I've heard multiple people say it was better to eliminate mining and add angelshares because that "makes the deal better for PTS holders" but really that's a bunch of garbage.
Before if you wanted to get Bitshares you could do it one of two ways - Acquire Protoshares or Mine Bitshares when it came out. That meant anyone not wanting to mine or risk buying at post-launch market prices had to buy Protoshares, it was the only way.
Of course, Invictus didn't make any money off of that and so here comes Angelshares and the new deal where now instead of 10% of BTS going to PTS holders and 90% being mined over a number of years, it would be 50% with the other 50% going towards Angelshares holders. This makes sense for Invictus because now they have money pouring in, but for PTS holders? It means that your exclusivity is not only gone but so is any advantage you had. Since 100% of the money supply is out day one you'll have immediately depressed prices as people sell to recapitalize some of their gains in Bitcoin or move out entirely as they see the financial opportunity having passed.
Again, this is fine for Invictus, they got the funds and aren't much impacted except being able to buy more of the cheap BTS themselves. It does however make one wonder why it was even worth buying or acquiring PTS since a) BTS will be available cheaply due to over supply and b) PTS is the WORST way to vest yourselves with Bitshares because of the math at work. On February 28th Protoshares holders will get 1-1.5 Bitshares per PTS. On February 28th Angelshares holders will get 3-4 Bitshares per AGS. They both "cost" the same, but the more people who go into angelshares per day the worse the deal is for all of them. Protoshares holders have the option of getting the worst return on investment available or giving their money to invictus and competing with everybody else for the remaining AGS before none of this matters any more.
When the deal gets better for someone, it gets worse for someone else. I continue to be disappointed by the inability to acknowledge that.
Personally, I saw the price drop as an opportunity to buy more. This is precisely what I did, and at a discount...especially if BitShares takes off and they can use most of the code for new DACs.
I am not so sure how PTS is garbage. Has Invictus come out and said they plan to no longer develop DACs that honor PTS?
I've read Adam Levine's comments and I'm a bit confused as to why PTS-investors are getting such a raw deal. If I understand correctly the funding boost via AGS has increased the chance of succes and value plus roi of pts-holders immensely, without the pts-holders having to do or risk anything. (It even sounds like the ags-campaign has averted a trainwreck, because of the lack of funding)
Then again, I have not heard the LTB-show and only got wind of bitshares and Invictus after the ags-option was added. So from my perspective if only LTB-listerners were supposed to reap the maximum benefits of the Bitshares deal, that would be unfair and a raw deal for me and the people I've alerted to this.
So seeing how I only happened on this project by chance (because I was actively searching for projects like this, instead of alt-coins) I agree completely that Invictus could use some major PR and marketing work. Planning and investing more in clear information and getting the word out, could definitely increase attention and investments for Invictus. Each day you delay this is costing you(and us) dearly. Even worse I've heard loads of people taking credit for what I've only recently heard were Larimers/Invictus ideas to begin with. Ethereum and other so called 2.0 (I know horrible term since were not even close to crypto 1.0 yet) are reaping the hype benefit for concepts that should have brought attention and support for Invictus.
agreed...and then you get into the fact that one of the main people hyping Ethereum actually left Invictus to do so...and there are questions as to why that I have resigned to admitting will likely never be answered. I won't get into it again on here, but one should definitely research this on their own--and see my angry rant (somewhere on this forum).
To the Raw Deal PTS represents, as it stood before AGS, my BitShares PTS were only going to give me a 10% allocation of the total number of BitShares X when they came out. Afterward it gave me 50%, which is a 40% increase if I just HELD my PTS. This means everyone who thought investing in PTS before AGS came out is now getting 5x as many BitShares X. If they believed in Invictus enough to invest in BitShares AGS (AngelShares), they would be getting (using Feb 28th snapshot) approximately 12x the original deal.
As for miners...what is keeping miners from mining PTS to this day? Nothing...If they wanted to get a coin to mine, pump and then dump then sure they will be pissed, because BitShares PTS explicitly incentivizes people to hold them (much like Bitcoin). I fail to see how any of this can be labeled garbage...that is unless the VC from China is someone with ties to HSBC or some other banking cartel (*cough cough*).
The ONLY thing that I would fear, as an investor, is Devs coming in and copying all of Invictus hard work and then not honoring the social consensus in any meaningful way. This is still possible, but Invictus used their brains to hedge against that as well...the AGS funds help to protect their intellectual capital by allowing them to HIRE Developers of promise and keep one step ahead at best and, at worst, have the ability to compete against those who would attempt to use their hard-earned capital (in time, experience AND money) to construct something similar. AGS helps them retain the first movers advantage.
Really at a loss how any of this is bad, and trust me I was originally PISSED that they changed plans after I invested. But Invictus listened to our concerns and went above and beyond to ensure the community was well compensated for their trust and the extra perceived risk they were taking by keeping their PTS after the change of strategy. Those who left...well they don't have BitShares PTS or BitShares X, but they can still buy PTS/AGS for the next round.
Disclosure: I learned of PTS from Adam's show and invested in them 4 days after launch. This has been a so-far wonderful experience for me...though I do reserve the right to change my mind in the future (but probably will not unless they as people change)