Author Topic: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool  (Read 640585 times)

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Offline dga

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1128 on: January 15, 2014, 01:03:07 pm »
just curious whats the best CPU miner around?

Depends a little on your hardware.

Windows:  Probably the latest version of yam m7j!h0tkXSxZ!f62uoUXogkxQmP2xO8Ib-g
Linux/Mac:  Either yam or
(you have to compile ptsminer yourself)

I believe yam is still faster on bigger multi-CPU machines, but it's binary only.  The new version of yam can mine on beeeeeer, where older versions couldn't, so be sure to get m4j if you try it.  My ptsminer mines only on beeeeeeeeeeer for now.


Offline Thepsis

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1127 on: January 15, 2014, 11:20:50 am »
just curious whats the best CPU miner around?

Offline mich431

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1126 on: January 15, 2014, 11:02:46 am »
hi again - sorry im total noob in this... now i get another error (cygwin - win 7 64 - amd sdk installed):

$ make -f makefile.cygwin
g++   -o ptsminer  obj/cpuid.o obj/sha512_avx.o obj/sha512_sse4.o obj/sha512.o obj/sph_sha2.o obj/sph_sha2big.o obj/CProtoshareProcessor.o obj/AbstractMomentum.o obj/OpenCLMomentum2.o obj/OpenCLMomentumV3.o obj/OpenCLMomentumV4.o obj/OpenCLObjects.o obj/sha_utils.o obj/fileutils.o obj/sha2.o obj/main_poolminer.o  -Wl,-Bdynamic -l boost_system-mt -l boost_filesystem-mt -l boost_program_options-mt -l boost_thread-mt -l boost_chrono-mt -Wl,-Bdynamic -l z -l dl -l pthread -L/opt/AMD_SDK/lib/x86_64 -lOpenCL
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/4.8.2/../../../../x86_64-pc-cygwin/bin/ld: cannot find -lOpenCL
collect2: Fehler: ld gab 1 als Ende-Status zurück
makefile.cygwin:156: recipe for target 'ptsminer' failed
make: *** [ptsminer] Error 1

any idea?

thanks for your time

Offline girino

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1125 on: January 15, 2014, 09:55:51 am »
hi, when trying to run the make command after using cmake with cygwin i get the following error:
(im using Win7 and have an ATI graphics card)

Linking CXX executable ptsminer.exe
CMakeFiles/ptsminer.dir/src/main_poolminer.cpp.o:main_poolminer.cpp:(.text$_ZN13CWorkerThread8mineloopE7SHAMODEi[_ZN13CWorkerThread8mineloopE7SHAMODEi]+0x3b): undefined reference to `CProtoshareProcessor::CProtoshareProcessor(SHAMODE, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
CMakeFiles/ptsminer.dir/src/main_poolminer.cpp.o:main_poolminer.cpp:(.text$_ZN13CWorkerThread8mineloopE7SHAMODEi[_ZN13CWorkerThread8mineloopE7SHAMODEi]+0x3b): relocation truncated to fit: R_X86_64_PC32 against undefined symbol `CProtoshareProcessor::CProtoshareProcessor(SHAMODE, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/4.8.2/../../../../x86_64-pc-cygwin/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/ptsminer.dir/src/main_poolminer.cpp.o: bad reloc address 0x4c in section `.text$_ZN13CWorkerThread8mineloopE7SHAMODEi[_ZN13CWorkerThread8mineloopE7SHAMODEi]'

any idea?

thx alot

P.S. you can contact me directly via

you shouldn't use cmake. These are left over files from the original project that i failed to remove. Just choose your OS and run:

Code: [Select]
make -f makefile.unix

Code: [Select]
make -f makefile.osx

Windows with cygwin64
Code: [Select]
make -f makefile.cygwin

The other files are not currently supported.

Offline xolokram

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1124 on: January 15, 2014, 07:36:35 am »
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Offline mich431

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1123 on: January 15, 2014, 03:31:36 am »
hi, when trying to run the make command after using cmake with cygwin i get the following error:
(im using Win7 and have an ATI graphics card)

Linking CXX executable ptsminer.exe
CMakeFiles/ptsminer.dir/src/main_poolminer.cpp.o:main_poolminer.cpp:(.text$_ZN13CWorkerThread8mineloopE7SHAMODEi[_ZN13CWorkerThread8mineloopE7SHAMODEi]+0x3b): undefined reference to `CProtoshareProcessor::CProtoshareProcessor(SHAMODE, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
CMakeFiles/ptsminer.dir/src/main_poolminer.cpp.o:main_poolminer.cpp:(.text$_ZN13CWorkerThread8mineloopE7SHAMODEi[_ZN13CWorkerThread8mineloopE7SHAMODEi]+0x3b): relocation truncated to fit: R_X86_64_PC32 against undefined symbol `CProtoshareProcessor::CProtoshareProcessor(SHAMODE, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/4.8.2/../../../../x86_64-pc-cygwin/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/ptsminer.dir/src/main_poolminer.cpp.o: bad reloc address 0x4c in section `.text$_ZN13CWorkerThread8mineloopE7SHAMODEi[_ZN13CWorkerThread8mineloopE7SHAMODEi]'

any idea?

thx alot

P.S. you can contact me directly via

Offline girino

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1122 on: January 14, 2014, 11:09:49 pm »


I've removed the AMD card for now as I'm putting another nVidia in, but I will test again later tonight for you.

AMD Radeon HD6870, Debian 7, 4GB total RAM, Intel Core2Quad Q9550.

I did some new adjustments to the code. Now you can invoke the different versions of the algorithm from the command line by using: "-a gpuv2", "-a gpuv3" or "-a gpuv4".

gpuv2 is the less memory intensive. Try it with a small -m param ("-m 25" should do, my geforce 6400 accepts up to "-m 26").

Are you running 32 or 64 bit OS? My GeForce is on a 32bit ubuntu 12.04, and is the only GPU that complains about memory. I'm thinking maybe it's a memory addressing problem. Will try to instal a 64 bit OS there tonight.

Offline girino

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1121 on: January 14, 2014, 11:02:47 pm »
I'm getting this error on Ubuntu 13.10, with AMD App SDK installed:

In file included from CProtoshareProcessor.cpp:10:0:
OpenCLMomentumV3.h:17:23: fatal error: CL/opencl.h: No such file or directory
 #include <CL/opencl.h>
compilation terminated.
make: *** [obj/CProtoshareProcessor.o] Error 1

How do I install OpenCL SDK?

Thanks in advance.

you should install the opencl-headers packages from ubuntu:

Code: [Select]
sudo apt-get install opencl-headers

Offline Sadrachss

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1120 on: January 14, 2014, 10:07:16 pm »
Can anybody also realized the slowness is that pool?

Last block.
41961 01/14/2014 11:01:40
If you look through this thread you'll notice that plenty of people have noticed that.

beer has good and bad days, like any pool. Just because we are slow in finding a block does not mean you get paid less. You get a share equal to the work you put in just like any other pool.

It could be thought like this:
- It takes 20 men (or women) to build a car and sell it for $20,000. Each man (or woman) gets paid $1,000 for their work. It takes 10 days to build this car and sell it.
- It takes 10 men (or women) to build a car and sell it for $20,000. Each man (or woman) gets paid $2,000 for their work, but now it takes 20 days to built the car and sell it because there are less people working on it.

In the first scenario, the men (or women) would each get $100 a day (or that equivalent) - $1,000 / 10 = $100.
In the second scenario, the men (or women) would also each get $100 a day (or that equivalent) - $2,000 / 20 = $100.

It takes longer to find a block than the larger pools because we don't have as many miners. But having less miners pays better per block because we don't have to share out the block reward to as many other miners as the big pools.

Yeah, the way will be to continue drinking beer ...
I went to see other pools and are in the same way seems.
I know that. But it is not just happening in beeeeer. The others are too slow ...

What I found odd was that even before he had more PTS per block and it is falling faster.

A certain pool *cough*ypool*cough* is dominating the PTS pools with it's absurd amount of miners. All the smaller pools are suffering because of it and with the advent of GPU mining, it just means they maintain their stronghold. Pools like rpool and 1gh are in the same boat as they have similar miner numbers as beer.

And yes you are correct - the only way to resolve this is to drink more beer... :)

Yeah * cough * cough * but has 6% fee...
And I with 3 VPS 8vCores and 50GB of ram each sieve there ...
It was a test did not yield anything to me and I lost $ $

I'd rather stay where I am for a long time by the way. Here!
Let's drink more beeeeer

Offline r05

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1119 on: January 14, 2014, 09:50:58 pm »
Can anybody also realized the slowness is that pool?

Last block.
41961 01/14/2014 11:01:40
If you look through this thread you'll notice that plenty of people have noticed that.

beer has good and bad days, like any pool. Just because we are slow in finding a block does not mean you get paid less. You get a share equal to the work you put in just like any other pool.

It could be thought like this:
- It takes 20 men (or women) to build a car and sell it for $20,000. Each man (or woman) gets paid $1,000 for their work. It takes 10 days to build this car and sell it.
- It takes 10 men (or women) to build a car and sell it for $20,000. Each man (or woman) gets paid $2,000 for their work, but now it takes 20 days to built the car and sell it because there are less people working on it.

In the first scenario, the men (or women) would each get $100 a day (or that equivalent) - $1,000 / 10 = $100.
In the second scenario, the men (or women) would also each get $100 a day (or that equivalent) - $2,000 / 20 = $100.

It takes longer to find a block than the larger pools because we don't have as many miners. But having less miners pays better per block because we don't have to share out the block reward to as many other miners as the big pools.

Yeah, the way will be to continue drinking beer ...
I went to see other pools and are in the same way seems.
I know that. But it is not just happening in beeeeer. The others are too slow ...

What I found odd was that even before he had more PTS per block and it is falling faster.

A certain pool *cough*ypool*cough* is dominating the PTS pools with it's absurd amount of miners. All the smaller pools are suffering because of it and with the advent of GPU mining, it just means they maintain their stronghold. Pools like rpool and 1gh are in the same boat as they have similar miner numbers as beer.

And yes you are correct - the only way to resolve this is to drink more beer... :)
If I have helped you, please consider buying me a beer:
PTS: PZ6ZED8q1i7nQqnZiwFHdgLMELi3sgpnzL
BTC: 1CPF64k1AraWAUiDSh2QthRhbtJJznzRtw

Offline Sadrachss

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1118 on: January 14, 2014, 09:01:45 pm »
Can anybody also realized the slowness is that pool?

Last block.
41961 01/14/2014 11:01:40
If you look through this thread you'll notice that plenty of people have noticed that.

beer has good and bad days, like any pool. Just because we are slow in finding a block does not mean you get paid less. You get a share equal to the work you put in just like any other pool.

It could be thought like this:
- It takes 20 men (or women) to build a car and sell it for $20,000. Each man (or woman) gets paid $1,000 for their work. It takes 10 days to build this car and sell it.
- It takes 10 men (or women) to build a car and sell it for $20,000. Each man (or woman) gets paid $2,000 for their work, but now it takes 20 days to built the car and sell it because there are less people working on it.

In the first scenario, the men (or women) would each get $100 a day (or that equivalent) - $1,000 / 10 = $100.
In the second scenario, the men (or women) would also each get $100 a day (or that equivalent) - $2,000 / 20 = $100.

It takes longer to find a block than the larger pools because we don't have as many miners. But having less miners pays better per block because we don't have to share out the block reward to as many other miners as the big pools.

Yeah, the way will be to continue drinking beer ...
I went to see other pools and are in the same way seems.
I know that. But it is not just happening in beeeeer. The others are too slow ...

What I found odd was that even before he had more PTS per block and it is falling faster.


Offline r05

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1117 on: January 14, 2014, 08:29:05 pm »
Can anybody also realized the slowness is that pool?

Last block.
41961 01/14/2014 11:01:40
If you look through this thread you'll notice that plenty of people have noticed that.

beer has good and bad days, like any pool. Just because we are slow in finding a block does not mean you get paid less. You get a share equal to the work you put in just like any other pool.

It could be thought like this:
- It takes 20 men (or women) to build a car and sell it for $20,000. Each man (or woman) gets paid $1,000 for their work. It takes 10 days to build this car and sell it.
- It takes 10 men (or women) to build a car and sell it for $20,000. Each man (or woman) gets paid $2,000 for their work, but now it takes 20 days to built the car and sell it because there are less people working on it.

In the first scenario, the men (or women) would each get $100 a day (or that equivalent) - $1,000 / 10 = $100.
In the second scenario, the men (or women) would also each get $100 a day (or that equivalent) - $2,000 / 20 = $100.

It takes longer to find a block than the larger pools because we don't have as many miners. But having less miners pays better per block because we don't have to share out the block reward to as many other miners as the big pools.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2014, 08:56:48 pm by r05 »
If I have helped you, please consider buying me a beer:
PTS: PZ6ZED8q1i7nQqnZiwFHdgLMELi3sgpnzL
BTC: 1CPF64k1AraWAUiDSh2QthRhbtJJznzRtw

Offline Sadrachss

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1116 on: January 14, 2014, 08:10:20 pm »
Can anybody also realized the slowness is that pool?

Last block.
41961 01/14/2014 11:01:40

Offline r05

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1115 on: January 14, 2014, 05:07:31 pm »
@r05: try compiling the older version of the algorithm, which consumes much less memory:
Code: [Select]
make clean
CFLAGS="-DDEBUG_GPUV3" make -f makefile.unix

and then try several memory amounts from -m 20 (4Mb) to -m 27 (512MB) (default).

If you're still with the same error, I'm lost :( Which graphics card are you running it on? How much RAM on your machine?
I've removed the AMD card for now as I'm putting another nVidia in, but I will test again later tonight for you.

AMD Radeon HD6870, Debian 7, 4GB total RAM, Intel Core2Quad Q9550.
If I have helped you, please consider buying me a beer:
PTS: PZ6ZED8q1i7nQqnZiwFHdgLMELi3sgpnzL
BTC: 1CPF64k1AraWAUiDSh2QthRhbtJJznzRtw

Offline GoldTiger69

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1114 on: January 14, 2014, 05:05:28 pm »
I'm getting this error on Ubuntu 13.10, with AMD App SDK installed:

In file included from CProtoshareProcessor.cpp:10:0:
OpenCLMomentumV3.h:17:23: fatal error: CL/opencl.h: No such file or directory
 #include <CL/opencl.h>
compilation terminated.
make: *** [obj/CProtoshareProcessor.o] Error 1

How do I install OpenCL SDK?

Thanks in advance.