Author Topic: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool  (Read 638039 times)

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Offline dga

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1038 on: January 08, 2014, 01:35:56 pm »
Hey, beeeeer folks - just a heads-up:  I released my GPU miner hard-coded to use beeeeer, as I based the source on ptsminer.

Hold on to your pants and have fun. :-)


WOOOT! Compiling ....

If it works well for you, please chime in on the main board thread to confirm that it's legit. :-)  Happy to help with compile issues for linux/macos.  I'm clueless about windows, but if you have tips, I can commit them.

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1037 on: January 08, 2014, 12:47:27 pm »
Hey, beeeeer folks - just a heads-up:  I released my GPU miner hard-coded to use beeeeer, as I based the source on ptsminer.

Hold on to your pants and have fun. :-)


WOOOT! Compiling ....

Offline dga

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1036 on: January 08, 2014, 12:29:32 pm »
Hey, beeeeer folks - just a heads-up:  I released my GPU miner hard-coded to use beeeeer, as I based the source on ptsminer.

Hold on to your pants and have fun. :-)


Offline jabbaah

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1035 on: January 08, 2014, 12:28:37 pm »
also for fellow miners i did notice one thing:

i have 4 core cpu and 4 gig mem and I get better results if I fire up more threads @ 512M (say like 7 gives 3,5GB) than only four (given 4 threads on cpu)

conlusion: use more threads to fill up unused memory

waiting for your thoughts on that =)

That's intended. The more CPU power you put into mining, the higher the output. Configuring more RAM per CPU core only gives an advantage if you have very fast RAM in your machine. Testing this out is up to you. Anyway the difference is only very small. The big difference is the number of cores like you correctly stated already.

But the quad multicore cpu can handle more threads without any problem. My thought was not to provide more ram per thread, instead fire up more threads to fill up unused memory.


Ah, sorry. My fault. I should read an article more carefully before hitting the reply button. ;-)

That's indeed interesting. One should think that 4 threads on a 4 core cpu is 100% load and cannot be more increased.

Is there is significant difference? How much collisions/minute is the difference (4 threads / 7 threads)?   ---
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Offline noobster

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1034 on: January 08, 2014, 11:38:57 am »
also for fellow miners i did notice one thing:

i have 4 core cpu and 4 gig mem and I get better results if I fire up more threads @ 512M (say like 7 gives 3,5GB) than only four (given 4 threads on cpu)

conlusion: use more threads to fill up unused memory

waiting for your thoughts on that =)

That's intended. The more CPU power you put into mining, the higher the output. Configuring more RAM per CPU core only gives an advantage if you have very fast RAM in your machine. Testing this out is up to you. Anyway the difference is only very small. The big difference is the number of cores like you correctly stated already.

But the quad multicore cpu can handle more threads without any problem. My thought was not to provide more ram per thread, instead fire up more threads to fill up unused memory.

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Offline jabbaah

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1033 on: January 08, 2014, 11:25:52 am »
that few MMC would make a good donation for providing a pool by xolokram


As a start I donate my (very) small MMC share to xolokram for operating a stable pool. Thank you!

also for fellow miners i did notice one thing:

i have 4 core cpu and 4 gig mem and I get better results if I fire up more threads @ 512M (say like 7 gives 3,5GB) than only four (given 4 threads on cpu)

conlusion: use more threads to fill up unused memory

waiting for your thoughts on that =)

That's intended. The more CPU power you put into mining, the higher the output. Configuring more RAM per CPU core only gives an advantage if you have very fast RAM in your machine. Testing this out is up to you. Anyway the difference is only very small. The big difference is the number of cores like you correctly stated already.   ---
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Offline noobster

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1032 on: January 08, 2014, 11:12:42 am »
that few MMC would make a good donation for providing a pool by xolokram

@xolokram are there any known steps i could do to reduce the reject rate?

also for fellow miners i did notice one thing:

i have 4 core cpu and 4 gig mem and I get better results if I fire up more threads @ 512M (say like 7 gives 3,5GB) than only four (given 4 threads on cpu)

conlusion: use more threads to fill up unused memory

waiting for your thoughts on that =)
BTC: 15mey7vTkkvHm4UoZgVEP4Yo3REDpH87KW
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Offline xolokram

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1031 on: January 08, 2014, 08:06:18 am »

sorry, btc2084, if i've overlooked your previous post.

i haven't looked into memorycoins atm.

the pool of course owns a protoshares wallet that should be convertable into a memorycoin wallet. but the pool "only" holds the unpaid payouts from the miners caused by the payout barrier, which is something like 250 PTS in total, thanks to the high demand of a very low payout barrier <-- sorry, i had to mention this :)

so we've like 25 MMC (just a guess, as this has to be checked for block #32000)

and we would have to find a way to convert everything (on a fair basis) for the several hundreds of payout address on the pool.

so my impression at the moment: it's a low priority issue
sorry, if this is not really statisfying.

you'll have to wait until the first round, you've participated in, ends (aka block has been found), which already happened now :)
so i guess you've seen it

unfortunately yes, what i've seen so far is that Intel's CPUs are more efficient & faster than AMD's CPUs.

- xolokram

ps. thx jabbaah & donschoe
« Last Edit: January 08, 2014, 08:15:09 am by xolokram »
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BTC: 1S4kxaF4ro17qThUz4hQwAoiXzCWdzwdb | LTC: LMgYASNbAgGUG6fhw1xdMAWSbMiWjNNGgo
XPM: AJhA1PGbNM94ZmsJvVVM5FfbE9SdxiMzgd | PTS: PbfspbvSWxYqrp3DpRH7bsrmEqzY3418Ap

Offline jabbaah

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1030 on: January 08, 2014, 07:28:28 am »
How to get MemoryCoins from your Protoshares wallet is only possible when you have direct access to the wallet.dat file. Mining with beeeeer pool does not give you your own wallet (file), therefore it's not possible.

But you can get your MemoryCoins as follows:

Backup your Protoshares wallet.dat file (either by the 'backupwallet' command in Debug window of the Qt-Wallet, or by simply copying the wallet.dat to another location on your filesystem. Then install the MemoryCoin wallet program on your local computer but do not yet start it. I usually use the Linux wallet programs where you have to copy the Protoshares wallet.dat (the copy only of course) in the ~/memorycoin subdirectory. On Windows it should be somewhere under C:\User\<Username>\AppData\Roaming\MemoryCoin - you have to create the MemoryCoin subdirectory and also note that the AppData directory is a hidden one on Windows which will only become visibile when changing the display options for Windows Explorer.

After having copied the wallet.dat to the correct location you can startup the MemoryCoin wallet and magically it will produce 10% MemoryCoin out of your Protoshares balance. Please also note that only the balance from sometime in December 2013 will taken into account, therefore you must use the wallet.dat from the Protoshares wallet software you used this time - even when you transferred those PTS to another account meanwhile.

Hope this helps to clarify how Protoshares and getting MemoryCoins from PTS is working. I tested this procedure already and I've got my share of MMC this way.

PZyVvDjjKnoCqmboDFT7ZM7TcDhZ38vWgf   ---
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Offline btc2084

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1029 on: January 08, 2014, 05:32:51 am »
I don't want Memorycoins instead of PTS. 

My understanding was that blocks of PTS 32000 and under "came with" Memorycoin when Memorycoin was released.

It is part of the incentive to mine PTS.


Aren't early shares of PTS supposed to yield memorycoin?

I already asked but seemed to be overlooked or ignored -- is there a way for us to get our memorycoin shares if we early-minted with beeeeer pool?

Uhm this pool does not store Protoshares and auto pays your shares at a threshold of 0.2 PTS.


You dont want to ask xolo to release the <0.2 PTS balances as MMC?


0.2 PTS yield 0.02 MMC.


0.02 MMC = 0.01 USD = 0.01 EUR = 0.00001 BTC = 0.00029 LTC.


I have a better idea: Get up to 2 free MMC here:

Offline 5chdn

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1028 on: January 07, 2014, 09:15:49 pm »

Aren't early shares of PTS supposed to yield memorycoin?

I already asked but seemed to be overlooked or ignored -- is there a way for us to get our memorycoin shares if we early-minted with beeeeer pool?

Uhm this pool does not store Protoshares and auto pays your shares at a threshold of 0.2 PTS.


You dont want to ask xolo to release the <0.2 PTS balances as MMC?


0.2 PTS yield 0.02 MMC.


0.02 MMC = 0.01 USD = 0.01 EUR = 0.00001 BTC = 0.00029 LTC.


I have a better idea: Get up to 2 free MMC here:

Offline btc2084

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1027 on: January 07, 2014, 09:07:05 pm »

Aren't early shares of PTS supposed to yield memorycoin?

I already asked but seemed to be overlooked or ignored -- is there a way for us to get our memorycoin shares if we early-minted with beeeeer pool?

Offline joelao95

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1026 on: January 07, 2014, 04:48:24 pm »
Hello, I am new to PTS ming. By looking through the thread, I am very disappointed to my hash rate, lower than most here. Here below are my results:

AMD FX-8350 running in the lastest Xubuntu system, with ptsminer compiled from source: 90-95 c/m.

I just got AMD FX-9590, tested in Win 8; tried ptsminer 0.7 and 0.5; 0.7 gives bad results: initially 110 c/m then slowly stablized at 70 c/m, while 0.5 gives about 110 c/m.

All hash rate are lower than here, so I am wondering whether these values are normal for AMD, then AMD worse than i7? or maybe I can try something to increase the rate?

Thank you for your help!

Offline abra

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1025 on: January 07, 2014, 04:38:13 am »
I was mining for the last few days and it was just fine, however today i get loads of rejects again. about 30%

what is the reason for that? where the pool is located? maybe its because of latency I get like 190 ms... consider opening another pool in europe maybe? or loose miners.


It is possible there are more workers on the pool or the hash rate of the entire network got bigger. Both of these can increase the reject rate due to the mining of so called 'stale' blocks.

This. the network and pool has indeed gotten bigger.

Offline arcke

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1024 on: January 06, 2014, 07:05:17 pm »
I was mining for the last few days and it was just fine, however today i get loads of rejects again. about 30%

what is the reason for that? where the pool is located? maybe its because of latency I get like 190 ms... consider opening another pool in europe maybe? or loose miners.


It is possible there are more workers on the pool or the hash rate of the entire network got bigger. Both of these can increase the reject rate due to the mining of so called 'stale' blocks.
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