Well, that is certainly scary.. For everyone... Must have worked a bunch of times on some poor souls...
Any info on how this works? It's possible that an unrelated account propose to have added permission onto another account? That sucks and it should be ONLY the other way around... Parent accounts must be able to allow child accounts in, but child accounts should not be able to ask parent accounts to control them...
Client is updated. Says Bitshares.190424 and that an update is available, but it always says that even though I have the latest, so that is annoying. Wondering why...
Having that said, the Create Proposals are still visible in my Activity, don't see a difference with the new client. I never caught a proposal when it was still active, so that must be why.
Beside that, what can we do about those scum accounts? Support BSIP #154? BSIP #2658?
Thanks again!