Author Topic: Michael Taggart claims to be BitShares Co-founder?  (Read 57999 times)

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Offline Murderistic

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Hmm yes, you have lowered yourself to calling people fat on the internet. Or maybe you were down there all along?

This is the BitShares champion? This is your co-founder?

A real winner, for sure.

Actually, I just doubted your exercise regime based on observation, and the fact that you work behind a monitor all day.  I work behind one too, that is why I have to take a break every couple of hours to go do a fast workout.  Because sitting too much will kill ya.

However, you are the person that started the name calling with the snake oil comment, etc.

So it's ok for YOU to call names but you get offended by someone you feel is doing the same?

I threw it back at ya and you stomp like a child?

Go have a tantrum then, if you feel offended then you really need to think about evolving as a person a bit more, try practicing some emotional intelligence. 

You see, starting a conversation with name calling isn't very nice.  And OMG, if someone calls you a name after you started the exchange in that manner...that is so unfar?

No matter your answer, it's ok - we all see you for what you are.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2016, 04:16:15 pm by Murderistic »

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This isn't about caring Michael. I was doing research, came across this claim and wanted to check it out.

Here is where you claim to co-found bitshares

Here is some information, for other people, about the web summit award you won.

What has Remittio accomplished since winning such an award?

Lotto Shares was supposed to have an in-built customer base because of its physical presence. I guess that didn't work out?

I seem to remember you being heavily involved in banx, but if you say you weren't, we can go ahead and move forward with that.

But, knowing how Mark left Banx investors, what makes you want to team up with him again?

Anyway, I have to get back to work. I'll be sure to hit you up on Skype if I have any further questions.

I can make whatever choice I want to about who I decide to work with on whatever project I choose.  AND I do not have to answer to you.

See that was an easy one.

Re: Remittio - not really your business what we have done since Web Summit, and frankly you would be the very last person I would ever invite to discuss.

The lotto did have an in built customer base, and performed well in the initial months testing before we decided to make a crypto-launch to do it.  Lottoshares wasn't about making money, it was about applying blockchain to an industry to prove a case study more than anything else.  We just wanted to share the vision with others that saw it too.  It didn't work out, everyone was refunded and moved on.

Well, everyone except for you.  Maybe you can put that to rest too, that would be super great, and would free up a lot more time for you. 

The investigation is over.  Michael is who he said he is.  Lottoshares didn't rip anyone off.  Michael was not involved with BANX.  Wow, thanks for the absolution Ian.

Making further remarks about the quality of my work, or other things you still clearly have no knowledge of "I would run", etc shows you are biased and still have no idea what you are talking about.

We would probably get along in most circumstances, even with your hard-on for Mark.  Oh well.

Offline IanDeMartino

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Hmm yes, you have lowered yourself to calling people fat on the internet. Or maybe you were down there all along?

This is the BitShares champion? This is your co-founder?

A real winner, for sure.

Offline Murderistic

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"He is the single most important business developer in the world to the near term future of BitShares."

If this is true, I would run from Bitshares as fast as possible.

Ian, I sincerely doubt you have ever ran a day in your life...from the looks of it.

Unless it was chasing the ice cream truck...

Stop arguing, you look stupid.

That is a really strange insult, I'm not even fat. I'm 6"3 and 184 pounds. I have a bit of a beer belly, granted, but I rarely eat ice cream, and can run pretty far. Gotta catch those pokemons, you know?

In any case. I see where the Bitshares community stands.

You guys can have your Taggarts and Lyfords.

It was merely an observation, not an insult. 

I am sure there is a man or lady out there that would love you for you Ian.

You sound like you are a bitter jealous person to spend so much time confirming that everything I said is truth. 

I appreciate you at least posting this so it is plainly clear my role. 

Thanks, stay safe out there.

So you admit that this is not about caring, yet tell people to "stay safe out there"?  You just admitted that statement was not genuine and you have no intention to "help people stay safe",

I don't appreciate you using this board as a private FUD tool, you honestly should be embarrassed by your mistake.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2016, 06:00:05 pm by Murderistic »

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« Last Edit: August 03, 2016, 04:03:18 pm by fav »

Offline IanDeMartino

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"He is the single most important business developer in the world to the near term future of BitShares."

If this is true, I would run from Bitshares as fast as possible.

Ian, I sincerely doubt you have ever ran a day in your life...from the looks of it.

Unless it was chasing the ice cream truck...

Stop arguing, you look stupid.

That is a really strange insult, I'm not even fat. I'm 6"3 and 184 pounds. I have a bit of a beer belly, granted, but I rarely eat ice cream, and can run pretty far. Gotta catch those pokemons, you know?

In any case. I see where the Bitshares community stands.

You guys can have your Taggarts and Lyfords.

Offline IanDeMartino

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This isn't about caring Michael. I was doing research, came across this claim and wanted to check it out.

Here is where you claim to co-found bitshares

Here is some information, for other people, about the web summit award you won.

What has Remittio accomplished since winning such an award?

Lotto Shares was supposed to have an in-built customer base because of its physical presence. I guess that didn't work out?

I seem to remember you being heavily involved in banx, but if you say you weren't, we can go ahead and move forward with that.

But, knowing how Mark left Banx investors, what makes you want to team up with him again?

Anyway, I have to get back to work. I'll be sure to hit you up on Skype if I have any further questions.

Offline Murderistic

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"He is the single most important business developer in the world to the near term future of BitShares."

If this is true, I would run from Bitshares as fast as possible.

Ian, I sincerely doubt you have ever ran a day in your life...from the looks of it.

Unless it was chasing the ice cream truck...

Stop arguing, you look stupid.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2016, 03:49:22 pm by Murderistic »

Offline Murderistic

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Hi Ian - long time no hear.  Last time we spoke you assured me you checked me out and that you would leave me out of your witchhunt with Mark.

I guess that was another one of your lies.

So , you are deciding to perform this touching public service announcement for what reason?  Oh, probably because you care so much about the members here and the BTS community.

We both know THAT isn't true.  So I wonder why you are here?

I don't plan on addressing you on much else other than the original thread, because I won't be baited with your BS.  I also see Stan confirmed I am a co-founder of CNX.  I also have Genesis blocks of BTS - so yes I am a co-founder by definition there (even though I have NEVER ONE TIME EVER CLAIMED TO FOUND BTS - EVER)

I WILL however, seek any and all legal remedy for any misstatement, lie, or slander that I can prove you commit.  That is not a threat to journalism.  That is a a promise to swiftly deal with someone who
is a hack - and uses the auspices of journalism to try to shield himself.  I believe in right to speech, I do not believe in what YOU do.  There is a difference.

Let's get a few things straight.

1. I was never a part of BANX.  EVER.  I consulted with Mark at times on cases of marketing.  I didn't have anything to do with the decisions he ultimately made there.

2. Lottoshares did indeed and very unfortunately FAIL. I am sad about that, I really believed it could change the gambling and lottery industry for the better, and many others saw that vision too.

It failed because we couldn't advertise on any ad networks other than adult..and even then they didn't approve of gambling or anything crypto (go figure).

We couldn't get any stories done about us in any media as they are gambling and crypto shy - the two added together was toxic for PR

We couldn't even use my own press release company to do PR, since our distributor agreements would not allow since it was even remotely close to gambling.

My youngest brother had a heart attack in Early November right when I was in full PR mode and coming off of a huge win with REMITTIO WINNING AN AWARD AT WEB SUMMIT (the tech is based on BTS technology and got bitshares and CNX a lot of exposure to investors at web summit), was in hospital for 2 months and subsequently died, leaving me in a huge place of sorrow. 

I had to take 2 months off work to attend to his affairs, bury him, help his daughter overcome it, figure out my mental wherewithall, support my dad who is in terrible health as well.

During this time the political climate changed in SXM, and there was attempts at a lawsuit to try and take the license from our partners control.  This attempt was from owners of another lottery on the island that did not want to see their monopoly destroyed.


The contributors were disappointed it didn't work out.  But they got their money back. 

Sounds like I have some integrity doesn't it?

3.  I have never, in fact, sold snake oil.

I have owned snakes for years, I would love to introduce you to my 16 footer "Monty".  I am sure he would love to hear all about snake oil and how it is made.  He would LOVE to have you over for dinner sometime.

4.  I have worked my ass off for the bitshares community.  I have spent 100k+ easily of my own money (I could have just invested in BTS and made some great gains - guess I am an idiot) to help advertise, build the platform, travel, meet investors, evangelist, rip people at bitcoin conventions for being so short sighted, hosted a billionaire at my villa to try and educate him about blockchain and how we can use it (he's a believer), and so much more. 

5.  I have founding stock in CNX, and am listed as a co-founder.

You clearly did ZERO research which would have yielded you a result in less than 2 minutes.  I not applaud your not journalism skills.

6.  Since I do have genesis blocks, and have been a business developer to BTS for years now - guess what PARTNER...I am a co-founder as per definition.

7.  I also see that the president of the company STAN LARIMER confirmed my extensive involvement.  Normally I would tell him not to worry about hacks like you, but you are a special case and need to be dealt with.  Hence the response.

In closing, I ask a simple question.

What have you contributed here?

FUD.  Nothing of value.  ZERO. NADA. NYET. 0. NIL.

Don't come here pretending to care.

Your motives are disingenuous, and we all see right through you. 

« Last Edit: August 03, 2016, 03:35:05 pm by Murderistic »

Offline IanDeMartino

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No need, I don't have any. I only came here to ask a question. I'm surprised and disappointed by the answer.

Good luck, I hope Lyford and Taggart are kinder to you than they were to Banx holders.

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Please sell your BitShares to me.
Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract of any kind.   These are merely my opinions which I reserve the right to change at any time.

Offline IanDeMartino

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"He is the single most important business developer in the world to the near term future of BitShares."

If this is true, I would run from Bitshares as fast as possible.

I see Lyford in that picture, but I guess its not detailed enough for my to recognize Taggart or that Kevin Harrington guy. I'll take your word for it though, unless you want to point them out.

Taggard and Lyford stole hundreds of thousands of dollars from Banx investors. If this man really is critically important for Bitshares, I feel bad for the bag holders.

Good luck.

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MIchael is indeed a co-founder of Cryptonomex, the company behind the technology of BitShares.

He has been with us since before BitShares was released and first met the team in Texas earlier that summer of 2014.

He invited us to join him in St Maarten where we met other key players like Max Wright (behind him in the photo).

Here you see Michael and I standing on either side of Kevin Harrington of Shark Tank fame.  To his left is the famous Brian Page and you see Dan the Bytemaster peeking over the head of Julian to the left of Brian.   And, yes, that is Mark Lyford standing behind me.

MichaelX on steemit has been a prolific contributor since he discovered it recently.  A quick scan of his posts show his awesome levels of competence.

He is the single most important business developer in the world to the near term future of BitShares.

« Last Edit: August 03, 2016, 03:10:21 pm by Stan »
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Anybody that has had a stake in BitShares1 genesis block can rightfully claim himself a co-founder or angel investor in BitShares.
Since BitShares is a decentralized company .. anyone can claim anything and BitShares won't sue them ..
That said, I am a co-founder of BitShares and an early alpha angel mega investor in BitShares .. nuf said?

Besides that .. I would love to see your contributions before I accept personal attacks at anyone in this community.

Offline DestBest

Thanks for the heads up
edit: but it seems you are wrong
« Last Edit: October 28, 2016, 08:29:29 pm by DestBest »
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