Author Topic: [ANN-Updated 5/5] Peerplays Prelaunch - Millions are Waiting For You!  (Read 139709 times)

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did you alreday start to code it and who is coding it?

the idea is good, everyone expected something like this von PLAY, but they disapeard.

one more question you should better explain before you launch

compared to Lisk the sold 85% to asset holders and kept only 8% for coredevs etc.

if i understand you right you will pay from the 70% asset sold also the marketing campaigns and keeping 30% to the founders and pay
your time with the donated bitcoins? this are just my assumptions so i think it would be good to outline it more.

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

Will the bitassets used in peerplays be backed by BTS (i.e. originate on the BTS blockchain)?

The asset tokens used in Peerplays will be sidechain tokens represented by the real assets in Bitshares.

So technically the answer to your question is no, but in practical terms, the answer is yes. :)

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Offline yvv

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What were some of the main reasons that prevented you from building this on bitshares?

I would be much more willing to invest in some of these projects if everyone wasn't a fork of bts... Also the "donation" word was used by Dan a lot to basically free himself of any obligation to his early investors.  I would say most ags investors were not thrilled with the final outcome.

It is actually a smart move to keep gamling  on separate blockchain. For legal reasons for example.

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

What were some of the main reasons that prevented you from building this on bitshares?

I would be much more willing to invest in some of these projects if everyone wasn't a fork of bts... Also the "donation" word was used by Dan a lot to basically free himself of any obligation to his early investors.  I would say most ags investors were not thrilled with the final outcome.

We actually attempted to design this within Bitshares originally. However, the further we got into the design and the functions and requirements of the network, the more challenging it became attempting to have it coexist within Bitshares network in it's entirety. The transactions in this network are going to be very high, and would end up competing with transactions in the DEX. Then there are the numerous hardforks with each game, and the voting which is potentially to become an issue within Bitshares.

Our solution that developed out of this though was sidechains. Through this innovation we are going to have a robust sidechain implementation for graphene that can be applied to Bitshares. The Peerplays network is not going to operate it's own exchange. Instead it will simply connect out to Bitshares via sidechain to make it seamless for players to move in/out into whatever token they choose. There are a few other innovative features we designed which could also be applied to Bitshares as well. However, all that is subject to voter approval of course.

This is not a fork of Bitshares, but a fork of graphene. The new functions we designed are completely different from what Bitshares has.

With all this in mind, there are numerous benefits to Bitshares including MASSIVE liquidity to the bitAsset markets.

So in the end, Bitshares is still gaining all the benefits of the volume and liquidity that Peerplays will bring, without having to deal with the operations of the Peerplays blockchain.

In regards to the investors donations stuff. This is a donations crowdfund, and we are going to keep within the parameters of how that needs to be operated as stated by current regulatory requirements in Canada. It really is no different than most crypto crowdfunds with the parameters they must operate in. Even the Lisk crowdfund was a donations crowdfund. This whole thing is running through our Canadian corporation. So as far as liabilities go we are subject to those laws, which should give those looking to participate in supporting this project more confidence in my estimation. We are very thankful to everyone who donates to this crowdfund in support of this awesome project!

Hope this helped answered your questions.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2016, 01:46:45 am by BunkerChain Labs »
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Offline lil_jay890

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What were some of the main reasons that prevented you from building this on bitshares?

I would be much more willing to invest in some of these projects if everyone wasn't a fork of bts... Also the "donation" word was used by Dan a lot to basically free himself of any obligation to his early investors.  I would say most ags investors were not thrilled with the final outcome.

Offline liondani

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Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

I have some questions regarding this [ANN].  I haven't listened to today's BB Hangout so if these questions were discussed already I apologize in advance.

So what's the Total and Final Supply of the Peerplay tokens suppose to be?  You've already listed in the ANN 200,000 tokens and then another 500,000 tokens over the 25 day "AGS Style" auction, for a total of 700,000 tokens.  Is this the max?

A: As it shows on the Bitshares network, there is only a total of 1M supply of these tokens. There will never be more than 1M Peerplay tokens on the Bitshares network. 300,000 of the 700,000 will be held by founders and contributors involved.

Question two- How did you come up with the $500,000 USD valuation for Phase One and Two?  Or am I misunderstanding and doing the math wrong? 

A: This was based on a budget for a variety of things including further development, legal, network, and promotion. More information will become available on this over the coming week.

Question three- If the math for question two is correct,  is it safe you're expecting the AGS donation to average around $1.25 Million USD?

A: No, actually much more. By the time we launch the auction, we will actually have a working blockchain testnet and MVP. Those that donate earlier on are getting our PEERPLAY token on the Bitshares network at a significantly lower cost since at present we do not have a working testnet yet ready to present. What we are building has never been done before. Everyone is going to lose their minds after they see this!
I know you said more details will be released around May 6th so thanks in advance for giving any insight, as much as you can anyway!!

Yes, we also talked about that in Mumble. Highly recommend you give it a listen. Kencode was on fire after we were done. :)

Great questions! Answered above in big orange! :)
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Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

how do I make money?

In the explainer video we talk about the numerous opportunities this network is going to provide. From referring other users, to hosting your own tournaments. The network core token holders also will be given direct profit shares of all the fees generated within the network. Basically the same as the FBA.

For the crowdfund we are accepting donations from those that love what this project is going to accomplish, and we are providing a PEERPLAYS Bitshares token in return for those donations. We are very thankful to all those who choose to support and donate to this project. :)
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Offline emailtooaj

I have some questions regarding this [ANN].  I haven't listened to today's BB Hangout so if these questions were discussed already I apologize in advance.

So what's the Total and Final Supply of the Peerplay tokens suppose to be?  You've already listed in the ANN 200,000 tokens and then another 500,000 tokens over the 25 day "AGS Style" auction, for a total of 700,000 tokens.  Is this the max?

Question two- How did you come up with the $500,000 USD valuation for Phase One and Two?  Or am I misunderstanding and doing the math wrong? 

Question three- If the math for question two is correct,  is it safe you're expecting the AGS donation to average around $1.25 Million USD?

I know you said more details will be released around May 6th so thanks in advance for giving any insight, as much as you can anyway!!
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Offline santaclause102

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Will the bitassets used in peerplays be backed by BTS (i.e. originate on the BTS blockchain)?

Offline yvv

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