Hi Ian - long time no hear. Last time we spoke you assured me you checked me out and that you would leave me out of your witchhunt with Mark.
I guess that was another one of your lies.
So , you are deciding to perform this touching public service announcement for what reason? Oh, probably because you care so much about the members here and the BTS community.
We both know THAT isn't true. So I wonder why you are here?
I don't plan on addressing you on much else other than the original thread, because I won't be baited with your BS. I also see Stan confirmed I am a co-founder of CNX. I also have Genesis blocks of BTS - so yes I am a co-founder by definition there (even though I have NEVER ONE TIME EVER CLAIMED TO FOUND BTS - EVER)
I WILL however, seek any and all legal remedy for any misstatement, lie, or slander that I can prove you commit. That is not a threat to journalism. That is a a promise to swiftly deal with someone who
is a hack - and uses the auspices of journalism to try to shield himself. I believe in right to speech, I do not believe in what YOU do. There is a difference.
Let's get a few things straight.
1. I was never a part of BANX. EVER. I consulted with Mark at times on cases of marketing. I didn't have anything to do with the decisions he ultimately made there.
2. Lottoshares did indeed and very unfortunately FAIL. I am sad about that, I really believed it could change the gambling and lottery industry for the better, and many others saw that vision too.
It failed because we couldn't advertise on any ad networks other than adult..and even then they didn't approve of gambling or anything crypto (go figure).
We couldn't get any stories done about us in any media as they are gambling and crypto shy - the two added together was toxic for PR
We couldn't even use my own press release company to do PR, since our distributor agreements would not allow since it was even remotely close to gambling.
My youngest brother had a heart attack in Early November right when I was in full PR mode and coming off of a huge win with REMITTIO WINNING AN AWARD AT WEB SUMMIT (the tech is based on BTS technology and got bitshares and CNX a lot of exposure to investors at web summit), was in hospital for 2 months and subsequently died, leaving me in a huge place of sorrow.
I had to take 2 months off work to attend to his affairs, bury him, help his daughter overcome it, figure out my mental wherewithall, support my dad who is in terrible health as well.
During this time the political climate changed in SXM, and there was attempts at a lawsuit to try and take the license from our partners control. This attempt was from owners of another lottery on the island that did not want to see their monopoly destroyed.
The contributors were disappointed it didn't work out. But they got their money back.
Sounds like I have some integrity doesn't it?
3. I have never, in fact, sold snake oil.
I have owned snakes for years, I would love to introduce you to my 16 footer "Monty". I am sure he would love to hear all about snake oil and how it is made. He would LOVE to have you over for dinner sometime.
4. I have worked my ass off for the bitshares community. I have spent 100k+ easily of my own money (I could have just invested in BTS and made some great gains - guess I am an idiot) to help advertise, build the platform, travel, meet investors, evangelist, rip people at bitcoin conventions for being so short sighted, hosted a billionaire at my villa to try and educate him about blockchain and how we can use it (he's a believer), and so much more.
5. I have founding stock in CNX, and am listed as a co-founder.
You clearly did ZERO research which would have yielded you a result in less than 2 minutes. I not applaud your not journalism skills.
6. Since I do have genesis blocks, and have been a business developer to BTS for years now - guess what PARTNER...I am a co-founder as per definition.
7. I also see that the president of the company STAN LARIMER confirmed my extensive involvement. Normally I would tell him not to worry about hacks like you, but you are a special case and need to be dealt with. Hence the response.
In closing, I ask a simple question.
What have you contributed here?
FUD. Nothing of value. ZERO. NADA. NYET. 0. NIL.
Don't come here pretending to care.
Your motives are disingenuous, and we all see right through you.