Just saying, we should avoid labeling people. A person in poverty or has difficulties to manage his own financial status so unable to pay his bill or debt occasionally doesn't mean he is a scammer or not qualified for contributing as a worker or a witness.
True, I agree. However, lets not rely on an edge case to base our policy / decisions on.
We definitely need a way to dis-incentivize traders who habitually break the rules (in this case allowing collateral to drop under 100%, or whatever minimum standard is set by committee).
Every crypto ecosystem needs to have a quality, "ungamed" reputation system. How can you argue against that when most crypto projects rely on a diverse / dispersed group of people with widely varied cultures and different levels of knowledge (about any subject, but especially economics, technology and geo-politics)? There are quite a few arguments that would end sooner and be less disruptive to communities if we had this. With that said tho rep systems are difficult to create in a way that can't be gamed or undermined in some way. Just look at how controversial flagging is on steemit as evidence.
We need to balance the needs of ALL users of BitShares, and that's not an easy task. Nobody, including traders, should get away with breaking our consensus rules without a penalty. No penalty is an incentive to break rules. IDK if a consensus to temporarily revoke LTM status can be gained or if it is the best way to do it, but I'm willing to bet if that were the penalty 2 things would happen for sure:
1 - traders and perhaps a few others will complain loudly
2 - traders would not allow their collateral to drop low enough to trigger LTM revocation, at least not twice.
IMO traders have a stronger voice here than hodlers. Not enough dedication / involvement towards longevity and utility for all longterm.
I keep hearing about the impossible trinity, what about the impossibility of this trinity:
1) Safe trading (protection from undercollaterized assets which could lead to a catastrophic cascade collapse, as we're on the verge of in mainstream / centralized / manipulated ecomomy)
2) low to zero collateral for short positions (i.e. < 100%)
3) guaranteed redemption of collateral (with some exceptions)
The only item of those 3 which does NOT currently have consensus is item #2. If tight peg is valued over items 1 or 3 then make an official proposal to alter the rules and campaign shareholders or the few proxies in control of this ecosystem to gain consensus on it.