Author Topic: [Worker Proposal] Chronos Crypto videos  (Read 35246 times)

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Offline dannotestein

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Assuming the community has the right to distribute the videos for promotional purposes, I/BlockTrades would vote for your worker. Fast/Safe/High-Liquidity Crypto Coin Converter

Offline Chronos

First, let me introduce myself. I've been around Bitshares since late 2014, back when workers and witnesses were combined as "delegates", and we ran v0.9 as a desktop client. Then in the summer of 2015, I contracted directly for Cryptonomex for a couple months, doing UI work for the light wallet. I've always been fascinated by the tech behind Bitshares.

For several years, I have run a Youtube channel under the brand Chronos Crypto, which consists primarily of news, lectures, walkthroughs, and product reviews. Check it out at

Now that the BTS 2.0 tech is complete and running smoothly, it's time to bring it the masses. There's so much to cover. Below are a few video ideas:

# Tech Lectures (Example video: Xtreme Thinblocks)
   - DPOS for Dummies (witness roles; the advantage over PoW)
   - Hired by the Blockchain (worker roles)
   - Power to the People (committee roles)
   - Decentralized Consensus (proxy voting)
   - What is a SmartCoin? (shorts and margin calls)
   - Peg All the Things (price feeds and forced settlement)
   - Refer a Friend (referral/registrar system)
   - Custom Account Permissions (Threshold accounts, weight-based accounts, and multi-sig accounts)
# Walkthroughs (Example video: Getting Started with Electrum)
   - Creating an account on OpenLedger
   - Trading on the DEX
   - Securing your wallet with cold storage
   - Creating and managing your own assets
   - Setting up a witness node
   - Buying a lifetime account for marketing referrals
# News & Announcements (Example video: Bitcoin Classic)
   - New features (stealth transactions, subsidizing market liquidity, trollbox in the DEX, etc.)
   - Announcements (new worker or witness proposal to consider)
   - Trending discussions

I propose to create a worker role to produce Bitshares videos under the Chronos Crypto brand. The YouTube channel has well over 400 subscribers, and is well-known in the bitcoin community, so this content will be dual-purpose: to bring new users to the platform, and to help make Bitshares more comprehensible for all of us.

If elected, I will produce a minimum of 3 Bitshares-related videos per month, and publish them on the YouTube channel. In exchange, the worker role will be 500,000 BTS per month, or about $1800 at current prices. I propose to run a worker term of 3 months, and then we can re-assess at that time.  If BTS holders are pleased with my work, it's likely that a second term will be an option.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2016, 04:31:36 am by Chronos »