Author Topic: Huge spending will lead to the collapse of BTS  (Read 10258 times)

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Offline ljk424

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Beos for many great project budget voted, but without the largest contribution to the voting BTS + purse, Beos option is really in BTS, better, or in order to maximize their own interests? I can't understand, in fact, Beos are doing the very harmful for BTS community!

Offline xeroc

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Please explain to me, the daily trading volume is 2M Yuan, and you complain about 16M being allocated over the next 6-12 months? Is that what you are saying?
Also, if you can find developers that can do high quality work for less than 100$/hr, please come forward with them. Surely none of our core developers would (and should) work for less (IMHO).
Quality has its price.

Also, BEOS has its own subforum, I suspect you can reach them there better.

Offline zhouxiaobao

      According to rough statistics, the total amount of funds applied for by all of the workers this year is about 26 million yuan, and about 8 million yuan has been allocated.
     None of the projects have been fully allocated except for one worker named “steemfest”.
     Now the funding gap is more than 16 million yuan, and now the daily BTS trading volume is even less than 2 million yuan.It is clear that in such a flagging market, the withdrawal of such a large amount of money will inevitably lead to the collapse of BTS prices.
     In the end, these workers will not get enough money also, even if the vote went through.
     What's more, these workers are extremely corrupt, wasteful and inefficient. These worker's programmers, for example, earn more than $100 an hour.
      BEOS, who had about 350 million votes, voted for most of the workers ,I wish BEOS to reconsider his voting strategy.
      I appeal to all of you vote on "redund400k", to reduce this huge expenditure and rescue BTS.

     Here you can find out part of the amazing spending on these workers:
« Last Edit: August 27, 2019, 09:20:05 am by zhouxiaobao »