not just you bunker )

There is nothing in their history to indicate they were ever proxied to begin with.
Where do you see this?
I will greatly appreciate the history voting api calls that you can provide me with... where you saw they were not!
« Last Edit: March 29, 2016, 03:28:51 am by tonyk »
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

There is nothing in their history to indicate they were ever proxied to begin with.

Where do you see this?
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Offline tonyk

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Just when the first refund worker get within 400K bts from the last work - worker , those 2 accounts ( and garylarimer ) decided to do the most weird thing of all...
stopped voting/ having BM/angel as a proxy.

I really do not get the move... is it a pathetic way to 'show' that.... "those diluters do hurt development".

If not what the f**k is this move all about????
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.