Gridcoin community has begun customizing the Bitshares web wallet, prioritizing OPEN.GRC as a featured asset & main trading pair against many important BTS assets!
It only took a day of editing (and a day of messing with the build environment) to get this far. It's not a live wallet for the public, but still in development & open-source for anyone to run locally.
I might create a guide for setting up a similar build environment using Windows and Virtualbox if anyone's interested?
I hope to add in new drop-down menus to the right of 'Deposit/Withdraw', linking to the other web wallets (OpenLedger, FreedomLedger, BTSABC, etc) and to BOINC/BTS/Gridcoin community links. The *.JSX is a tad confusing though..
Some of the screenshots still show Open.BTC being used as the trading pair, this has been changed.