while George Soros short HKD in 1998, as the Hong Kong Financial Management Officer, Mr Zeng Yinquan definitely need to do what he can to protect HKD and defeat Soros.
I can't imagine that Mr Zeng invite Soros to a party and tell him :"Well done, Buddy! Hong Kong is a free financial market, do what you like."
Maybe Mr Zeng remove the chance for Soros to buy HKD at the cheapest price, yes, that is his responsibility.
And so do OMO for BTS.
the chanllenge for OMO is how to get the purpose with high efficiency and low risk, surely OMO need to behave better.
Total crap which you have completly no understanding at all.
What you are doing here is mixing political battle using economics comparing to a healthy ecosystem which should grow.
China is since decades in an economical battle with the US to open their money control so the US can flood China with uncontrolled money.For this purpose even Bitcoin was used in the past which leaded to a ban in China .
Sorros attack was an economical attack to weaken the chinese resistense and had nothing to do with making money.Of course when Soros is winning he is making money but this is not economical motivatd but political where you clearly lack of knowledge else you wouldn't use it here.
Also your argument using on a small ecosystem like bitshares is a joke.
Will people here suffer because of a lower price ?Have lower amount of food,being flooded with foreign worthless USD etc like in HK ?
I highly doubt that.The only suffering would be the big bag holders near margin loosing more BTS which would lead to a better distribution.
So this is a clearly fund to protect your own asset.
You are clearly using BTS for your own personal interrest and not for the benefit of the bitshares community cause i didn't saw a single proposal from you about marketing bitshares DEX to get new members .
If i'm not mistaken your vote support is also very thin.You care about liquidity but did you even voted for the DEXBot as example ?
Nothing about that.
The only thing i always see about you the last year is how we keep holding the price up so i won't lose much BTS.
I give a fuck if you lose BTS so as you give a fuck if i buy cheap BTS.
And you are clearly violating every single principle of bitshares dex being a decentralised exchange with full transparency.
You are not decentralised at all using not your funds to dictate a price and most important your transperancy is ZERO.
Another fact is that you give shit about the international community which will lead into a fight since people are tired of your crap and expacially favorising the chinese market destroying the bitusd market and in the same time pushing volume on gdex
Maybe i'm the only one who is talking about it openenly but you can read it everywhere in closed chats.
Commitee members seems to have no balls to tell it to you directly i guess fearing about their benefits however you reached a point were i say clearly STOP ........
You have done a lot for the bitshares community there is no doubt about it but this gives you not the right to start abusing it this way
Also please inform us who approved lowering the Ratio for creating new Assets from higher than 4 to lower than 2 ?
Did the community or commitee members decided or even talked about it ?
I hope you are also aware of it that many people stopped buying BTS when it was on rank 24/25 claiming its overpriced and that this value doesn't represent any real value growth.
Its just a pump which always leads sometime to a dump like when your buy wall was eaten