I have a small list of requests for everyone...that I think you will all appreciate greatly.
This person is obviously a scholar, a teacher and financial guru....and he is introducing bitshares and steemit to his classes! if this catches on...it could be (you guessed it) HUGE!
1) Please upvote the following post on steemit:
2) Then please upvote my comment asking him to RSVP to our hangout
3) Ask him to RSVP for our hangout so he can talk about his class and how he is including bitshares and steem in it.
4) Post the link to your request here and ask us all to upvote it!
Thanks everyone

Here is a quote from his post:
I’m teaching an Intro to Investments course at my university and plan on integrating both Steemit and Bitshares into the curriculum. The plan is to have each student create a Steemit account and base part of the participation grade on their interactions in the #finance, #economics, or #investing tagged posts. The goal is to get them actively thinking about current events and contributing to a thoughtful community discussion.
The plan with using Bitshares is to give each student about 10 USD worth of BTS, have them set up accounts on OpenLedger, and instigate a trading contest. I’ll have them run through some basic exercises, like borrowing smartcoins, playing market maker, and taking directional bets on whatever assets they find interesting.