keep away of Steemit
That's horrible advice from my perspective. Anyone who feels stuck in BTS would have done themselves a favor by posting on early, but it's not too late! You still have another month to earn part of the $2 million given to posters and curators. I have done quite well myself and would highly recommend anyone here complaining about their BTS investment to give Steemit a try if for no other reason to make up some of your perceived or real losses.
If you feel bytemaster has somehow let you down, why would you not want to take some of the free money offered by Steem to make up for your claimed misfortunes? It seems counterproductive to sit here complaining about your woes when you could have already made up any losses by simply making good post on Steemit or curating some good content and even better you could be accomplishing this off of the Steem platform you appear to despise so much for whatever reason.
If you blame someone for costing you money due to a decision or action on their part are you going to sit around moaning about it all day or would you rather go make that money back from them off of another project they created?
"I lost money from that guys last project so no way I'm going to go take some easy money off of his next one to make up for my losses!"Seriously consider what you are saying here. It makes absolutely no sense. Dan's like,
"Hey here's $2 million dollars for you!" and you guys/girls are like,
"No way man, I'm not typing and posting links to earn back my money! I'd rather bitch all day and earn nothing!".