Author Topic: [Witness Proposal] sahkan-bitshares  (Read 26741 times)

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Offline sahkan

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Can you please update your HERTZ price feed to use a real USD price feed reference? bitUSD hasn't been accurate for months now, so your feeds whilst regularly published are about 40% off.


I am using real USD pricing. I will take a look at the script. I keep getting voted in and out so hard to keep a steady pace atm.

Offline R

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Can you please update your HERTZ price feed to use a real USD price feed reference? bitUSD hasn't been accurate for months now, so your feeds whilst regularly published are about 40% off.


Offline sahkan

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You can find my latest update and X-mass giveaway on Steemit:

Offline renkcub

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Offline sahkan

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How did you set up your feeds for BitBTC? Curious as I am suggesting we create an official smartcoin for BitETH, etc...
It uses BitcoinAverage and falls back on the exchanges if that API is not available.

Thanks. is there a "code" for this that is public amongst witnesses you can share? I'd like to tweak it and put out a proposal. Are other witnesses using a similar strategy, or can they use their own?

Yes. We use price feed tools written by other members: BTS Tools, xeroc's price feed and alt's. Look at the guide I wrote:,24046.msg305206.html#msg305206

Offline renkcub

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How did you set up your feeds for BitBTC? Curious as I am suggesting we create an official smartcoin for BitETH, etc...
It uses BitcoinAverage and falls back on the exchanges if that API is not available.

Thanks. is there a "code" for this that is public amongst witnesses you can share? I'd like to tweak it and put out a proposal. Are other witnesses using a similar strategy, or can they use their own?

Offline sahkan

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How did you set up your feeds for BitBTC? Curious as I am suggesting we create an official smartcoin for BitETH, etc...
It uses BitcoinAverage and falls back on the exchanges if that API is not available.

Offline renkcub

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How did you set up your feeds for BitBTC? Curious as I am suggesting we create an official smartcoin for BitETH, etc...

Offline sahkan

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October notes for my witness:

- Updated MCR on HERO to 200%
- Updated my testnet witness and seed on TestNet after last night's testnet crash
- Approved HF, which scheduled for 2017-11-27 14:40 UTC
- Updated my test box to 32 RAM with 32 Swap and ran a full node test on TestNet
- My full node on runs now at 55.6GB RAM, if you want to run a Full node - plan accordingly, This is running on my 96GB RAM Dedicated server, I will upgrade it to 128GB RAM if we pass the 75GB RAM mark
-  To do for next 30 days:
             Update all my servers before the HF
             Upgrade my test box to 64GB RAM
            Build a faucet on to supplement OL

Offline sahkan

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@sahkan could you check`? Regarding HERO

Will get done corrected today if I'm off.
@fav I just checked and DEX is forcing the MCR at 200% based on majority, I will adjust today to reflect that.

Offline sahkan

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@sahkan could you check`? Regarding HERO

Will get done corrected today if I'm off.

Offline fav

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@sahkan could you check`? Regarding HERO

Offline sahkan

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September Witness Update

I just finished updating all my servers (Witness, 2 x Seed Nodes, API server, Test box, Test Net witness, Test Net Seed, Price Feed):

Full node/web wallet/API server: Runs at 43GB RAM, Web wallet just updated to the latest release of 20170830.

I now have a full time server running a witness on the BTS Test net.
Full time testnet seed at:

Looks like we only have 5 active API access points. I hope we will get couple more active to provide ease of use for the traders. I am not pulling detailed statistics on my API server but more or less I average 150 connections/sec.

Have a great BitShares month!

Offline sahkan

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Poloniex doesn't need to run a full node. They should run node with these values configured:

Code: [Select]
track-account = "1.2.20067"
partial-operations = true

Then it will require around 2GB of RAM.

By the way, if you configured your node with "max-ops-per-account" correctly (then it won't be a "full node" any more), it should use around 4GB of RAM but not more than 20GB, so perhaps there is something wrong with your config file. Please note that the new parameters should be added above the first logging section, but not at the end of config.ini file.
Indeed, I added it at the end of the config.ini. But I want to run a full node on my wallet so I will just remove it.
Just a note, it's best to NOT produce blocks on a full node, for example, use it as a public API server in the same time, you may miss blocks when the API service load getting high, thus impact overall performance of the network. If you want to serve more, run another node and best on another VPS/hardware.
I definitely agree.  Mine are on two different dedicated servers.

Offline abit

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Poloniex doesn't need to run a full node. They should run node with these values configured:

Code: [Select]
track-account = "1.2.20067"
partial-operations = true

Then it will require around 2GB of RAM.

By the way, if you configured your node with "max-ops-per-account" correctly (then it won't be a "full node" any more), it should use around 4GB of RAM but not more than 20GB, so perhaps there is something wrong with your config file. Please note that the new parameters should be added above the first logging section, but not at the end of config.ini file.
Indeed, I added it at the end of the config.ini. But I want to run a full node on my wallet so I will just remove it.
Just a note, it's best to NOT produce blocks on a full node, for example, use it as a public API server in the same time, you may miss blocks when the API service load getting high, thus impact overall performance of the network. If you want to serve more, run another node and best on another VPS/hardware.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2017, 11:31:17 am by abit »
BitShares committee member: abit
BitShares witness: in.abit

Offline paliboy

Offline sahkan

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August Witness Update

Hope everyone is having a good time with all the latest happenings. Quick update for this month:
Witness - The datacenter updated rack/core/switch software for the witness server.

Full node/web wallet/API server: Runs at 38GB RAM

Over last few days I have been running different configurations test on the BTS testnet, today I have ordered another VPS server to run a full time witness or seed node on the testnet, it should be up and running by Saturday.

Last month @robrigo claimed the 1K BTS giveaway. So here is another chance for everyone else in August (Paying for a brewski and some fries!):
1. You have voted for my witness: sahkan-bitshares and kept your vote through at least 9 September 2017.
2. Giveaway runs through 9 SEP 2017
3. Be one of my first 10 supporters to post below: "I'LL TAKE THE 100BTS!" and PM me your BTS account name. (This time 10 unique users x 100BTS)
4. I will send your BTS sometime before 9 SEP.
5. If you are using a Proxy and the Proxy is voting on my witness you are eligible! If you got some BTS in previous giveaways you are not eligible for this one.
5. :) Good Luck!

Have a great BitShares day!

« Last Edit: September 03, 2017, 11:29:27 pm by sahkan »

Offline sahkan

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Poloniex doesn't need to run a full node. They should run node with these values configured:

Code: [Select]
track-account = "1.2.20067"
partial-operations = true

Then it will require around 2GB of RAM.

By the way, if you configured your node with "max-ops-per-account" correctly (then it won't be a "full node" any more), it should use around 4GB of RAM but not more than 20GB, so perhaps there is something wrong with your config file. Please note that the new parameters should be added above the first logging section, but not at the end of config.ini file.
Indeed, I added it at the end of the config.ini. But I want to run a full node on my wallet so I will just remove it.

Offline abit

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Poloniex doesn't need to run a full node. They should run node with these values configured:

Code: [Select]
track-account = "1.2.20067"
partial-operations = true

Then it will require around 2GB of RAM.

By the way, if you configured your node with "max-ops-per-account" correctly (then it won't be a "full node" any more), it should use around 4GB of RAM but not more than 20GB, so perhaps there is something wrong with your config file. Please note that the new parameters should be added above the first logging section, but not at the end of config.ini file.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2017, 05:30:46 pm by abit »
BitShares committee member: abit
BitShares witness: in.abit

Offline robrigo

July Witness Update

Witness performace:

As a reminder from @abit to reduce RAM usage for witness nodes, set these parameters in config.ini (since version 2.0.170531)
Code: [Select]
track-account = "1.2.1"
partial-operations = true
The witness RAM requirements are now under 2GB RAM.

Full Node:

The node was completely updated over the weekend. Additional parameters in config.ini (since version 2.0.170606) set to:

Code: [Select]
[code]partial-operations = true
max-ops-per-account = 1000

In the Peerplays telegram channel few days ago JB mentioned that Poloniex complained about the memory usage on their BitShares Full Node. I am not sure if this continues to be an issue (I would think that they should be able to afford a decent server to run BTS) but once again they are displaying their " BTS is currently under maintenance or experiencing wallet/network issues. Deposits and withdrawals will remain disabled until a solution is found, which may require an update from the BTS team. Any updates must be tested and audited before enabling." banner. As you can see from my snapshot above the Full Node runs at about 27.4GB RAM. As we continue to grow and with the latest mods to decrease the memory usage on witnesses, the Full nodes will have to do the heavy lifting for the infrastructure.

Haven't stopped into the referral system so far. With your own faucet you become the default registrar/referer for account create/upgrade, if there's no LTM account (or enough funds?) present in the wallets that uses your node to interface with the blockchain?
For the moment I have not switched to my own faucet. I use the OL's atm.  Setting up a faucet is on my to do list.

Witnesses aside, If the above is true, couldn't we use committee or worker proposals as a temporal fix by choosing full nodes to be included in upcoming light-wallet and releases?
I have already created an update to bitshares-ui on github for this. All new wallets should include the API access for my node. Some web wallets (OL) take only select updates and might not have it included.

Would that be incentive enough to run public full nodes and web wallets without running a business nor marketing, just the required infrastructure?
There is no incentive for it. For now only gateways really need them. But we definitely need more to provide a better experience for the users.

Last month there were no takers for my 1K BTS giveaway. So here is another chance:
1. You have voted for my witness: sahkan-bitshares and kept your vote through at least 31 July 2017.
2. Giveaway runs through 31 JUL 2017
3. Be the FIRST to post below: "I'LL TAKE THE 1,000BTS!" and PM me your BTS account name.
4. I will send your BTS sometime during the first week of August.
5. If you are using a Proxy and the Proxy is voting on my witness you are eligible!
5. :) Good Luck!

Have a great BitShares July!

Hey sahkan... I thought I was voting for you but I forgot to publish changes. Anyways I am now and... I'll take the BTS! :)

Offline sahkan

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July Witness Update

Witness performace:

As a reminder from @abit to reduce RAM usage for witness nodes, set these parameters in config.ini (since version 2.0.170531)
Code: [Select]
track-account = "1.2.1"
partial-operations = true
The witness RAM requirements are now under 2GB RAM.

Full Node:

The node was completely updated over the weekend. Additional parameters in config.ini (since version 2.0.170606) set to:

Code: [Select]
[code]partial-operations = true
max-ops-per-account = 1000

In the Peerplays telegram channel few days ago JB mentioned that Poloniex complained about the memory usage on their BitShares Full Node. I am not sure if this continues to be an issue (I would think that they should be able to afford a decent server to run BTS) but once again they are displaying their " BTS is currently under maintenance or experiencing wallet/network issues. Deposits and withdrawals will remain disabled until a solution is found, which may require an update from the BTS team. Any updates must be tested and audited before enabling." banner. As you can see from my snapshot above the Full Node runs at about 27.4GB RAM. As we continue to grow and with the latest mods to decrease the memory usage on witnesses, the Full nodes will have to do the heavy lifting for the infrastructure.

Haven't stopped into the referral system so far. With your own faucet you become the default registrar/referer for account create/upgrade, if there's no LTM account (or enough funds?) present in the wallets that uses your node to interface with the blockchain?
For the moment I have not switched to my own faucet. I use the OL's atm.  Setting up a faucet is on my to do list.

Witnesses aside, If the above is true, couldn't we use committee or worker proposals as a temporal fix by choosing full nodes to be included in upcoming light-wallet and releases?
I have already created an update to bitshares-ui on github for this. All new wallets should include the API access for my node. Some web wallets (OL) take only select updates and might not have it included.

Would that be incentive enough to run public full nodes and web wallets without running a business nor marketing, just the required infrastructure?
There is no incentive for it. For now only gateways really need them. But we definitely need more to provide a better experience for the users.

Last month there were no takers for my 1K BTS giveaway. So here is another chance:
1. You have voted for my witness: sahkan-bitshares and kept your vote through at least 31 July 2017.
2. Giveaway runs through 31 JUL 2017
3. Be the FIRST to post below: "I'LL TAKE THE 1,000BTS!" and PM me your BTS account name.
4. I will send your BTS sometime during the first week of August.
5. If you are using a Proxy and the Proxy is voting on my witness you are eligible!
5. :) Good Luck!

Have a great BitShares July!

Offline sahkan

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Sometime this weekend I will be running updates on my FULL node - API & web wallet server ( Please make sure that your wallets are backed up! It almost quadrupled in user connections since last update.

Offline abit

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The latest update on my full node is 5-31-17 (tagged release by @abit ), the RAM usage is now over 17GB.


To reduce RAM usage, for witness nodes, please set these parameters in config.ini (since version 2.0.170531)
Code: [Select]
track-account = "1.2.1"
partial-operations = true

For API nodes, please set these parameters in config.ini (since version 2.0.170606)
Code: [Select]
partial-operations = true
max-ops-per-account = 1000

I've recommended these settings in various chat channels.

Please spread the words.
BitShares committee member: abit
BitShares witness: in.abit

Offline rnglab

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hey good job sahkan

Rising the avaibility/performance of web wallets and API nodes on high load moments seems to be high priority.
Web wallets require certain degree of trust. witnesses are already trusted and audited.
Reliably producing blocks and feeds require similar infrastructure management, high availability and hardening skills (plus high load, more complex infraestructure, resources, and daemons to deal with).

It is a good way for a witness to show aptitudes while making a big contribution, and hopely earning something fair as a registrar.
Haven't stopped into the referral system so far. With your own faucet you become the default registrar/referer for account create/upgrade, if there's no LTM account (or enough funds?) present in the wallets that uses your node to interface with the blockchain?

Witnesses aside, If the above is true, couldn't we use committee or worker proposals as a temporal fix by choosing full nodes to be included in upcoming light-wallet and releases?
Whoud that be incentive enough to run public full nodes and web wallets without running a business nor marketing, just the required infrastructure?
Round robin selection could be an incentive for node performance and distribution in such a case.

Sorry for hijacking your thread! I'll paste this elsewhere if someone wants to talk about it.
You have my vote on your witness.

Offline sahkan

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sahkan-bitshares June 2017 Witness Update:

I have updated my witness node to the latest (2 JUN 2017), and utlized all RAM savings that the Devs have been working on for the past few weeks.

The latest update on my full node is 5-31-17 (tagged release by @abit ), the RAM usage is now over 17GB.
Web wallet updated to the latest 2.0.170522 (remember to back up your wallet!)
- You can access the web wallet here:
- If you are already using a light or web wallet and need another api server to improve the performance, add my api server: wss:// (in SETTINGS, ACCESS)

An average usage on the server is 30+ web wallets and 60+ websocket connections for the Light Wallets.

Both seed nodes updated to the latest Tag release.
- Los Angeles, CA
- Maidenhead, UK

The following feeds black swanned and are no longer provided: KRW, SGD, HKD

For the last 9 days or so a handful of BTS witnesses and other SAs were involved in the testing of the new graphene based Peerplays platform. A lot of work went into it improving both, our skills and the platform. Peerplays mainnet is now scheduled to be released sometime between Tuesday, June 6, 2017 at 06:00 UTC and Wednesday, June 7 at 06:00 UTC.

As a thank you for your support of my witness a quick contest! Win 1,000 BTS!
1. You have voted for my witness: sahkan-bitshares
2. Contest runs through 30 JUN 2017
3. You just have to guess (by replying to this post) where my nickname SAHKAN comes from or what it means :) Good Luck!
4. The first person to get it right wins 1,000BTS and I will PM him/her the instructions to get their BTS.

Have a great BitShares week!

Offline sahkan

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sahkan-bitshares Witness Update:

Team, there is a lot of stuff happening lately so I wanted to give you another quick update that might benefit you.

First off snapshot of the Witness server:

Notice the RAM usage, it has increased by 34% in about 23 days. The activity on the DEX is picking up!

I have added a full node with a web wallet:
- You can access the web wallet here:
- If you are already using a light or web wallet and need another api server to improve the performance, add my api server: wss:// (in SETTINGS, ACCESS)

I have replaced my Hawaii seed node with 2 new ones:
- Los Angeles, CA
- Maidenhead, UK

A snapshot of the LA seed:

A great snapshot and witness performance tool is available here: thanks to @roelandp

« Last Edit: May 06, 2017, 05:03:22 am by sahkan »

Offline sahkan

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Powerful witness server, and glad to see the witness team injected fresh blood.

I'm a proxy, you have my vote!
Voting status will be updated in 16:00 ( UTC+8 ).
Thank you, you guys motivate me every day  8)

Offline Yao

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Powerful witness server, and glad to see the witness team injected fresh blood.

I'm a proxy, you have my vote!
Voting status will be updated in 16:00 ( UTC+8 ).

Offline sahkan

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[29 APR 17] sahkan-bitshares Witness Update:

Witness Server Performance:
24 Core, 64GB, 240GB SSD

Price feeds:

Currently 8 Core, 16GB RAM, 2TB HDD

I have added another dedicated server:
Dallas, TX - 16 core, 96GB RAM, 1TB HDD

It's a full node and provides an additional access point to DEX:

You can check the SSL rating here:

If you are running a light wallet and would like to connect to it, you can  go to SETTINGS, ACCESS, ADD API and add: wss://

To do (next few days):
- Test xeroc's new price feed script
- Add a professional price feed, please contribute to this topic:,24006.0.html
- Add a seed node Done, added a seed node on 30 APR 17 - - VPS, 4 cores, 18GB RAM, 90GB SSD
- Upgrade my Hawaii seed

Note to other witnesses: If you want my vote just reply here or PM me your witness server specs: number of cores, ram, disk size and how many seeds you run in addition to your main server. (Hint: your RAM needs to be 16GB or more)

« Last Edit: May 06, 2017, 04:39:47 am by sahkan »

Offline sahkan

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Quick update on my witness:
I wanted to thank everyone that voted for me. Now on the missing blocks: l became an active witness at 2:00AM my time, woke up after 4:00AM and found out than my witness update from yesterday:
update_witness "sahkan-bitshares" ",23996.0.html" "" true
Switched my signing key even though according to the docs, a blank entry should not update the key. Luckily it was a quick fix.

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sorry delegate.freedom RAM not 4GB,is 16GB,  36 months paid
备用服务器:128GB  32 Cores  1TSAS

Thank you, I updated my spreadsheet.

Offline freedom

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sorry delegate.freedom RAM not 4GB,is 16GB,  36 months paid
备用服务器:128GB  32 Cores  1TSAS 
« Last Edit: April 14, 2017, 02:48:14 pm by freedom »

Offline sahkan

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What else would you offer, except the server? What are your skills/how do you complement bitshares?
Even though I've been in crypto for over 4 years now, getting active in a new project is always a change of pace and a learning experience. I definitely have to maintain the server and keep up with the software requirements. Do you have something particular in mind that you would have me do? Or are you also asking for my education? I have a Masters in Computer Science and plenty of certs to go with it.

I'm asking because since the last payment increase for witnesses, running a server is just not enough (in my opinion) to justify a vote.

Yes, you are right. I am not asking you to vote for me unless you feel it will benefit the community. That of course might happen today , in the future or never. As far as the witness pay goes, I think some people try to make an income out of it where in fact that infrastructure should be maintained by people or businesses that utilize DEX and have higher stakes in it and can provide better equipment then what we seem to have now (even though obviously a small VPS can handle now). But with Openledger stepping in now and few individuals that don't depend on that witness income I believe that we can improve the DEX infrastructure by quite a bit and be prepared for a rapid growth in transactions without skipping a beat.

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What else would you offer, except the server? What are your skills/how do you complement bitshares?
Even though I've been in crypto for over 4 years now, getting active in a new project is always a change of pace and a learning experience. I definitely have to maintain the server and keep up with the software requirements. Do you have something particular in mind that you would have me do? Or are you also asking for my education? I have a Masters in Computer Science and plenty of certs to go with it.

I'm asking because since the last payment increase for witnesses, running a server is just not enough (in my opinion) to justify a vote.

Offline sahkan

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What else would you offer, except the server? What are your skills/how do you complement bitshares?
Even though I've been in crypto for over 4 years now, getting active in a new project is always a change of pace and a learning experience. I definitely have to maintain the server and keep up with the software requirements. Do you have something particular in mind that you would have me do? Or are you also asking for my education? I have a Masters in Computer Science and plenty of certs to go with it.

Offline fav

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What else would you offer, except the server? What are your skills/how do you complement bitshares?

Offline sahkan

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Thank you both. I made an attempt to get a current picture of the DEX infrastructure but most of the witnesses are anonymous and did not offer any specs (I had to guess on yours @Thom and probably got it wrong cause you have so many). Maybe @fav can energize everyone to get the gaps filled:

Rank   Witness   Votes   Missed   Server   Cores   RAM   HD   Transfer   Seed Nodes
1   in.abit 1.6.35   776.2M   133   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
2   abc123 1.6.65   759.2M   838   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
3   bhuz 1.6.17   745.8M   1093   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
4   wackou 1.6.18   737.2M   1270   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   1
5   delegate.baozi 1.6.37   734.4M   1016   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
6   fox 1.6.16   726.6M   2892   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
7   witness.yao 1.6.71   724.8M   2136   Linode VPS   4   12GB   96GB   4TB   Uknown
8   verbaltech2 1.6.34   721.9M   1196   VPS   4   8GB   Uknown   Uknown   5
9   rnglab 1.6.45   711.6M   1275   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
10   xman 1.6.64   709.8M   1133   Ali VPS   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
11   jerryliu 1.6.72   699.2M   2747   Linode VPS   6   12GB   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
12   xn-delegate 1.6.59   682.1M   2286   Linode VPS   4   8GB   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
13   witness.still 1.6.69   647.9M   8273   Ali VPS   2   8GB   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
14   delegate-clayop 1.6.27   645.1M   3350   VPS   2   7.5GB   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
15   xeldal 1.6.22   589.5M   920   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
16   datasecuritynode 1.6.49   559.7M   4786   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
17   roadscape 1.6.13   545.8M   1374   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
18   delegate.freedom 1.6.63   436.7M   3570   Aliyun VPS   2   16GB   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
19   harvey-xts 1.6.23   434.2M   4952   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   2
20   delegate.ihashfury 1.6.26   428.6M   865   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
21   spartako 1.6.15   360.9M   968   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
Standby Witnesses                           
Rank   Witness   Votes   Missed                  
22   mr.agsexplorer 1.6.24   339.9M   824   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
23   spectral 1.6.30   321.9M   2208   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
24   delegate.taolje 1.6.38   308.1M   883   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
25   delegated-proof-of-steak 1.6.42   305.9M   2100   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
26   riverhead 1.6.31   297.2M   1117   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
27   maqifrnswa 1.6.43   292.6M   6144   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
28   public-witness-one 1.6.70   289.1M   564   Aliyun VPS   4   16GB   Uknown   Uknown   0
29   roelandp 1.6.74   285.3M   0   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
30   sahkan-bitshares 1.6.73   280.0M   0   Dedicated   24   64GB   240GB SSD   Unlimited   1
31   delegate-1.lafona 1.6.28   279.7M   678   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
32   liondani 1.6.48   274.8M   309   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
33   delegate.btsnow 1.6.40   259.2M   3768   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
34   dragonball 1.6.46   241.1M   260   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
35   plkj 1.6.66   233.7M   0   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
36   checkraiser 1.6.44   229.1M   266   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
37   banxio 1.6.52   227.2M   0   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
38   delegate.webber 1.6.58   226.8M   0   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
39   b33lz38v8 1.6.41   226.7M   0   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
40   dele-puppy 1.6.14   226.2M   3482   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
41   holytransaction 1.6.32   224.9M   86   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
42   bitsharesbanker 1.6.55   220.9M   0   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
43   duplessisc1 1.6.62   220.8M   0   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
44   bts-bitshares-argentina 1.6.33   220.8M   29   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
45   salvation-2016 1.6.61   220.8M   0   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
46   billbutler 1.6.57   220.8M   0   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
47   omalley-crypto 1.6.54   220.8M   0   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
48   chronos-youtube 1.6.67   218.2M   0   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
49   triox-delegate 1.6.29   218.0M   118   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
50   betaxtrade 1.6.39   217.5M   0   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
51   nexus-dev 1.6.68   205.2M   0   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
52   bitcrab 1.6.56   201.1M   0   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
53   blckchnd 1.6.75   186.2M   0   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
54   elmato 1.6.20   156.3M   3006   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
55   cyrano 1.6.21   145.4M   2789   Uknown   Uknown   16GB   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
56   bitcube 1.6.12   130.9M   12829   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
57   bue 1.6.25   121.1M   4234   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
58   mindphlux.witness 1.6.19   46.2M   1746   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
59   openledger-dc 1.6.76   11409   0   Dedicated   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
« Last Edit: April 14, 2017, 03:26:37 pm by sahkan »

Offline Thom

It's great to see another user of Wackou's BTS tools. Nice stats on your server, and good job on your witness proposal as well. I will encourage @xeroc to vote for you.

I also agree with you about the lack of dedication on the part of some witnesses.
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere - MLK |  Verbaltech2 Witness Reports:,23902.0.html

Offline JonnyB

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Nice looking server and nice witness proposal.  :)
I run the @bitshares twitter handle

Offline sahkan

  • Sr. Member
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    • BitShares DEX
Witness proposal for: sahkan-bitshares

Dedicated Production Server with my Witness runs in New York:

Dell PowerEdge Dual Dual Xeon X5650 Hexa-Core CPUs  - 24 Cores @ 2.66 GHz
64 GB of RAM
240 GB SSD

Data Center:
1 Gbit (GigE) Network Port - Unmetered Bandwith
Network Uptime Guarantee: 100%
Power Uptime Guarantee:   100%
100% GREEN data center

Current Performance Snapshot:

Targeted Lifecycle: 2 years (12 months already paid for)

Seed/Backup/Test node runs in Hawaii:
Currently 8 Core, 16GB RAM, 2TB HDD

Price Feed: BTS Tools v 4.9.0 (Thanks to @wackou )
                    I have disabled Yanubi feeds based on some conversations on the forum. If this needs to be enabled I need an active witness to confirm this for me.

A fair amount of work has been done in the past few weeks learning Bitshares (graphene)  and getting everything aligned properly to launch my witness proposal. It’s extremely important to provide a great service for the DEX users and continue to improve upon those services. I understand the responsibility to the Bitshares community and I am providing my Hardware to exclusively support DEX (I have no plans to run steem, muse or any other graphene nodes on my servers). I believe that we need to continue to build a robust platform infrastructure capable of handling heavy loads at a moment's notice.

- I am not affiliated with any other accounts on Bitshares (not running any other witnesses).
- Emergencies might happen (node upgrades due to bugs etc.) therefore I will provide my name, email, phone number and WhatsApp contact information to the following individuals if they ask for it:
1. Anyone with +100MLN votes for my witnesses
2. Key Developers and Committee Members
3. @fav because fav has strict roll calls and I don't want to miss them ;)
4. @JonnyBitcoin
5. Or as required by future developments.

While it's a common fact that we have many highly qualified witnesses running for the (currently) 21 active witness spots it has got to be mentioned that not all witnesses are active, some of them run node versions that are +50 weeks old and are set up on dated VPS platforms. I am not asking for anyone to be voted down, I am just offering capable services to sustain DEX for the months to come either as a standby or active witness.

If you decide to vote on my witness please check my position at: and if your vote makes me an active witness please send me a PM so I can monitor it after the next maintenance window.
[Edit 14 APR 17: I got voted in last night, Thank you! All issues fixed]

I encourage others to get involved. I will put together some guides to hopefuly make it easier. Here is my first one:,23925.0.html
« Last Edit: May 06, 2017, 04:40:15 am by sahkan »