In the other thread Stan seems to have relegated the bond market to an optional feature that is "still possible", whereas in reality it is essential if BTS is going to be seen as a real competitor to Polo. People want to short everything, not just BitAssets.
Stan doesn't get to relegate anything to anywhere.
The voters are 100% in control of what gets funded and hence, what gets built.
So when is the bond market proposal available for voting?
This is what I don't get... CNX complains that bitshares is unwilling to pay workers yet they never even create a proposal to vote on.
The only worker out there are bug fixers, GUI improvement and documentation. Important, but none of those are adding a new core feature.
Proposals are based in part on what resources are available to work on them.
Resources are hired based on the availability of stable funding.
A constant battle over who controls the funding light switch means no one dares hire against any line item.
So the resources remain allocated elsewhere.
Voting is overrated. I wouldn't want to ride on an aircraft controlled by voting passengers.
Give me a benevolent whale any day.