Whoever is making the decisions for peertracks/muse have, for me, irreparably compromised the integrity of this project. You've had my btc and then moved steadily beyond any accountability or what I would consider a rational approach to the project and community. Wether peertracks or troopeers or whatever launches or not, I've lost my passion for your project and will be looking elsewhere for a solution to unlocking music creativity and distribution. I still don't believe cob is a scammer, but I do believe some of the responsibility for the apparent failure of this project and the alienation of the muse community is his. So for anyone with muse or thinking to get any.....think very carefully beforehand and beware of the degree of compromise and centralisation that may have occurred . I make this statement before altering any muse position I have currently. I may try to salvage something but generally that will come at someone else's expense so I guess I'll chalk muse up to a sad and unecessary waste. On the bright side, there's always hope and I can't wait until music is set free!