Author Topic: AMD OpenCL Momentum miner  (Read 531138 times)

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Offline Ykw

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Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« Reply #389 on: February 17, 2014, 01:45:31 am »
I have previously reported some windows updates changed some of the performance of the 0.1.4 version... but I got mistaken by the fact that I am using the second GPU for my monitor... and the AMD driver has a "flaw" (in my opinion...) that when the first card to be detected over the PCIe has no Display adapter connected to the RAMDAC... it does not "turn on the full potential of the GPU"...

Simple connect a display there.. you don't use.. or plug-in and plug-out the other card display just to "activate" the RAMDAC...

I had no time to investigate further yet... just reporting.
My drivers are 13.12 (win 7 x86_64)

Just to be sure it's not related to my GPU type, i am using:
PCIe 1: R9 270X
PCIe 2: nothing
PCIe 3: R9 290X (monitor connected)

MOtherboard: ASUS GENE II

NOTE: I guess that while there is no way to say to old BIOS (like X58 chipsets like mine) which is the "main" adapter... where you use your display screen... this will be a problem. But it lacks fixing... as for my logic.. it's considered a driver bug.. to identify the GPU as non-fully-functional...
« Last Edit: February 17, 2014, 01:50:59 am by Ykw »

Offline VSym

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Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« Reply #388 on: February 17, 2014, 01:08:00 am »
A strange thing: if i run my dual 280x right after login (win7x64) with -t 0,0,1,1 it runs fine with 7070 cpm and not "lagged" monitor at gpu 1. if i run cgminer (scrypt) before (and stop this of course), then i can not run at -t 0,0,1,1. Monitor gets heavy lag and mouse is not usable any more, very hard to close miner-window, cpm is down at ~4000. Problem is only the GPU with monitor attached, other one is fine, So i have to run with -t 0,0,1 (3 threads) only after scrypting. Maybe cgminer leaves a mess in gpu, maybe it´s a memory allocation problem in gpu-memory because of graphics? I´m a noob, but is it possible to init gpu (-memory) after start of your miner?

having a similiar problem here with Win7 64, R9 270x and 13.12 driver. if i start the miner directly after login i get 1350 cpm. If i start the miner after cgminer was launched and stoped i get around 560 cpm...i don´t care about that, but it might be interesting for other people testing and wondering about the low hash rate.

Offline Bigboppa

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Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« Reply #387 on: February 16, 2014, 11:28:00 pm »
A strange thing: if i run my dual 280x right after login (win7x64) with -t 0,0,1,1 it runs fine with 7070 cpm and not "lagged" monitor at gpu 1. if i run cgminer (scrypt) before (and stop this of course), then i can not run at -t 0,0,1,1. Monitor gets heavy lag and mouse is not usable any more, very hard to close miner-window, cpm is down at ~4000. Problem is only the GPU with monitor attached, other one is fine, So i have to run with -t 0,0,1 (3 threads) only after scrypting. Maybe cgminer leaves a mess in gpu, maybe it´s a memory allocation problem in gpu-memory because of graphics? I´m a noob, but is it possible to init gpu (-memory) after start of your miner?

Offline Bigboppa

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Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« Reply #386 on: February 16, 2014, 08:48:44 pm »
Win7 64 - 2x 280x@1170/1800:  7070cpm!!!
« Last Edit: February 16, 2014, 09:46:42 pm by Bigboppa »

Offline morecpmplz

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Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« Reply #385 on: February 16, 2014, 05:02:42 pm »
yeah... ubuntu 12.04 LTS
2x r9 290 @ 1125/1400
1x r9 290 @ stock

~12000 cpm

oh, and my cards are always slower with -a 1 than with -a 0. don't know why ...
-a 0 is indeed fastest for R9 290 in Linux.

Think there will be a fix for the Windows side of things?  At the moment I have my mining rig on linux only because how much better your miner performs on the OS with 290x's.  The lack of overclocking utilities and support for the Hawaii cards on linux is pretty underwhelming though.

Does anyone know how to change GPU voltages on nix for Hawaii cards or even how to monitor current voltages?  At the moment all I can control are clocks/mem/powertune/fan.

Offline montecristo83

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Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« Reply #384 on: February 16, 2014, 03:03:38 pm »
Whoa! Didn't discover the recent release until yesterday. Thanks for this massive boost in performance! This is amazing stuff.

Edit: Forgot to mention that I'm using W7 x64, 4 GB RAM, Catalyst 14.1 beta (same performance as 13.12).

5 280X cards in total: (3x R9 280X ASUS DC2T, 1x R9 Gigabyte Windforce 3X and 1x Sapphire Dual-X OC). Total CPM jumped from 10900 CPM to 17100 CPM (~3400 CPM each) with 2 threads but without any extra flags. Each card is running 1100/1500 @ stock voltage right now. Will try with -a 1 and so on.

I did run into an issue that others might need the solution for. On rig #1 (W7 x64 / 4GB RAM), when running 2 threads on all 4 cards the miner would either shutdown, crash or freeze my PC. It would run 3 cards with 2 threads each, but once the 4th card attempted to use 2 threads an error message including some message about memory would pop up.

I eventually realized that the problem was my page file. The initial size was set to 6141MB and the max 8192MB. I doubled both of these values and was able to run all 4 cards with 2 threads each and no issues!

Sent a small amount of PTS for your continued invested time in this project of yours. Will continue doing so as the PTS keeps rolling in. 8)
« Last Edit: February 16, 2014, 04:03:39 pm by montecristo83 »

Offline NaN

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Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« Reply #383 on: February 16, 2014, 02:22:58 pm »
yeah... ubuntu 12.04 LTS
2x r9 290 @ 1125/1400
1x r9 290 @ stock

~12000 cpm

oh, and my cards are always slower with -a 1 than with -a 0. don't know why ...
-a 0 is indeed fastest for R9 290 in Linux.

Offline beatfried

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Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« Reply #382 on: February 16, 2014, 02:08:08 pm »
yeah... ubuntu 12.04 LTS
2x r9 290 @ 1125/1400
1x r9 290 @ stock

~12000 cpm

oh, and my cards are always slower with -a 1 than with -a 0. don't know why ...
« Last Edit: February 16, 2014, 02:09:52 pm by beatfried »

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Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« Reply #381 on: February 16, 2014, 11:56:44 am »
win7 64 amd13.12
280x 3100, but 290 only 2800?
With Linux you will get much more out of the R9 290. Most likely this a Windows Catalyst driver issue.

Offline rots

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Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« Reply #380 on: February 16, 2014, 11:40:55 am »
win7 64 amd13.12
280x 3100, but 290 only 2800?

I released a fast OpenCL PTS-miner for AMD GPUs. The performance is 3100+ c/m on a R9 280X and 1300+ c/m on a 7870, so that this seems to be the fastest released miner. Binaries are available for Windows and 64bit-Linux.
DOWNLOAD v0.1.x: connects to the pool, which has 2.5% pool fees. The developer fees for this version are 7/367 ~ 1.9%.
DOWNLOAD v0.2.x: connects to the pool, which has 5% pool fees. The developer fees for this version are 2.5% to make smaller pools more attractive. The developer fees are automatically transferred by to the developer so the user's miner does not need to reconnect to support the developer.

UPDATE 10: version v0.2 of the miner is released, which supports the pool on If you want to connect to you should use v.0.1.2. The miner does NOT support the 1GH-pool yet because the pool does not implement the latest xpt-protocol but 1GH-pool support is still planned. EDIT There was a typo in the README. The usage of v0.2 is <exe-name> -u <username>.<worker> -p <pass> -t <GPU DeviceID list>

UPDATE 12: I released a new version with large performance improvements. The syntax of the command line options of v0.1.x has changed and one has to specify the device IDs like in v0.2.x (see README). Furthermore, the command line option -a was introduced to select an algorithm. I guess that -a 0 or -a 2 should be fastest on R9 290(X) and -a 1 or -a 3 should be best for non-R9 290(X) cards.

known issues: The miner does not run if the installed Catalyst driver is too old. Multi-GPU support works for most users but sometimes the miner won't work if there are different cards installed. Then you have to run an instance of the miner on each card. The miner is not optimized to run on 5000 and 6000 series GPUs and needs about 1.2GB free GPU RAM.

NOTE 1: When you post errors I appreciate some information about the operating system (Windows or Linux / 32bit or 64bit is sufficient) and the used Catalyst driver. Furthermore you should suppress the section between the stars of the output of the miner excluding the miner version (at the moment it hasn't any relevance but it will become important in the future).

NOTE 2: Please make sure that you are not using an outdated Catalyst version and read the README.

I would be grateful for donations to speed up the development of a version for Nvidia GPUs and 1GH-pool support:
  PTS:  Pk3mHjZrW3HGmx5jMNaN1GhXT2WgXHjRCz
  BTC:  1AumJ5uzz1nuER7pBA6Bh4gNusaxhN85rc

Offline zvs

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Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« Reply #379 on: February 16, 2014, 04:48:35 am »
did you run with 2Thread and -a 1 ??
This is what I'm using right now:

-p x -t 0,1,3 -a 1
Change Driver and try
-px -t 0.0,1,1,3 -a 1
Will do. Should also mention this card is not overclocked, mostly because when I do I don't see a CPM change. Just continues to chill at 2647.

I'm running a 7970 in Windows 7 with -t 0 -a 3 @ 2700cpm, underclocked to hell and voltage approaching performance level 1 levels

the 270 is -t 1 -a 1 @ 1500cpm and also underclocked, temps @ 52oC and 57oC respectively

but I was thinking -t was something else, so i haven't even tried the 7970 with 2 threads or whatever?  nfc.       too lazy to right now
Pls to join Primedice 3 and frolic about merrily whilst gambling awe-inspiring quantities of bitcoins. The power of Christ compels you.

I have a dogecoin p2pool at Nogleg.

Offline wsnnwa

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Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« Reply #378 on: February 16, 2014, 01:01:07 am »
So I'm using Catalyst 13.12 and 2x R9 290X with the following -t 0,0,1,1 -a 1 (tried 0,2,3)

And I'm hovering around 6200-6300 C/M. If I launch more than 1 window the first window will slowly begin loosing C/M. It seems I cannot run Multi Thread on the 290X any suggestions?

It spawns 4 workers but the performance is the same as if I just ran -t 0,1.

Switch to a Linux Distro.

Offline nyxagamemnon

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Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« Reply #377 on: February 15, 2014, 11:30:02 pm »
So I'm using Catalyst 13.12 and 2x R9 290X with the following -t 0,0,1,1 -a 1 (tried 0,2,3)

And I'm hovering around 6200-6300 C/M. If I launch more than 1 window the first window will slowly begin loosing C/M. It seems I cannot run Multi Thread on the 290X any suggestions?

It spawns 4 workers but the performance is the same as if I just ran -t 0,1.

Offline Hukkel

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Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« Reply #376 on: February 15, 2014, 10:36:17 pm »
Wow prices for amd cards are absolutely silly right now in the usa. Prices in Holland are fine here. So if anyone wants some help sourcing a couple of 270€ 280x cards :)

Offline Darkbane

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Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« Reply #375 on: February 15, 2014, 06:15:47 pm »
1094 with success. I think it can go a step lower still, but I'm testing this way, and it's made some good different in C and Watts. But 60C isn't hot man, here I'm running it at 70C!

Yes 60C is not "hot" I guess, but 50C is better ;)

once you add in energy savings too that is the bonus, once you pay for hardware, only cost is energy... reduce cost increase return... thank you for your information, now I just have to figure out the safe way to change BIOS as it seems these cards are locked and using a windows program does not work...

« Last Edit: February 15, 2014, 06:19:16 pm by Darkbane »