Author Topic: The Significance of what we are doing...  (Read 16875 times)

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Offline Troglodactyl

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He'd urge you to try driving on the left until *you* change your mind

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk

Indeed, and I was asking for that given my arbitrary choice of example. :P

However, that sort of all or nothing insistence isn't generally an efficient method of building network effect.  There's a difference between the hypocrisy of arguing for a new system as an absolute moral requirement without following its principles and arguing that a new consensus would increase efficiency if widely adopted.

Offline toast

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He'd urge you to try driving on the left until *you* change your mind

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk

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Offline Troglodactyl

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For what it is worth, I am less concerned with conveying my worldview than I am with asking everyone to live by the precepts that he or she advocates for others. Since early adulthood, I have referred to this as 'metarchy' from 'meta-' in the sense of self-referential analysis, and '-archy'.

In this way, rather than try to convince anyone to see the world as I do, I would ask only that academic communists be forbidden to hold property, that supporters of the social welfare society be taxed at very high rates, that racists be forbidden to live near or work among individuals of different ethnicities, that anti-immigrationists be denied passports, etc.

Help the helpful, be kind to the kind, police the police, judge the judges, tolerate the tolerant, sneer at the arrogant, and stay off my lawn.

There's some value in this approach, but it's also possible to disagree with the consensus while recognizing the value of having a consensus.  If I have a strong preference for driving on the left, but live in a country where the consensus is to drive on the right, would you urge me to drive on the left until I convince everyone else to alter the consensus?  Or should I live with and follow the current consensus while working toward an alternative?

Offline CWEvans

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For what it is worth, I am less concerned with conveying my worldview than I am with asking everyone to live by the precepts that he or she advocates for others. Since early adulthood, I have referred to this as 'metarchy' from 'meta-' in the sense of self-referential analysis, and '-archy'.

In this way, rather than try to convince anyone to see the world as I do, I would ask only that academic communists be forbidden to hold property, that supporters of the social welfare society be taxed at very high rates, that racists be forbidden to live near or work among individuals of different ethnicities, that anti-immigrationists be denied passports, etc.

Help the helpful, be kind to the kind, police the police, judge the judges, tolerate the tolerant, sneer at the arrogant, and stay off my lawn.

Offline fuzzy

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Offline G1ng3rBr34dM4n

Point noted about extreme political views...  Unlike debates with left vs right, communism vs democracy, gay rights, etc all of these views require everyone to adopt their system and threaten to hurt those who do not get with the program.   I merely promote views that don't threaten to hurt anyone.   Though, I suppose most other views by their very nature would threaten to hurt me for not getting with their program.   Look what happened to Jesus for simply telling people to love their enemies, turn the other cheek, give to the poor, go two miles if you are compelled to go one.   

Do you believe that the myth of Jesus is actually true? Would you describe yourself as any of the following: atheist, theist, deist, Christian?  Just so that I can understand exactly where you are coming from.

None of the above.  After seeing the complete ignorance of the vast majority of society on every other area of inquiry (Money, Economics, Government, Electricity, Health, etc) combined with the complete corruption of any kind of commitment to the truth by every political entity since Genesis was first penned I have no trust in any other individual to accurately convey a message over 2000 microseconds let alone 2000 years, through multiple cultures and languages.   Always and everywhere the history books are written by the victors to serve as propaganda for their rule.   Lies and myths are accepted as truth today despite clear evidence to the contrary from first hand experience.   People DIE for these lies thinking they are fighting for freedom.   

Does God exist or do we live in the matrix?  I believe the answer can only be found within.  All of history is a myth and the future a dream.  Only now, in this moment, do they exist and are available to guide our next action.

I've been searching for years for this deep of an understanding of what I believe to be my own inner feelings in regards to what others call religion.  Thank you bytemaster, for the articulation of something I've been striving to put into words for so long... :-)

Offline Ykw

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Point noted about extreme political views...  Unlike debates with left vs right, communism vs democracy, gay rights, etc all of these views require everyone to adopt their system and threaten to hurt those who do not get with the program.   I merely promote views that don't threaten to hurt anyone.   Though, I suppose most other views by their very nature would threaten to hurt me for not getting with their program.   Look what happened to Jesus for simply telling people to love their enemies, turn the other cheek, give to the poor, go two miles if you are compelled to go one.   

Do you believe that the myth of Jesus is actually true? Would you describe yourself as any of the following: atheist, theist, deist, Christian?  Just so that I can understand exactly where you are coming from.

None of the above.  After seeing the complete ignorance of the vast majority of society on every other area of inquiry (Money, Economics, Government, Electricity, Health, etc) combined with the complete corruption of any kind of commitment to the truth by every political entity since Genesis was first penned I have no trust in any other individual to accurately convey a message over 2000 microseconds let alone 2000 years, through multiple cultures and languages.   Always and everywhere the history books are written by the victors to serve as propaganda for their rule.   Lies and myths are accepted as truth today despite clear evidence to the contrary from first hand experience.   People DIE for these lies thinking they are fighting for freedom.   

Does God exist or do we live in the matrix?  I believe the answer can only be found within.  All of history is a myth and the future a dream.  Only now, in this moment, do they exist and are available to guide our next action.

You are a dreamer man! =) Your thoughts just travel over multiple directions seeking for joy in finding new knowledge and ideas to discuss...

Can't leave aside my gratitude for such great help to the world...  +5%

Offline CryptoN8

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umm... is that... you?  :D
I wish... it's The Dude.

In my defense, I was just a child when the movie came out haha
Well then I would say it's awesome that you're involved with cryptocurrency at your current age. 8)

Offline jae208

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Offline jae208

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I read through it all, and I love it. So very exciting to be involved with this project, company, and mindset. It's going to be big!
Sorry, I had too... It's the feeling I get after reading threads like this.

umm... is that... you?  :D A work in progress
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Offline CryptoN8

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I read through it all, and I love it. So very exciting to be involved with this project, company, and mindset. It's going to be big!
Sorry, I had too... It's the feeling I get after reading threads like this.

Offline danonthehill

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Offline bytemaster

Point noted about extreme political views...  Unlike debates with left vs right, communism vs democracy, gay rights, etc all of these views require everyone to adopt their system and threaten to hurt those who do not get with the program.   I merely promote views that don't threaten to hurt anyone.   Though, I suppose most other views by their very nature would threaten to hurt me for not getting with their program.   Look what happened to Jesus for simply telling people to love their enemies, turn the other cheek, give to the poor, go two miles if you are compelled to go one.   

Do you believe that the myth of Jesus is actually true? Would you describe yourself as any of the following: atheist, theist, deist, Christian?  Just so that I can understand exactly where you are coming from.

None of the above.  After seeing the complete ignorance of the vast majority of society on every other area of inquiry (Money, Economics, Government, Electricity, Health, etc) combined with the complete corruption of any kind of commitment to the truth by every political entity since Genesis was first penned I have no trust in any other individual to accurately convey a message over 2000 microseconds let alone 2000 years, through multiple cultures and languages.   Always and everywhere the history books are written by the victors to serve as propaganda for their rule.   Lies and myths are accepted as truth today despite clear evidence to the contrary from first hand experience.   People DIE for these lies thinking they are fighting for freedom.   

Does God exist or do we live in the matrix?  I believe the answer can only be found within.  All of history is a myth and the future a dream.  Only now, in this moment, do they exist and are available to guide our next action. 
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