did you alreday start to code it and who is coding it?
the idea is good, everyone expected something like this von PLAY, but they disapeard.
one more question you should better explain before you launch
compared to Lisk the sold 85% to asset holders and kept only 8% for coredevs etc.
if i understand you right you will pay from the 70% asset sold also the marketing campaigns and keeping 30% to the founders and pay
your time with the donated bitcoins? this are just my assumptions so i think it would be good to outline it more.
Yes the starting elements for the Peerplays blockchain are already being coded. I guess I should mention that when we get to testnet the project will be open sourced, just in case some need to hear that
Yes we are well aware of what Play did, or rather didn't do. I don't know much about the Lisk team either, or the extend of their experience to evaluate their capacity to consider all the he various elements that are necessary to build a successful operation. Also take into consideration that not all blockchains are equal in their requirements.
I would hope by now most here have learned that it takes more than just coders to make a successful network, which is why our team is comprised of experienced business operators, gaming industry insiders, marketers, content specialists, and coders. While the blockchain is at the heart of it all, it doesn't do much good without a head hands and feet to carry it forward so to speak.
As stated at the bottom of the OP, there is more info coming this week. We just wanted to have the Bitshares community have a chance to hear it here first.
I'm excited that you are anxious to want to get at all that information and you are concerned about it. Shows you care and want to see this succeed I think.